Infiltrator Tips



Been playing my baby inf for a few days, and I gotta say I love it! Kills are slow, but ever so rewarding... especially those snipers perched on high, thinking they're immune to attack. Allied with advanced hacking (and soon advanced combat engineering), it's a great class to play.

I know a lot of you play this class, so do you have any tips for the rest of us?

Here's a few to start off:

The player with the () before his name is using Darklight... be careful!

Avoid steep edges of hills, especially near the enemy. If you slide down one, you're as visible as it gets with the cloaking suit on.

Mosquitos can make you show up on player's radar.

Don't be afraid to get in amongst the action (not too close tho!). flanking an attacking enemy force is a superb way to rack up the kills. With all the firing going on, most people will never notice you, even when you kill them.

Look ALL around before you de-cloak

Lurk at natural choke points. Terminals are a great place for catching enemies unawares.

If you feel you're being stalked by an enemy inf... stay still and wait! Most will get bored and move on... giving you a nice kill (sometimes you'll get bored first tho :)).

Avoid MAX units :cool:

Go advanced hacking as soon as you can. The ability to use any terminal (power permitting) is a real plus.

Try and team up with a sniper. You can guard him as he snipes, or sneak around a base as he watches from a vantage point.


and if you are BR12+ get DL yourself .. its so much fun killing rotten enemy stealthers who think you cant see em :)


If you hear the sound of a bolt driver, for god's sake keep running :)

Those zooms can see us easily from afar, and if we disappear - they just shoot where we were, cue deeded stealther...

Aside from that, take CE and rig boomers under people when they're looking the other way, set a couple. Blow'em up, and giggle.



Don't come near me, I have darklight or Audio amp on most of the time.


i made an inf char, just for a laugh.. it was ok, but tbh i found it a bit easy.. i just went to the nearest big action hot spot, and managed to kill about 5 or 6 people all spwaning near they're AMS before i even got discovered.. that was just a 5 minute thing for a laugh tho.. dont think i'd enjoy playing one that much, so little armour its laughable. and the number of stealthed infs i've killed while they're running is painful... and i dont even have darklight or whatever it is.


DLV is handy as an infil as the enemy cannot see you using it. The times I've spotted an enemy infil and got close enough to cap him without him knowing I was there :).

Beware! Combat Eng Infils. The enemy can hear you plant your boomer behind them, so do it fast and detonate it quickly.

Placing boomers at choke points (bottom of stairs etc) will get you 2-3 kills before someone gets wise. DON'T linger.

Combat eng Infils, found an enemy AMS? Plant mines in front of spawn tubes to give you more time when jacking it.

If you have a Wraith, load up the trunk so you don't have to get to a terminal to resupply.

Even better get an AMS cert so you can both resupply and respawn close to where that sniper bastard just twatted you from.

At BR12 pick Advanced targetting (is that the one that lets you see how damaged enemy is, I think so). Then you can pick off the injured with a swift stab or two. Or try Melee booster.


Placing boomers at vehicle spawn points can be fun. All the kiddies race there as soon as a base caps. Sometimes you can get 10+ people standing there. They are just asking to be boomered :D .


If I'm bored in a base that'll get taken soon, I tend to mine the vehicle terminals heavily.. one at the terminal, one at each entrance, one at the exit and a couple leading off from the exit...

Quite fun :)


Don't hang around CC's you've just hacked, not even in the next room, anyone coming there will switch darklight on and twat you or shoot in possible hiding places which leads to my second point..

Don't hide in obvious places, remember yo're invisible so you don't need to watch your back if you're careful, if anyone thinks there's a stealther about and doesn't have DL they shoot at corners and all around terminals. The best place I find to hide is IN THE MIDDLE of the room/stairs believe it or not, not many people waste bullets shooting everywhere before they give up looking. (this will probably now lead to me being killed lots saying this) :rolleyes:

If you see someone near you with DL, don't keep pretending you're invisible, just assume you're rumbled and go on the offensive. Remember you're faster than anyone, strafe around you're opponent and don't stop moving or firing.

