Infiltrator RA's



Its almost time to start spending rp's and really need an idea of good ra's to get.

goin aug dex, qui, con, str mop duelist reflexes, tireless 1

don't know if mastery of stealth is worth points or vanish / purge , see hidden etc any help would be greatly appreciated

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Is dodger a good RA to get and then respec out of it when you hit 50 or so?


i have dodger 1 at the moment, from all i've read dodger 1 or 2 will cap evade rates so guess i'll keep it, vanish i can't afford yet but looks like it will realy help with double pa or to get away.


tis best to save for the uber expensive ra's early on as its a lot easier than doing it at like rr6 :eek:


Don't waste points on aug con. Thoughness is much better. My guess is you get most profit out of Thoughness I together with Aug con I (2 points).


constitution increase the endurance pool too ...

+ hit + end = good reason to chose

but only if u have few ra to trow away...

i like see hidden alot ;P

first get vanish (that help for exping too)

than see hidden

agu qui 2

dodger 1/2

agu dex 2

m o p

dualist reflex

in truth would be better to get dodger n mop fist but...

the first 2 ra i chose cost alot n at lower rr ull get more point faster



Originally posted by Silenzio
first get vanish (that help for exping too)

And just how is that usefull ?

even after vansish most mobs get ya anyway (in my experience) :(


i ment doubel pa
or double pa cd if u rlly fast
not to save u running away but to kill them faster =)

or maybe not


Originally posted by skile
Don't waste points on aug con. Thoughness is much better. My guess is you get most profit out of Thoughness I together with Aug con I (2 points).

aug con is not wasting points...

If you spend your time unbuffed, buy them in this order:

tough 1 -> aug con 1 -> tough 2 -> aug con 2 -> tough 3 -> aug con 3 -> tough 4 -> tough 5 -> ...

If you spend your time buffed, buy them in this order:

tough 1 -> aug con 1 -> tough 2 -> tough 3 -> aug con 2 -> tough 4 -> aug con 3 -> tough 5 -> ...

(stop whenever you don't think the points are worth it).


thanks for thaPin spend most of time unbuffed, what about se hidden a lot of people hate it a lot say buy it ?

your opinion pls Pin, your kinda regarded as most knowledgely Infi on server ( from past posts when people quote you)


Originally posted by Silenzio
constitution increase the endurance pool too ...

wrong. nothing increases endurance.

Originally posted by Silenzio
i like see hidden alot ;P

I don't. A cheesy RA which is a waste of point imo. Any good inf can find archers perfectly well without it. And buying it means 8 points less to spend on more important things (to do damage and live through damage).

Originally posted by Silenzio
first get vanish (that help for exping too)

vanish is virtually useless for exping. mobs (same as pets) don't lose target from you when you stealth, so you can't use it to get away. and 1 extra PA every 30 minutes really is not what I'd call a nice boost to exping.

Besides, you shouldn't be using PA for exping. Fastest way to experience is to ignore stealth, mostly ignore CS (good to get Hamstring) and DW, just pump all points into weapon spec and envenom.

The better RAs for exping are aug dex/qui/con, toughness, MoP, DR, etc. Passives are the way to go here.

Originally posted by Silenzio
agu qui 2

dodger 1/2

Once you are 50, Dodger is basically worthless. It does help a lot with levelling though.

Originally posted by Silenzio
agu dex 2

m o p

dualist reflex

Yes, get these.

