Infiltrator Skills and Equipment



Mornin' all, Jehovah's on vacation but expect a new sermon on his return from battling the demons in the real world

Question for the day is all about Infil Equipment and skills.

Smitetheungodly Withcunningarguments hit 21 the other day, and discovered the joys of PA pixie scouts for 1100..but i'm starting to think past such mischevious cruelty, and focusing on what i want to aim for.

The template I have come up with is as below. Twould be much obliged if yourselves could come up with yuor thoughts and worldly wisdom on it, and we'll see what we can do :D

stealth : 39

crit : 50

Env : 50

Slash : 34

Stealth ive raised to 39, as practically everywhere i go, people tell me that its nice and easy to get +11 from items and realm ranks (whatever they are/do :p)

Cstrike I've taken to 50, as all chains seem to be useful , esp if i carry on evading as much as i have at present, making the higher styles worth getting.

Env/Slash is where the meaty part of this post comes into play. I think I'd like the idea of using Lifebane, especially in rvr. My reasoning is that I really cant see me using slash styles at all, yet i have a fixed aim to get envenom to 50, so my prioritisation has since gone with that. I've heard in some quarters that slash affects the minimum damage that i do, whilst others have said that this doesnt apply to crit strikes. personally, I lean towards the former, but would like to hear others POV on it. If this is the case, roughly how much dmg does lifebane do compared to say, the lvl 40-45 one, and would this compensate for any loss in slash?

Are there items in the game that give +to envenom, and if so, how do they work? for example, if I have 49 envenom, and a +1 item, does that mean i have 50, and can therefore use lifebane? If this is the case, how rare are these items, and how far can i ease back on my skill point allocation in order to include this? To be honest, although I'd really like the 50, I'm worried that slash at 27 would be foolhardy, and by the time i can realise this for myself, it will be too late :p

Any help on this and any other inf issues would be most grateful :)

I'm sure Jehovah would look most kindly on anyone who would help His favourite ninja out :)

<btw if the jehovah/ninja references make no sense, mebbe you need to attend one of his sermons, found on the gen. discussion page somewhere>


Hello Smitetheungodly!

I am no expert, and I will say that straight away (heck, I am pre-gimped with points already wasted in Dual WEield, doh!), so I will stick to the simple stuff.

There are +envenom items in game, and as you described, they can be used to add to your total and enable you to use the higher level poisons (this is because the envenom line does not include training at particular levels to receive the abilities required).

Ermmmm... shutting up now in case I make a goon of myself :)

Good Luck!



well. a few points (beat Derric to it, yay):

Envenom, is a nono to 50

get RR 2 very easy (7200 rps. thats 10-ish lvl 50 casters.. ie not alot)

envenom doesnt work as slash, for example. you can use poisons of your skill + items/RR rank. so 49 is ABSOLUTE max, since you will have RR 2 way before lvl 50, if you RvR just a little bit. depending on your RvR skills (thinking RR 3) and a few items, i wouldnt take it to more than 45-46.

But, that said, im not a poison infil, so im not sure about the items, and how many of them is worth it.

Slash at 34...


personally, i wouldnt

at least get it to 75% (38), to be in the 75% - 125% damage output range.
slash does more than just styles. having 38, and 2 weapons with 2-3 slash each, takes you to 42-44, which aint all bad

Im going for 50 tho :p

and yes, the stealth is VERY easily maxed with items. atm, i have +14, but im capped at +10 :)


How important is Envenom?

I've only got a lv24 inf, in Thidranki. Although I don't use poisons, I haven't noticed any disadvantages, as opposed to infs who do.

Does it become more important at higher levels?


No, poison ins't usually the decisive (sp?) factor, but it does help. Personally I'd recommend for example 33 envenom. You can easily get this to 40 where you'll have a nice DoT poison.


dont underestimate the power of snare and debuff.

its what makes you kill rangers, bards, skalds, tanks, and the ones that sprint :)


If you're looking at lev50 then take Envenom to 37/38......The DF jewel is +5 env,Epic gloves are +5 env (patch 1.50 or 1.51) and then it's either realm rank 3 or 4 for the extra 2/3 points.....RR3 is 65k and RR4 is 215K (approx).
Hope it helps :)


Don't need more than 37 stealth at max either, +11 items is easy and that leaves you with RR3 to get to have 50 stealth at 50. It's important to remember that item and RR-bonuses stack.

