


Im just starting an infiltrator and would be grateful if someone could reccomend a good Spec for one.

thanks in advance


Doubt it will matter mate, come 1.62 just head to mtk/mmg and farm the SB's regardless of spec ;)

Just attack the guys wearing black going MooOOOoooo.



I'm being lighthearted btw, before the flames start.

I find that slash infs take me out without any problems at all, they seem to hit me harder than I hit them with the dreaded doublefrost.

So if you want to kill SB's go slash, you may not get the same joy against NS though as their leather is slash resistant.

I personally would love access to dragonfang so would prolly go thruster.

Wether you're hacking at my SB with slash and poking at me with thrust it all hurts.

As for exact speccing best ask your fellow Alb Infs, I've only ever played one to mid 30's.

For BG1 I went something like 21 crits 21 thrust 19 stealth and 11 envenom, add +5 to all those for items and youve got a pretty good BG1 spec. You could even try autotraining stealth to 24 and get yourself an extra 20 points to play with.


a common infi spec is 35 stealth 44 cs 50 thrust 18 dw 35 envenom


Originally posted by Skopti

For BG1 I went something like 21 crits 21 thrust 19 stealth and 11 envenom, add +5 to all those for items and youve got a pretty good BG1 spec. You could even try autotraining stealth to 24 and get yourself an extra 20 points to play with.

21 Crits
17 Env
18 Stealth
18 Slash
6 DW


Originally posted by Vasconcelos
21 Crits
17 Env
18 Stealth
18 Slash
6 DW

I would go with that too since the only good style thrust has comes at 50...imo..... so slash would be best :)


Originally posted by Recundis
a common infi spec is 35 stealth 44 cs 50 thrust 18 dw 35 envenom

... and a common infil is gimped and stops after getting pwned too much at some rr4- rr5...

Go 50 crit/trust, 34 stealth and 35 envenum. (Req. autotrain stealth to 44). then u have 0 points left and r specced for rr5 (gets Lifebane then).

then respec at rr7 to get some in DW.

btw this is a crit spec, and u wont do good in duels etc. the spec is what an infil is for, striking PA chain and leave the scene... Vanish is good to get for that, and then Purge. See Hidden is (or WAS) a must, but i donno about till next patch (gonna chk it on some 'common' scout ;) )

It all depends on how u wanna play rly. I like the soloing and PA other soloers.


50 CS gives u 54 extra damage on ur PA cap over 44 CS, nothing very noticiable. Dont think u would kill much more faster than with the 44 CS specc, and it will cost u loads of specc points to get from 44 to 50 in the line.
Moreover, the lvl 50th style (Ripper), has his damage bugged (less than Leaper one despite its a 4th style in the chain).

Vanish: bugged RA due to the load of pets chasing ya throu stealth, DoTs, ...
See Hidden: maybe more handy now with the new hunter generation, but only for a few weeks till 1.62 arrives. Personally, i never liked this RA, had it n used it once every 3 hours, n when i saw a solo hunter, he had 2 sbs stuck to his arse so......


Originally posted by Vasconcelos
n when i saw a solo hunter, he had 2 sbs stuck to his arse so......

Thus meaning the hunter in question, was not actually solo as you stated? :)


U only using Vanish every 3 hours u say ?

hmm, i use vanish whenever i PA-chain a tank to get a 2nd PA-chain in on him - it rocks! (yea yea, i know its an expensive RA just to kill a tank, but still fun - and fun is whats it all about ;) )

50th style Ripper is crap, yes, but 54 more dmg (donno exact so i trust u on that one) on PA and a more dmg on everystyle compat (Garrote and Archilles) is quite good imo

See Hidden - Well, tbh i think its good now, but donno how it works after next patch


Originally posted by old.shotgunstow
Thus meaning the hunter in question, was not actually solo as you stated? :)

Hehe :p as far as SH concerns, he is "solo" :rolleyes:

Originally posted by zlair
U only using Vanish every 3 hours u say ?

hmm, i use vanish whenever i PA-chain a tank to get a 2nd PA-chain in on him - it rocks! (yea yea, i know its an expensive RA just to kill a tank, but still fun - and fun is whats it all about ;) )
Read my post again.
I didnt even bother to purchase Vanish, i was talking about SH, and was talking about a past time (with 1.52 or 1.54) when u found a hunter once in a full moon ;)
10 points spent only to double PA a solo tank once every decade doesnt seem to be a worthy bussines to me. But, who knows, i hope Mythic will adress the RA........ :rolleyes:

