Infiltrator Template


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 13, 2004
Choose between these two!
Config Report


    Str:    100    Int:    0    Hits:    276
    Con:    80    Pie:    0    Power:    0
    Dex:    39    Cha:    0
    Qui:    62    Emp:    0


    Body:    32    Energy:    14    Crush:    25
    Cold:    22    Matter:    22    Thrust:    24 
    Heat:    22 (5)    Spirit:    24    Slash:    26 


11 Stealth

11 Critical Strike

11 Slash


Cap Increases

12 Dex

88 Hits

23 Str

5 Con

Other Bonuses

26 AF Bonus

4 Melee Damage Bonus

5 Fatigue

9 Style Damage Bonus

7 Melee Speed Bonus

Piece Listing

Name: Guard of Valor (inf)
Level: 51  Quality: 100
AF:   Bonus: 
Effect 1:  40 Hits
Effect 2:  18 Strength
Effect 3:  15 Dexterity
Effect 4:   5 Strength Cap Increase
Effect 5:   5 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 6:   4 Melee Damage Bonus
Effect 7:   4 Style Damage Bonus
Effect 8:     Empty
Effect 9:     Empty
Effect 10:     Empty
Utility: 32.00

Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 25 Quickness - 99 flawless Airy Essence
Gem 2:  3 Critical Strike - 99 rough Heated Battle Jewel
Gem 3:  4 Slash - 99 flawed Watery War Sigil
Gem 4:  9 Slash Resist - 99 polished Watery Shielding
Utility: 69.67

Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 11 Cold Resist - 99 faceted Icy Shielding
Gem 2: 12 Hits - 99 uncut Blood Essence
Gem 3:  9 Spirit Resist - 99 polished Vapor Shielding
Gem 4:  9 Energy Resist - 99 polished Light Shielding
Utility: 61.00

Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1: 19 Constitution - 99 faceted Earthen Essence
Gem 2:  1 Stealth - 99 raw Airy Battle Jewel
Gem 3:  5 Critical Strike - 99 imperfect Heated Battle Jewel
Gem 4: 11 Body Resist - 99 faceted Dusty Shielding
Utility: 64.67

Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1:  4 Slash - 99 flawed Watery War Sigil
Gem 2: 60 Hits - 99 precious Blood Essence
Gem 3: 28 Constitution - 99 perfect Earthen Essence
Gem 4: 10 Strength - 99 flawed Fiery Essence
Utility: 60.33

Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 38%
Gem 1:  3 Critical Strike - 99 rough Heated Battle Jewel
Gem 2:  3 Slash - 99 rough Watery War Sigil
Gem 3: 22 Quickness - 99 precious Airy Essence
Gem 4: 11 Matter Resist - 99 faceted Earthen Shielding
Utility: 66.67

Right Hand
Level: 51  Quality: 94
DPS:       Bonus: 
Effect 1:  12 Strength
Effect 2:     Empty
Effect 3:     Empty
Effect 4:     Empty
Effect 5:     Empty
Effect 6:     Empty
Effect 7:     Empty
Effect 8:     Empty
Effect 9:     Empty
Effect 10:     Empty
Utility: 8.00

Left Hand
Name: Malice Axe
Level: 51  Quality: 100
DPS:       Bonus: 
Effect 1:  15 Strength
Effect 2:  15 Constitution
Effect 3:  40 Hits
Effect 4:   5 Fatigue
Effect 5:   5 Strength Cap Increase
Effect 6:   5 Constitution Cap Increase
Effect 7:  40 Hits Cap Increase
Effect 8:   5 Style Damage Bonus
Effect 9:     Empty
Effect 10:     Empty
Utility: 30.00

Two Handed
Imbue Points: 0.0 of 10 (94 Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1:    Empty -  
Gem 2:    Empty -  
Gem 3:    Empty -  
Gem 4:    Empty -  
Utility: 0.00

Imbue Points: 0.0 of 10 (94 Qual) Overcharge: None
Gem 1:    Empty -  
Gem 2:    Empty -  
Gem 3:    Empty -  
Gem 4:    Empty -  
Utility: 0.00

Name: ACN
Level: 51  Quality: 100
Effect 1:  10 Body Resist
Effect 2:  10 Crush Resist
Effect 3:  10 Thrust Resist
Effect 4:  10 Spirit Resist
Effect 5:     Empty
Effect 6:     Empty
Effect 7:     Empty
Effect 8:     Empty
Effect 9:     Empty
Effect 10:     Empty
Utility: 80.00

