Infiltrator Spec



This is my planned Spec -

Stealth - 40
CS - 44
Thrust - 50
DW - 03
Envenom - 35

I don't want to know how gimpy or uber I'll apparently be, My question is - Is it possible to get bonuses to total 50 ENV and if so how?

Edit - Argh it's in the wrong place, sorry....I see I've made a good start


Originally posted by Iycee
This is my planned Spec -

Stealth - 40
CS - 44
Thrust - 50
DW - 03
Envenom - 35

I don't want to know how gimpy or uber I'll apparently be,

Okay, no comment.

Originally posted by Iycee

My question is - Is it possible to get bonuses to total 50 ENV and if so how?

At level 50, you can have +11 from items, and then each realm rank you gain adds 1 more. So reach Realm rank 5 to get 50 env


Yep, +11 skill is the max at lvl 50, then +realm rank. So at RR5, you get +4 to all specs, giving you 50 env..

and btw..

<cough> gimp <cough>



Thanks for the reply and the confirmation and I am impressed Trinilim, I didn't think anyone would post that quite so early... :rolleyes:


drop stealth one point and you only have to get to RR4 to get 50 envenom ;)


I'd really rather have the extra Safe Fall, I can be a bit too adventurous sometimes, and I don't much fancy falling to a squishy doom very often.


afaik, the safe fall you get when having 39 stealth is good enough so you camp jump of mile gates and keeps without taking a scratch


Safe Fall 4's only useful for jumping from the lord tower roof in keeps.



Somewhing like 21 CS, 19 stealth, 15 thrust, 15 envenom, rest DW

of course, this is my SB spec, so you can probably get envenom, or thrust higher.


With spellcraft (+5 items) n autotrained stealth till 24th:

- 18 stealth

- 21 CS

- 17 Envenom

- 18 Slash

- 6 DW

On a briton with starting +Cons +Dex. Make sure u have 3 weapons with different poisons rdy n swith weapons after PA. You should be able to kill almost every enemy with this specc.


with SC its easy to cap all skills so i would go 35 stealth envenom, 39cs (u can go 34-38 cs too), 50 thrust and rest dw. That gives u 50 in stealth and env at rr5 which is fairly easy to get.

Hit ^_^

my curently spec wich i think is ok is.

stelth 35

thrust 50

Cs 44


envenom 35

this gives me 50 stelth and 50 envenom on rr5 wich dont take that long to get.(if i want it that high)

at lvl24 i had
cs21 stelth 19 thrust 14 dw4 evenom 20.


dont care what anyone says, my infil is teh ubor spec.

at lvl 17 he's 17 cs, 15 stealth, 11 thrust and 8 env (think its 11 thrust). and no DW. that spec totally pwns, considering i owned an orange mob yesterday at 17 and only lost 1/4 hp. i duelled a friar too (cs duels are impossible coz the enemy KNOWS your there and gonna try a cs move, so they keep moving), but i still somehow managed to get a backstab off, dam nearly killed them but unfortunatly got pwn3d. was well close tho. (he evaded/parried loads, so its not down to my specs).

but at 50 im having something like 50 cs, 40 stealth, 36 env and 30something thrust. i dont see the point in bothering with 50 thrust, as dragonfang is so gonna get nerfed by the time im 50 anyway lol.

own3d :(


Originally posted by Karam_gruul

i dont see the point in bothering with 50 thrust, as dragonfang is so gonna get nerfed by the time im 50 anyway lol.

Does that mean it'll never get nerfed? Or just 1 patch before hell freezes over?


dragonfang will still be the best weapon an infil has even after the 'nerf'. it's just after you will evade most attacks, instead of all :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Novamir
dragonfang will still be the best weapon an infil has even after the 'nerf'. it's just after you will evade most attacks, instead of all :rolleyes:

not really, the only reason it owns so hard is cuz in the 6 secs after its used it registers that you've just evaded, so you can use the evade cs over and over. but they're gonna have to nerf it so it doestn think you've just evaded for the whole 6 secs. meaning it'll just be like.... urr some cs move lol. rubbish.

ps novamirs gay


Originally posted by belth
You're so gay, Karam. It's game mechanics.

lol fucking nerf needing game mechanics. anyone can see thats blatently a bug, and blatently makes infils uber unbalanced.

but then again they may not nerf it, i mean look at heros...


Originally posted by Iycee
This is my planned Spec -

Stealth - 40
CS - 44
Thrust - 50
DW - 03
Envenom - 35

I don't want to know how gimpy or uber I'll apparently be, My question is - Is it possible to get bonuses to total 50 ENV and if so how?

Edit - Argh it's in the wrong place, sorry....I see I've made a good start

If I were you I should go Stealth 50(So nobody sees you) and Envenom 50(So you become a true Poison-Master!) and then perhaps save the rest of the skill points(you never know if they release the disguise-skill in 1.98 or something)...


Originally posted by Karam_gruul

lol fucking nerf needing game mechanics. anyone can see thats blatently a bug, and blatently makes infils uber unbalanced.

but then again they may not nerf it, i mean look at heros...

Yes, look at heros and every other class in the game that has a stun style >_<
Inf evades, inf stuns, last attack was evaded ergo required condition for hamstring chain is still met...
Tank parries, tank slams, tank spams his parry chain for 9secs...
It's not like the mechanics are different for infs than for the rest of us >_<


If I were you I should go Stealth 50(So nobody sees you) and Envenom 50(So you become a true Poison-Master!) and then perhaps save the rest of the skill points(you never know if they release the disguise-skill in 1.98 or something)...

hmm never knew jox had it in him ;)

As for the spec. As an infiltrator its safe to assume that you will get to Realmrank 4 wich means +3 on RR and +11on items resulting in +14 total. You should be able to get any skill you put 36 points in to 50. For some skills there is no real difference in base points invested or points added by items.
For example: doesnt matter if you have 50 base envenom or 36+14 both end up at 50 so both will allow you to use lifebane
36 base thrust + 14 thrust is not the same as 50thrust however the added item and RR points will not activate the skills you get from base points.

Since you want to go heavy on Critical strike you might want to try a RR4 (+14) based template like:

50 thrust
44 CS
36 stealth
33 or 36 envenom
DW leftovers (didnt check on catacombs what you have left. but do not neglect to put points in it or you will hate yourself later on)

ok final something on the evenom at 33. In your spec you had it at 35. 35+14 gives you the highest desease poison wich is something that is only used VERY rarely. So you either should try to get 33+14 (for greater enervating poison) or 36+14 for lifebane
Hope this has been helpfull a bit, the infiltrator is a hard character to level and it would be a shame to screw up the spec.


One of the smartest things to do when rolling an infiltrator is to decide your final spec, see how high you get DW with it and get it there as soon as possible. It's like a passive RA, as it helps you all the time, unlike some style 30 levels later.

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