Been playing my baby inf for a few days, and I gotta say I love it! Kills are slow, but ever so rewarding... especially those snipers perched on high, thinking they're immune to attack. Allied with advanced hacking (and soon advanced combat engineering), it's a great class to play.
I know a lot of you play this class, so do you have any tips for the rest of us?
Here's a few to start off:
The player with the () before his name is using Darklight... be careful!
Avoid steep edges of hills, especially near the enemy. If you slide down one, you're as visible as it gets with the cloaking suit on.
Mosquitos can make you show up on player's radar.
Don't be afraid to get in amongst the action (not too close tho!). flanking an attacking enemy force is a superb way to rack up the kills. With all the firing going on, most people will never notice you, even when you kill them.
Look ALL around before you de-cloak
Lurk at natural choke points. Terminals are a great place for catching enemies unawares.
If you feel you're being stalked by an enemy inf... stay still and wait! Most will get bored and move on... giving you a nice kill (sometimes you'll get bored first tho
Avoid MAX units
Go advanced hacking as soon as you can. The ability to use any terminal (power permitting) is a real plus.
Try and team up with a sniper. You can guard him as he snipes, or sneak around a base as he watches from a vantage point.
I know a lot of you play this class, so do you have any tips for the rest of us?
Here's a few to start off:
The player with the () before his name is using Darklight... be careful!
Avoid steep edges of hills, especially near the enemy. If you slide down one, you're as visible as it gets with the cloaking suit on.
Mosquitos can make you show up on player's radar.
Don't be afraid to get in amongst the action (not too close tho!). flanking an attacking enemy force is a superb way to rack up the kills. With all the firing going on, most people will never notice you, even when you kill them.
Look ALL around before you de-cloak
Lurk at natural choke points. Terminals are a great place for catching enemies unawares.
If you feel you're being stalked by an enemy inf... stay still and wait! Most will get bored and move on... giving you a nice kill (sometimes you'll get bored first tho
Avoid MAX units
Go advanced hacking as soon as you can. The ability to use any terminal (power permitting) is a real plus.
Try and team up with a sniper. You can guard him as he snipes, or sneak around a base as he watches from a vantage point.