Name: Shades of Mist (stealth)
Level: 51  Quality: 100
Effect 1:   3 Stealth
Effect 2:  15 Strength
Effect 3:  15 Quickness
Effect 4:  10 AF Bonus
Effect 5:   5 Melee Speed Bonus
Effect 6:     Empty
Effect 7:     Empty
Effect 8:     Empty
Effect 9:     Empty
Effect 10:     Empty
Utility: 35.00

Name: Eerie Darkness stone
Level: 51  Quality: 
Effect 1:   4 Slash Resist
Effect 2:   4 Thrust Resist
Effect 3:   4 Crush Resist
Effect 4:   5 Body Resist
Effect 5:   5 Cold Resist
Effect 6:   5 Heat Resist
Effect 7:   5 Energy Resist
Effect 8:   5 Matter Resist
Effect 9:   5 Spirit Resist
Effect 10:     Empty
Utility: 84.00

Name: Twisted Hair of Malamis
Level: 51  Quality: 100
Effect 1:   4 Stealth
Effect 2:  12 Dexterity
Effect 3:   7 Strength Cap Increase
Effect 4:   7 Dexterity Cap Increase
Effect 5:   2 Melee Speed Bonus
Effect 6:     Empty
Effect 7:     Empty
Effect 8:     Empty
Effect 9:     Empty
Effect 10:     Empty
Utility: 28.00

Right Ring
Name: Darkspire mighty ring
Level: 51  Quality: 
Effect 1:  18 Strength
Effect 2:   6 Strength Cap Increase
Effect 3:   6 Heat Resist
Effect 4:   6 Crush Resist
Effect 5:  44 Hits
Effect 6:   6 AF Bonus
Effect 7:     Empty
Effect 8:     Empty
Effect 9:     Empty
Effect 10:     Empty
Utility: 47.00

Left Ring
Name: Ring of Dances
Level: 51  Quality: 100
Effect 1:   3 Stealth
Effect 2:  12 Strength
Effect 3:  12 Dexterity
Effect 4:   5 Crush Resist
Effect 5:   5 Slash Resist
Effect 6:  10 AF Bonus
Effect 7:     Empty
Effect 8:     Empty
Effect 9:     Empty
Effect 10:     Empty
Utility: 51.00

Right Wrist
Name: Ebon Hide Bracer
Level: 51  Quality: 100
Effect 1:   6 Cold Resist
Effect 2:   6 Body Resist
Effect 3:   6 Heat Resist
Effect 4:   6 Matter Resist
Effect 5:   6 Slash Resist
Effect 6:     Empty
Effect 7:     Empty
Effect 8:     Empty
Effect 9:     Empty
Effect 10:     Empty
Utility: 60.00

Left Wrist
Name: Bracer of heavenly bodies
Level: 51  Quality: 
Effect 1:   7 Thrust Resist
Effect 2:  18 Constitution
Effect 3:  80 Hits
Effect 4:  48 Hits Cap Increase
Effect 5:     Empty
Effect 6:     Empty
Effect 7:     Empty
Effect 8:     Empty
Effect 9:     Empty
Effect 10:     Empty
Utility: 46.00



    Str:    100    Int:    0    Hits:    292
    Con:    80    Pie:    0    Power:    0
    Dex:    39    Cha:    0
    Qui:    65    Emp:    0


    Body:    26    Energy:    20    Crush:    23
    Cold:    20    Matter:    17    Thrust:    20
    Heat:    23     Spirit:    25    Slash:    25


11 Stealth

11 Critical Strike

11 Slash


Cap Increases

12 Dex

88 Hits

23 Str

5 Con

Other Bonuses

26 AF Bonus

4 Melee Damage Bonus

5 Fatigue

9 Style Damage Bonus

7 Melee Speed Bonus

Changed ACN to Choker of Dispute in second template. Also edited sc'ing a little. Both have a free mainhand weapon for anyting we wants!

Comment away!


