Mornin' all, Jehovah's on vacation but expect a new sermon on his return from battling the demons in the real world
Question for the day is all about Infil Equipment and skills.
Smitetheungodly Withcunningarguments hit 21 the other day, and discovered the joys of PA pixie scouts for 1100..but i'm starting to think past such mischevious cruelty, and focusing on what i want to aim for.
The template I have come up with is as below. Twould be much obliged if yourselves could come up with yuor thoughts and worldly wisdom on it, and we'll see what we can do
stealth : 39
crit : 50
Env : 50
Slash : 34
Stealth ive raised to 39, as practically everywhere i go, people tell me that its nice and easy to get +11 from items and realm ranks (whatever they are/do )
Cstrike I've taken to 50, as all chains seem to be useful , esp if i carry on evading as much as i have at present, making the higher styles worth getting.
Env/Slash is where the meaty part of this post comes into play. I think I'd like the idea of using Lifebane, especially in rvr. My reasoning is that I really cant see me using slash styles at all, yet i have a fixed aim to get envenom to 50, so my prioritisation has since gone with that. I've heard in some quarters that slash affects the minimum damage that i do, whilst others have said that this doesnt apply to crit strikes. personally, I lean towards the former, but would like to hear others POV on it. If this is the case, roughly how much dmg does lifebane do compared to say, the lvl 40-45 one, and would this compensate for any loss in slash?
Are there items in the game that give +to envenom, and if so, how do they work? for example, if I have 49 envenom, and a +1 item, does that mean i have 50, and can therefore use lifebane? If this is the case, how rare are these items, and how far can i ease back on my skill point allocation in order to include this? To be honest, although I'd really like the 50, I'm worried that slash at 27 would be foolhardy, and by the time i can realise this for myself, it will be too late
Any help on this and any other inf issues would be most grateful
I'm sure Jehovah would look most kindly on anyone who would help His favourite ninja out
<btw if the jehovah/ninja references make no sense, mebbe you need to attend one of his sermons, found on the gen. discussion page somewhere>
Question for the day is all about Infil Equipment and skills.
Smitetheungodly Withcunningarguments hit 21 the other day, and discovered the joys of PA pixie scouts for 1100..but i'm starting to think past such mischevious cruelty, and focusing on what i want to aim for.
The template I have come up with is as below. Twould be much obliged if yourselves could come up with yuor thoughts and worldly wisdom on it, and we'll see what we can do
stealth : 39
crit : 50
Env : 50
Slash : 34
Stealth ive raised to 39, as practically everywhere i go, people tell me that its nice and easy to get +11 from items and realm ranks (whatever they are/do )
Cstrike I've taken to 50, as all chains seem to be useful , esp if i carry on evading as much as i have at present, making the higher styles worth getting.
Env/Slash is where the meaty part of this post comes into play. I think I'd like the idea of using Lifebane, especially in rvr. My reasoning is that I really cant see me using slash styles at all, yet i have a fixed aim to get envenom to 50, so my prioritisation has since gone with that. I've heard in some quarters that slash affects the minimum damage that i do, whilst others have said that this doesnt apply to crit strikes. personally, I lean towards the former, but would like to hear others POV on it. If this is the case, roughly how much dmg does lifebane do compared to say, the lvl 40-45 one, and would this compensate for any loss in slash?
Are there items in the game that give +to envenom, and if so, how do they work? for example, if I have 49 envenom, and a +1 item, does that mean i have 50, and can therefore use lifebane? If this is the case, how rare are these items, and how far can i ease back on my skill point allocation in order to include this? To be honest, although I'd really like the 50, I'm worried that slash at 27 would be foolhardy, and by the time i can realise this for myself, it will be too late
Any help on this and any other inf issues would be most grateful
I'm sure Jehovah would look most kindly on anyone who would help His favourite ninja out
<btw if the jehovah/ninja references make no sense, mebbe you need to attend one of his sermons, found on the gen. discussion page somewhere>