I have a fun set-up called "Invisibomb" that is just loaded with grenades and a REK. The times I've spent lobbing plasma nades into groups with no DL and watched them run around not knowing what was hitting them have been many and most enjoyable :)

Remember an important part of being stealthy is being quiet, the suit can't do this for you so you gotta use you're head. Your job if a hackfil is to get inside, get to the cc and hack without being noticed, don't panic when all those enemies rush past you, just sit still and only move when you know you can. Don't feel tempted to shoot or think you're some kind of assault class. One hack can be vital to capping a base even if it gets unhacked as it can stop many people spawning there for a few minutes, giving you the edge.

Sometimes stealing the enemy AMS isn't much good as a lot of them will know where it is and re-hijack it. Instead if you find an AMS, jack it and immediately deconstruct it. Then watch all the enemies around you panic as the cloaking shield drops and they wonder what the hell has happened. (this often results in your death but it was a job well done) ;)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Die!! All of you stealthing scum! Just dieeeee :eek:

Actually.. compared to the DAoC stealther scum: I wubs you. Lots.

Because most stealthers in PS are just dumbfucks who want to be uber. You know what is fun? Switch darklight on and kill them with your blade.. plus taunt. :p

Wa-ait. He was asking for tips... giving tips... keep running! Don't crouch. Ever.


I find being a stealther quite rewarding, especially when I get into a stealther v stealther battle. Unfortunatly I have DL so it imbalances things a bit towards my side.

I dunno about slow kills. This morning I was repeatedly ripping a full terrans squad to pieces, the dumb twits were all running off seperate, they eventually figured out I daren't attack them if they moved as a bunch :)

I just started laying spitfires next to them to distract em instead.

As for tips, learn how to circle strafe, and 90% of people you get the drop on you'll kill.

Oh, and ALWAYS check for enemy infils when you're sneaking into a deserted tower. Damn you, Omni. :)


You got me two times beforehand tho :mad: I specced out of sniping as lag is making it not fun to snipe atm, maybe will go back to it soon - may also switch sides soon as it's not much fun to be TR either.


Biggest piece of advice....turn on your cloak :) Seen a lot of infilis running around uncloaked :)

Cloakers in the open are sniper fodder, any sniper that cant hit a moving cloaker deserves to get knifed :)

Have seen many cloakers use the boomer approach, unfortunately a boomer is very noticeable, and i have killed a helluva lot of cloakers while they crouched nearby sniggering to themselves getting ready to pull the trigger. This is still a very good and often very effective tactic a lot of fun ill bet when it works :)

Cloakers in general are very predictable and, as Omni said, camping obvious places isnt a very clever idea, but they still do it :)

If yer gonna use the scatter pistol as an infili you have to get right up next to your victim to drop him instantly, far too many cloakers try to kill from 5-10 yards on auto and wonder why the intended victim has enough time to turn around, turn on DLV, change weapons and shoot them dead :rolleyes:

Oh, and remember that an infili really shouldnt try to knife a MAX :)


Whenever I chuck a boomer down I always run into the middle of people, and run away rapidly while waiting to be able to detonate it.

It's so god damn amusing when people just look down and stare at the green shit as the boomer's forming, you'll get 1-2 people out of a crowd of 10 actually realise what the hell is going on and start running - the rest are boomer fodder. I do that in towers. Pelt down under Surge - 50% of the time I get into the tower. Plant a boomer in the middle, run into the corner, detonate, quickly hack a terminal, put on MAX suit, break terminals.

You're thinking about switching? What's up with TR at the moment?


well as an old INF (my first 14br) i have to say that the avrage inf skill have gone up alot latly ,,,, now days its not often u see an inf without DL ok the fighting ones will u always see and kill in a sec

keep up the good work :)

btw get DL as first imp ,,, get the melee/regen thing at 12 or 18


My favorite as an infil is to ensure the towers near to a base we have just hacked are taken and then go hunting for the enemy ams and as they all pour out from the spawn tubes crouch and stab them all. Its most amusing to watch them running round like headless chickens not knowing where you are.

Benefit : they have no darklight when they spawn hehehehehehehehhehehehehheheheh


can u stab (cloaked) and still remain invisable ive stabbed to death a guy in reneforced armour... took me 4 good hits with chainsaw mode on too! i thought it would be a 1 or 2 shot kill..



you don't stay invisible when you make any movement Efour so when you swing the knife you are visible, even reloading makes you visible for a second :(

Noir BR13 Adv Hack/Infil/Reaver/AMS/Medic
Rigon BR6 Spec Assault/Eng

Serving WRK and The Vanu Sovereignty

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