Originally posted by zlair

50th style Ripper is crap, yes, but 54 more dmg (donno exact so i trust u on that one) on PA and a more dmg on everystyle compat (Garrote and Archilles) is quite good imo

54 extra damages on PA CAP wont give u the fast "kill n run" u imagine (despite in the case of a happy solo caster runing in straight line on epic armor, and if so, i can almost 1 shot him even with my 39CS).
Plus: going from 44 to 50 in CS costs 285 specc points, thats loads of points only to increase ur cap with CS styles in 54 damages. I rather prefer to spend those points in 18DW (more if u autotrained) n raise the chances of hitting with left hand n using a 2nd poison.
Moreover, except in the case above (solo n00b caster). I dont think the "fast-kill-n-run" exists anymore since spellcraft was implemented.


There's a balance to be found with raising CS at the cost of DW. If you want high PA (and other CS style) damage you need a good level of CS. IF you want offhand damage your second poison to fire, and to benefit from DW haste effects you need DW.

You could, for example take 50 Thrust, 35 Env, 34 Stealth, and with some autotrain you could either have:

1) 34CS, 36 DW (auto to 40)
2) 39CS, 31 DW (auto to 44)
3) 44CS, 23 DW (auto to 40)
4) 50CS, 1 DW (auto to 44)

IMO, case 1 is complete crap. You have low CS style damage, you lose the SS follow-up to CD, and have only 5 DW more than case 2.

Cases 2 and 3 are a bit closer to each other, but I would much prefer to go for 44CS rather than the 8 extra DW.

Going from 44-50 CS you lose 22 points of DW. This is a huge loss in terms of damage output and reliability.

I chose 44CS and would never consider going lower. I would only possibly go higher than 44 once I had enough RR bonus to drop stealth and envenom to 30-32 (thus keeping ~20+ DW).


Originally posted by Vasconcelos
54 extra damages on PA CAP wont give u the fast "kill n run" u imagine (despite in the case of a happy solo caster runing in straight line on epic armor, and if so, i can almost 1 shot him even with my 39CS).
Plus: going from 44 to 50 in CS costs 285 specc points, thats loads of points only to increase ur cap with CS styles in 54 damages. I rather prefer to spend those points in 18DW (more if u autotrained) n raise the chances of hitting with left hand n using a 2nd poison.
Moreover, except in the case above (solo n00b caster). I dont think the "fast-kill-n-run" exists anymore since spellcraft was implemented.

so u rather want 22 more in DW (270 spec points) =11% on left hand. with avg dmg on 130 u will get an avg 14 more dmg, whereas u get cap raised by 54 (so u say) and more CERTAIN dmg on crit styles if u get crit to 50...

(dont flame me if im all wrong - at work atm so cant think ;) )


Originally posted by zlair
so u rather want 22 more in DW (270 spec points) =11% on left hand. with avg dmg on 130 u will get an avg 14 more dmg, whereas u get cap raised by 54 (so u say) and more CERTAIN dmg on crit styles if u get crit to 50...

(dont flame me if im all wrong - at work atm so cant think ;) )

Yes, thats exactly wot i would want ;)

44CS = nice PAs, nice Hamstring+Leaper (dont worry about Garr+Ach coz i almost never use em)
22 DW = extra damages from left hand (higher than the extra 54 cap u would get with 50CS) + 2nd poison

50CS = gimped :p :p


Originally posted by Vasconcelos
Yes, thats exactly wot i would want ;)

44CS = nice PAs, nice Hamstring+Leaper (dont worry about Garr+Ach coz i almost never use em)
22 DW = extra damages from left hand (higher than the extra 54 cap u would get with 50CS) + 2nd poison

50CS = gimped :p :p

So im gimped ;)

but the 2nd poison, hmm... if u in combat u should drop that at an avg of every 4th hit, soo... so lets say (i donno if im right) that DW adds to both chance to hit AND dmg added then we have:

130 avg hit
avg DW hit: 130 * 0,11 * 1,11 = 16 more dmg on avg.

still not worth it imo

but then again, im prolly just another n00b :p

RR6L3 Critfiltrator ;)


Originally posted by zlair
so u rather want 22 more in DW (270 spec points) =11% on left hand. with avg dmg on 130 u will get an avg 14 more dmg, whereas u get cap raised by 54 (so u say) and more CERTAIN dmg on crit styles if u get crit to 50...