On envenoms part, high envenom rocks... "Look, there's a green/gray, I'll just perf him - oops, didn't one-shot... No matter, he's got tons less con/str and the DoT is ticking away rest of his few HPs, guess I'll just sprint away and re-stealth in 10 secs" :p

The items aren't easy to come by in 1.48 (and half gets nerfed in next patch) - Virulent Fishing Hook from Danaoin fishermen (+2 env, lvl40 jewel), Thrusting Frenzy from Frenzied Feeders (+4 env, lvl50 off-hand thruster), Diamond Dagger from Diamondback Toads (+3 env, lvl50 off-hand slasher) and Regal Gloves from Legendary Afanc (+2 env I think, af98 leather gloves). The weapons get their +env changed to +thrust/slash in 1.49, but the ones that have dropped remained the same in US, I hope they do here also. Epic armor +skills gets changed in 1.51, I'd spec for that if you intend to play till then. The changes are in the patch-notes, I believe.

Get envenom to 36-38, +items & RR will take you to 50 for lifebane if you RvR enough.

Sharp Thing

40 stealth= safe fall 4
38 envemon= you'l get it to 50 with ease
50crit strike= sounds good :)
slash a bit higher then 34 id say, just to finish of a bit ;)

im currently going:
cs: 44
envenom 38
swords 37
stealth 40
LA 2

*this is for a shadowblade btw but is pretty much the same except u will have some skills a bit higher*


I wouldn't take stealth over 36, you get +11 from items and +3 from RR4. Safe fall 4 is useless in my opinion, you dont loose any health jumping of keeps or MG with only 3.

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Artemls
I wouldn't take stealth over 36, you get +11 from items and +3 from RR4. Safe fall 4 is useless in my opinion, you dont loose any health jumping of keeps or MG with only 3.

Art knows what he's talking about - after "accidently" falling off several hundred walls, he has the experience to backk up his claim! :p


Well if I did loose health I was lucky to have a real cleric in my group and not you Blaen.

Always sad to see "You was healed by Blaen for 12 hit points" :O


You mean Blaen actually 'healed' you?! I find that just as unlikely as gaining more than 10 hp from Blaen's buffs. :D


Blaen was just killed by The Wrath of Mordred!
You dance with Blaen!
Artemis dances with Blaen!
Arawn dances with Blaen!
:D :D

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Derric
Blaen was just killed by The Wrath of Mordred!
You dance with Blaen!
Artemis dances with Blaen!
Arawn dances with Blaen!
:D :D

! I so want to migrate to a friendly realm, sniff!


Nah, we wub you. Stay! :D

Just make sure you respec to 50 enhancements as soon as you get a respec option. :p

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Coren
Nah, we wub you. Stay! :D

Just make sure you respec to 50 enhancements as soon as you get a respec option. :p

PL my alt to 50 and it's a deal :p


Heh nice highjacking gimps ;)

Suggest two possible courses of action for Inf:

stealth 36
enven 40
crit 50
thrust/slash (eep!) 44
(anything else shove in DW for mini 'to hit' bonuses)

Thrusticator/Slashicator (eep!)
stealth 36
Enven 40
Crit 44
Thrust/slash (eep!) 50
(anything else shove in DW for mini 'to hit' bonuses)

Personally I think this is best, as stealth can easily be raised as gimpemis said, and frankly Safe Fall 4 is kind pointless. I've jumped off bloody cliffs and lived (most i lost so far was 45% in a single fall)

Env should be easy to raise do reasonable levels - couple of nice +env items still in game and more to come.

Criticators have the highest PA strike. I'd suggest this for thrusting saracens as you need the high PA cap.

Thrusticators have the best evade chain in the game (dragonfang). Nice for stronger infis.

I'm not going to get into the slash argument, but frankly.. I don't like slash infs - nothing personal, just think it's the wrong route. However, whatever floats yer boat.

Hmm, damn, I said all that. You'll probably go 50 DW/50 env now ;)

Hope that helps

Level 50 Infiltrator
Order of The Knights Templar


Thanks all, muchly ace information, much appreciated

After digesting all these nuggests of wisdom, and others, I have decided to make a 'thrusticator' (i love that word:))

Tbh, most of my guildmates are slash, so it seemed a good move for geting the best weapons, and that Dragonfang just looks sooo nice :)

Anyhoo, if ya see Shaeffer around, giveim a wave blessim, cos hes only a likkle 9 atm, ....temporarily of course ;)

Thanks again


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