Info regarding UK servers...



Hi, i'm known on Palomidies server as Pilgrim Rugworm currently lvl 22 full rejuv cleric. Including some mid 30-40 characters, moth balled.

I'm from scotland, and have been playing on the U.S. servers since the end of beta3 of the U.S. version of Daoc.

That was over 8 months ago. With adsl connection its not as laggy as it once was.

I've played several characters on all the realms.

Questions i am wanting answer to... how many people on avg is there on the british servers?

When did european version get released?

Do you have the trade bug where you find you cannot trade, and have to relog to do so?

Having seen server at 4 am and its got a total of 91 players on it, i'm surprised you don't leave daoc europe and join us on US servers. Where the avg is much higher and the fun much greater.

Realm v Realm is more fun when theres 50 aside. if things were to improve uk side i am sure many of the current uk and european players on the U.S. servers would be happy to switch servers.


aka Ruagh Wyrmm, Pilgrim, Jondoe and various others....


dont know about that trade bug?
when i now look prydwen, there was only 60 player online, time allmost 8am -2gmt.
us server play many english speaking, and if they wonder why these euro server isnt so many player? maybe its good time look mirror.
copple my friends play there, and maybe if i was so lucky when looking this game get us version, has my characters there too.

euro servers we play euro time, so late nights not so many player, who is up 3-5am? if need go school, or work 7am, believe most are sleeping.
same time us server is best time to play, evening or early night local time.
after 9am start player ammount in euro slowly grow, and us server go down, us player go sleep and we get up there etc etc.

so if want more player in english server, those who playes us server need move to euro server.
not so easy choice.


Well, the trade bug is alive and kicking here on the european servers:)

As for population, Prydwen is, on a good evening (CET), populated by around 1500-1600 ppl. Exalibur has around 2200 max. A couple of the German and French servers has a bit more, maybe around 3000 when it's really growded.

I would wish for more ppl here, but I will not move - not yet at least. As long as I'm not ready for RvR, I really don't need all that ppl:)


All depends on the time you check really.

Atm 886 Excali 544 Pryd.

US servers range from Morgan Le Fay 774 with the most to Pellinor 247 with the least.

But check these 16:00-23:00 UK time and theres a lot more people on the UK servers than the US ones.


Hmm. Thx for info.

I'll not get into argument over whos on and when or why :p

I don't need to work so i play late. usually avg 3pm - 3am 12 hour shifts in daoc :)

It shows if trade bug exsist, that it must be a synchronising thing between players as much as it is a bug in the game, its never been fixed on u.s. servers.

Think i might suggest to uk players on our server, it was one of the first to populate, that we move to uk server.

As for german servers being high pop, not surprising, germans love rpg games, probably more so then any other race.

If i see copy of euro doac i'll pick one up and see you all ingame sometime.

One other thing i was wondering,

Whats the avg realm population? on either of the uk servers?

in US servers most Realms are more populated on albion servers followed by midgard then hibernian. Usually the mids and hibs have to allie together to beat the albions. ie they don't attack each other, just us.

This makes rvr or pvp on battlegrounds a one sided affair. Tiwaz if you have lvl 24 you should be able to play in Bg pvp/rvr


Eh you forget we dont get patches for several months :)

We are still on 1.45 :(
No BG...
No DF....

NO FUN! (well not as much)

US copy is in the post and on its way to my door but I will still play with my buddies on Euro aswell :p


Originally posted by rugster
As for german servers being high pop, not surprising, germans love rpg games, probably more so then any other race.


Like the way u refer to the Germans as a completly different race :p


I blame the french :eek: and goa in particulary. Just accept that english is the global language.


Like the way u refer to the Germans as a completly different race :p

lol, no actually i do not refer to the germans as a different race!!

and no intention to do so was made either.

must admit tho, Mythics idea of having the french host this game was a seriously stupid mistake. My connection via adsl to the goa backbone is worse then to the mythic one.


Aren't the Germans a completely different SPECIES? :D

The two English Euro servers seem to have albion and midgard tying in terms of population size (thanks to the Scaninavians also liking RPGs and feeling the call of the fjords), with Hibby lagging behind.

RvR on Prydwen at the mo sees Midgard leading, and Hib/Alb have been teaming up a lot recently. Although a large number of high level Middies *seem* to have wandered off, meaning that we aren't as dominant in RvR as we have been ....



/em waves black/red/gold flag



well, 80% of Midgard prydwen is scandinavian, so what do you expect :)
in time, everything will even out on prydwen

dunno about Excal, as all midies I know have an alt on albion, which means that reakm has more than the other realms


Dont worry they get nerf in later patchs especially trolls


Only the board trolls...

People need to play hibby more :) Albion on Excal is the big realm (though not the most powerful by that much... think it's winning atm? could be wrong), Midgard is the big lot on Pryd.

Maybe if we get a 3rd server it'll be hibsville ;) (or is that going to be orcaine?)

Orin Askhammare

What the hell is there to be nerfed about Trolls? Sure they're strong, but they pay for that by having less Con and pretty crappy Dex? Dunno what has to be nerfed when it comes to any race tbh. They seems pretty well balanced to me...


I've read nothing in any of the patch notes about trolls being nerfed, hence the comment 'only the board trolls' as it was an attempt to get a flame war going, no?

Maybe I'm wrong, gimme a URL :)

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