


I cant help thinking that group RvR would be a lot more fun if the insta-mezz/stun was removed. Especially the AE versions. This would mean landing a mezz would be harder, since caster would have to stop to cast and would have to consider cast time.

Question is if this would hurt some realms more than others. Midgards main CC class, the healer, doesnt have quickcast for example, so he would have a harder time casting CC than an alb sorcerer.

What is peoples oppinions on this?

Would it mean more fun in RvR and would this hurt one realm more than others and what could be done to counter this?


wouldnt work unless we put the ae-mez on the cleric or friar, cant compete vs a caster with over 330+ dex if u are a non-caster yourself. but im in for removing the insta, sure


Originally posted by tildson
wouldnt work unless we put the ae-mez on the cleric or friar, cant compete vs a caster with over 330+ dex if u are a non-caster yourself. but im in for removing the insta, sure

Mid: Supprunies get it.
Hib: Lighteldies get it.
Result: on pure casters in all realms.

Chance to happen: 0%

Number times issue have been raised: infite :D


Easy way to balance it would be to put the cleric insta mez on a range and make the timer the same as hibgard.

But this won't happen, Mythic are scared witless of even touching cc balance.


Originally posted by Pixie.Pebr
Mid: Supprunies get it.
Hib: Lighteldies get it.
Result: on pure casters in all realms.

This would require runie and elds to seriously improved or sorcs nerfed :) both dur and area ;)



Originally posted by dracus
This would require runie and elds to seriously improved or sorcs nerfed :) both dur and area ;)


no it would require casters to be more viable to play in RvR, atm they are useless in this dark-age-of-tankalot and the ones playing them usually just get frustrated with low HPs, interrupts (thats the biggest fuckup imo) , overall resistances and determination. Sure they work in zergs but other than that... not really if you compare to a tankbased group.

Even hibs are starting to run tankgroups and that should say something about how bad it actually is now.


Originally posted by 533N
I cant help thinking that group RvR would be a lot more fun if the insta-mezz/stun was removed. Especially the AE versions. This would mean landing a mezz would be harder, since caster would have to stop to cast and would have to consider cast time.

Question is if this would hurt some realms more than others. Midgards main CC class, the healer, doesnt have quickcast for example, so he would have a harder time casting CC than an alb sorcerer.

What is peoples oppinions on this?

Would it mean more fun in RvR and would this hurt one realm more than others and what could be done to counter this?

Your an alb right ?!

Originally posted by klavrynd
same whine different words imo

what klav said..


Give Darkness Spiritmaster CC ability (the one healers have)
Give Light Enchanter CC ability (the one bard have)

and then you got mind sorc :)

Wouldn't this be good? would get less pbaoe chanters :p


you cant compare primary mezz (1+ min one) with secondary mezz (30 sec one)
we can remove healer mezz and keep sm, but then you have to remove sorc mezz and keep theurg


Originally posted by old.anubis
you cant compare primary mezz (1+ min one) with secondary mezz (30 sec one)
we can remove healer mezz and keep sm, but then you have to remove sorc mezz and keep theurg

they´re talking about MOVING the healer CC to the SM... next time read the replies


You don't have to remove healer mez, you just need to move caster calibre lines on to cloth caster classes where they belong.

Short duration short range insta aoe cc would be bearable I suspect if it were on cloth classes that would have to risk being near the front lines to cast it.


While you're at it, give healers double spec buffs and thanes end regen chants. Also give healers smite.
Shamans need to have double-handed speccable weapon and get to outdamage tanks.
Skalds need stealth, ablative songs, climb walls and such and the whole of Midgard needs overpowered ras.

Then i might agree.


Yes healer Aug probably needs help - though the difference is often overstated.

Yes you've picked out some underpowered classes there.

The reason midgard classes don't get fixed is that you've always had healer pac + at least one overpowered class.

The day midgard isn't overpowered by savages and pac healers is the day Mythic will look seriously at putting Thanes on a par with Reavers and Skalds on a par with Minstrels.

This is the essential dilemma midgard has, the prescence of overpowered classes has always balanced the existence of underpowered classes, and prevented the fixing of said classes.


weeeeee, more nurf midgard threads

you guys do realise that it's not the insta CC thats the main problem? it's the CC system in general.

Mez should be PvE only, and all CC in RvR should be roots, snares and shield stuns (dont tell me that littly pointy dagger the arab gimp is wielding stuns a troll for 9 seconds.... thats BS).

atleast when you're rooted, you're in the fight, rather than being fodder / feeling useless when stunned or mezzed.


Originally posted by SilverHood
Mez should be PvE only, and all CC in RvR should be roots, snares and shield stuns (dont tell me that littly pointy dagger the arab gimp is wielding stuns a troll for 9 seconds.... thats BS).

When the said troll smacks that arab gimp with a barn door, he should be stunned.

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