My list:

Aug Dex 2
MoP 3
DR 2
Aug Qui 2
Dodger 1 (I only bought this to get a free RA respec last patch, I'll dump it soon)
Aug Con 2
Toughness 2
Tireless 2
Longwind 2
AoM 2
Rain of Annihilation 1

4 points left at 8L0. I'll buy RoA 2 next and when I respec I'll drop dodger for Toughness 3 and maybe get RoA3 (may seem expensive, but that's a ~25 point damage add per weapon hit for 1 minute every 15 = a whole lot of damage whenever you need it)


My RA's

Aug Dex 2
Aug Qui 2
Dodger 1
Master of Pain 2
Longwind - for those sprint away times...has saved me more than once
Rain of Annhilation 1 - seems to be ignored ny a lot of people...but a 10% spirit damage add on every hit for a combat every 15 mins is great...only problem is u can't use while stealthed it pops u out....but use after PA, on CD chain etc......Our job is to kill fast and leave.....hence moP 2 and RoA for me...dodger and longwind for when u get caught in melee :)

Gillian - 48 inf


excellent thanks guys, i know where to spend now many thanks to all who replied


hmm still have my doubts about purge and vanish I can count the times vanish saved me on one hand purge however is a must.. Most RAs at lvl 1 are a very cheap way to boost your stats but buffs > RAs so get a bot first if you plan on soloing.

Purge, vanish, dex2, cons1, str1, toughness2, quick2, dodger2, aom1, DF2, Tireless2, Longwind1, Regeneration1, Mop3, AoM1


Mines at RR6L5:

Dualist Reflexes III
Aug Dex II
Aug Quick II
Aug Cons II
Thougness III (1300+ hits for an unbuffed sarracen infil :D)
Long Wind I
Dodger I
Avoidance of Magic I

Planning about RoA, Tireless (dunno if its worth enuff), Aug Cons III, or LWII to expend next rps.

See Hidden: respecced due to the lack of archers in the past, its not worth expending 8rps only to see 1 solo archer every 3 hours just to discover he is bodyguarded by 2 sbs.


Originally posted by Pin

*i've been destroyed*

ehhehehe =)

mmm i was rlly sure bout + con=+ end... but maybe is from
n other game... damn so sleepy... mmm FEK i CAPPED Con on my SC Set!!!

im just getting frist the most expensive ra, as i told first ra skill point comes easyer...

bout see hidden ;P u know been a scout or a tank for long deeply sign ur life, all thos blind run till deth...

only thing im sure isn't good by me...
auto trained stelth all the time so no hig for rvr but decent to exp
cs always maxed as weapon ... dw kinda low...
but till i can kut off red con mob with just endurance regen rest is fine by me(rarely pa or b2, mostly Garrote Achilles Heel spamming till n evade or mob deth), mercinfil arent nice =)

nice to see someone that is able to debate destroing all my point in a clear plain way without flaming or so :)

've nice day


Originally posted by Silenzio
mmm FEK i CAPPED Con on my SC Set!!!

Capping Con on SC set is GOOD. 75 Con = 270 hits at level 50 without Toughness.


Dodger 1 is a must dont know if u should take Dodger 2 now that evade is capped at 50%
I have augment const 1 too it's really usefull got to imagine the look of the SB/NS when he encounters a 1600 HP infil :D


Originally posted by kenshee-himura

I have augment const 1 too it's really usefull got to imagine the look of the SB/NS when he encounters a 1600 HP infil :D

Probably doesn't phase him much after running into the 1900hp ones ;)


I'd appreciate when you throw advice around for RAs like Dodger,
you'd consider the fact that not all of us run around buffed( or isn't a place in this game for us that want to play fair).
Dodger 1 wont cap your evade rates, nor will Dodger2 afaik
...and there is talk that even Dodger3 will be good for us unbuffed. I wish Mythic would give us the formula for evade rates :(


in truth most ov the time dodger 1 should cap ur evade...

with doger 2 u r just bit more sure its capped

n the evade formula isnt a secret
to lazy to grab the link but not hard to find...

some others inf will surely post it

bb =)


i play without a buffbot many other do
but everyone play the way he like...
till isnt lame is allways a good way

edit: lazy an sleeeeeeepy still at work damn!


Evade formula? The one with just Dex, Qui, Dodger lvl and Evade lvl? Log 1000 swings from a cleric and 1000 swings from an armsman with 50 weapon... Then scrap the formula.

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