(dont flame me if im all wrong - at work atm so cant think ;) )

22 DW doesn't mean you only gain 14.67% extra offhand damage. (Each point of DW raises offhand swing chance by 0.67%, not 0.5%).

22 DW means you have 14.67% extra offhand damage and 14.67% more poison proc chance....

But more importantly you have 14.67% more haste on your swings, which means (if you are sensible with your weapon-choice) over 4% more damage on your mainhand (with all styles, not just CS).


Well, if u are scared of 44CS, i wont comment you my 39CS specc :p

Not to mention some infils with 34CS.............. :lol:


Or you could try:

44 slash
44 CS
35 st/env
30(ish) DW

You'll miss out on DF, but get a nice use anytime style (amy slash). Not exactly cookie cutter, but works great for me :)


Originally posted by Vasconcelos
Well, if u are scared of 44CS, i wont comment you my 39CS specc :p

Not to mention some infils with 34CS.............. :lol:

i was 34 CS untill rr8 or sum :D


Autotraining to 40 /44 on an Inf, you greedy greedy boggers. ;)


Autrotrain to 48 for the 12 free stealth levels I would say :p
Never have enough points!
Seems the people hate the DF style the most from the infiltrators, and that SB hate slash infiltrators (maybe thrust infiltrators are more versatile, not sure on that, do not play one myself, plenty of people here who can comment on that).
Just realise that lvling an infiltrator to 50 is a royal pain, slightly less than a scout, but still hurts :)
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Just realise that lvling an infiltrator to 50 is a royal pain, slightly less than a scout, but still hurts :)
Regards, Glottis

U know nothing it seems... lvling an inf is WAY harder than a scout, lol !


I'd have to agree with the Infiltrator being harder to level solo.


Originally posted by froler-mid
i was 34 CS untill rr8 or sum :D

CS spec matters a LOT when fighting SBs 24/7 I guess? ^^


Originally posted by Pin
Levelling an Inf nowadays is a piece of cake.

Remember the days when u had to stay sitted at pikemen in Lyonesse during hours in order to get a tree group?? Almost went mad there, but well, if boredom didnt kill me, i can survive anything........ :lol:


Originally posted by Vasconcelos
Remember the days when u had to stay sitted at pikemen in Lyonesse during hours in order to get a tree group?? Almost went mad there, but well, if boredom didnt kill me, i can survive anything........ :lol:

Wait hours... maybe in the meantime find some thrust-weak blue-cons and maybe have more than 10% life after killing them (as long as I could get EB/Haste from a nearby Theurg).

What joy!


Originally posted by zlair
U know nothing it seems... lvling an inf is WAY harder than a scout, lol !

Umm... atleast the infs would get a group...
Groups would prefer having 3 infs to 2 infs and one scout...
So I guess you are just so fucking full of shit, it is unreal.
Get real, telling a scout that an inf is tougher to level...

Groups would rather have 5 afk minstrels to one scout, or a lvl 40 pally compared to a lvl 49 scout... Yeah, I guess now all of the sudden scouts are fotm due to upcoming changes...
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Umm... atleast the infs would get a group...
Groups would prefer having 3 infs to 2 infs and one scout...
So I guess you are just so fucking full of shit, it is unreal.
Get real, telling a scout that an inf is tougher to level...

Groups would rather have 5 afk minstrels to one scout, or a lvl 40 pally compared to a lvl 49 scout... Yeah, I guess now all of the sudden scouts are fotm due to upcoming changes...
Regards, Glottis

LOL, vewy subtle Glott :p


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Umm... atleast the infs would get a group...
Groups would prefer having 3 infs to 2 infs and one scout...
So I guess you are just so fucking full of shit, it is unreal.
Get real, telling a scout that an inf is tougher to level...

Groups would rather have 5 afk minstrels to one scout, or a lvl 40 pally compared to a lvl 49 scout... Yeah, I guess now all of the sudden scouts are fotm due to upcoming changes...
Regards, Glottis

Currently leveling a 48th alt in AC n i can tell ya most pbaoe groups prefer the scout due to his guard ability.
Infils = drags loads of aggro with low hit points n crap armor = nitemares for clerics.

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