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
no +dw in either? not great ... cud do alot better, imo sacrifice some resists for DW as nit many LW's about theses days + CL sists boost them up


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 13, 2004
Nuxtobatns said:
plz do that template :p

Thanks for the help, its helps loads, really.... :rolleyes:

gohan said:
no +dw in either? not great ... cud do alot better, imo sacrifice some resists for DW as nit many LW's about theses days + CL sists boost them up

Well my inf spec isn't going to have the highest DW spec ever, so i'm not too arsed about it. I've also made a Malice/champ weapon template but want to try one with a free mainhand, for those pd5 rangers :p


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
ok fair enought ....

id go with first 1 but id change 1 thing

id take the +10 str SC off hands an put a bit of extra heat resist as u only need 8 str then and :

ml10 wep = 22 or so str
all LW = 28 str
battler = 15 str
Champwep = 12 str

Edit: just noticed u have 12 str in MH slot \0/ i think u cud probly get rid of that belt tbh dex an dex cap for the lose :< try fit another belt in an jiggle it round abit

belt of brute = 30 str 19 dex 6 str cap 2% melee speed an 40 hits i think
belt of good fortune = 21 str 10 quick 8% energy 6 str cap

or u cud go for util an maybe use belt of thunder (22con an 2-3 decent resists) then try an put epic in thier, the new epic is realy nice, arms have good utill+ str cap

and thiers always the soot boots (6 str cap 6 con cap 19 str 19 con an some hits or somthing close) i think if u just play about with it u can get it alot better without costing much more

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Boths templates are awful. With "only" 3 x +11 template you can get easily 101 str and 101 con, 400 hits with CW/Malice.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 13, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
Boths templates are awful. With "only" 3 x +11 template you can get easily 101 str and 101 con, 400 hits with CW/Malice.

Were NOT, need a repeat NOT using a mainhand in the template, so we can switch as we please. We also are on a pretty tight budget, hence the very cheap items. :eek:


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 2, 2004
go thrust and you will actually get challenged.. as slash its too easy to make über template :)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 13, 2004
necromania said:
go thrust and you will actually get challenged.. as slash its too easy to make über template :)

Been thrust on my inf for long enough, really can't be arsed with it anymore xE


Part of the furniture
Aug 14, 2004
someone make an uber wtf slash template then with all +skills n 101 across the board :D with whatever weapon setup and whatever rare and expensive toys that are needed! :worthy:


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 28, 2004
what do you want as a offhand?

Malice or champ wpn?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 28, 2004
I came up with this (no SC cos I dont have a decent SC calc at work)
STR: 75/101
CON: 48/98
DEX: 45/80
QUI: 27/80
AF: 40/50

HP: 312/320

Body: 11/26
Spirit: 11/26
Matter: 17/26
Energy: 11/26
Cold: 5/26
Heat: 23/26
Thrust: 17/26 (+5)
Crush: 22/26 (+5)
Slash: 16/26 (+5)

Slash - 0/11
DW - 7/11
Stealth - 6/11
CS - 0/11


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Dafft said:
I came up with this (no SC cos I dont have a decent SC calc at work)
STR: 75/101
CON: 48/98
DEX: 45/80
QUI: 27/80
AF: 40/50

HP: 312/320

Body: 11/26
Spirit: 11/26
Matter: 17/26
Energy: 11/26
Cold: 5/26
Heat: 23/26
Thrust: 17/26 (+5)
Crush: 22/26 (+5)
Slash: 16/26 (+5)

Slash - 0/11
DW - 7/11
Stealth - 6/11
CS - 0/11

Without telling us how many pieces of sc'ing you have free that's not telling us much, other than your really in need of some :fluffle:


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 28, 2004
Golena said:
Without telling us how many pieces of sc'ing you have free that's not telling us much, other than your really in need of some :fluffle:
4! Helm, Arms, Leggings & booooooooots


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 13, 2004
Dafft said:
I came up with this (no SC cos I dont have a decent SC calc at work)
STR: 75/101
CON: 48/98
DEX: 45/80
QUI: 27/80
AF: 40/50

HP: 312/320

Body: 11/26
Spirit: 11/26
Matter: 17/26
Energy: 11/26
Cold: 5/26
Heat: 23/26
Thrust: 17/26 (+5)
Crush: 22/26 (+5)
Slash: 16/26 (+5)

Slash - 0/11
DW - 7/11
Stealth - 6/11
CS - 0/11

You ARE sending me that on irc bitch xD

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