Infiltrator poison problem.


Vortigern Wolf

I have a level 9 infiltrator who is specced in poison. I know that you can poison Xbows and I believe that I have poisoned my Xbow with a poison that is too high level for me to use.

Now this effect should drop when I zone, logout or use the item. But I have had this Xbow a long time and am still unable to apply any other poison to it.

When I try to apply poison to the Xbow I get told that it all ready has an active effect.

I also passed over a sword to a younger infiltrator that I had had a poison effect on. He was unable to apply poison to that weapon as he too recieved the message This weapon all ready has an active effect.

Is this a know fault? Is it because it has a level of poison above our skill levels? Is it a bug.

Your advice greatfully recieved. Thankyou in advance.

Vortigern Wolf.


id say try getting a high-level infiltrator to hit something with the sword and crossbow to proc off the poision. its down to the weapon having poision on above your env level i think, not too sure


you can poison xbows ?? why am i only learning this now <runs off>


I read somewhere this was a bug that may or may not have been fixed. I understood that high level asassins could envenom blades and give them to other chars, and the poisons would proc. As envenom skill was only being checked when the poison was applied, and not on the proc. This was also being abused by people equipping lots of +envenom items, applying poisons, then re-equpping +hits items (as an example). I really can't remember many details, but you might be the victim of the fix.

Also I seem to remember I could not poison my throwing daggers with my shadowblade (and if you think about it applying poisons to ranged weapons would totally unbalance the game). Applying poison to a xbow (and not the bolts) seems ridiculous, and I would suspect this is a bug.

The kiting possibilities for PvP and RvR are interesting though. Fire ranged envenom weap from stealth, run away, restealth, rinse and repeat (3 or 4 stacks of bolts/daggers with each poison type). Scary.


Although you can apply poisons to crossbows, they do not poison when you hit with them.


bah, we want poison arrows :p (as if we "scouts" dont do enough dmg to you hippys and mids :clap: )


With the awesome threads elsewhere on this board bemoaning the death of the archer, this suggestion is really cool. Posioned arrows would just so rock for sneaky archer classes. Kiting, plucking poisoned arrows, sprinting off, stealthing...sounds like great fun in RvR. Could really affect the outcomes on RvR battles with tactical DoTs and Diseases and Snares.....Ooh Yeah !


+Env items work like they should, they're not bugged. There wouldn't be much point to them otherwise. I wouldn't sacrifice +3 to stealth & CS for couple points of envenom... Think Mythic would've fixed it while they were "fixing" the one-shot "bug".

Being able to envenom other peoples weapons is a crappy way from Mythic to try make assassins more group-friendly, except who's going to wait couple minutes between each pull so that everyone's weapons are poisoned? Haven't asked other infils around if someone has envenom past 19 (so I could test), but I read that as an assassin, I can't proc the poison off a weapon if it's higher level poison than I can use. Beats me why it'd be that way, if I can equip a +env item, envenom weapons with higher level stuff, swap out the +env item and still have the poison proc.

Envenoming x-bows... Sure it works and would proc, but you aren't hitting with the x-bow itself. I wish it was possible to poison people/mobs afar, would make some situations easier...


Yeah that would rock, and then a 1000+ dmg proc bow :rolleyes:

think ill just go delete my tank, why should u want to play something who can be killed by a lvl 10 stealther with a poisoning shot

/hot boiling sarcasm:m00:


Originally posted by Vortigern Wolf
I have a level 9 infiltrator who is specced in poison. I know that you can poison Xbows and I believe that I have poisoned my Xbow with a poison that is too high level for me to use.

Now this effect should drop when I zone, logout or use the item. But I have had this Xbow a long time and am still unable to apply any other poison to it.

When I try to apply poison to the Xbow I get told that it all ready has an active effect.

I also passed over a sword to a younger infiltrator that I had had a poison effect on. He was unable to apply poison to that weapon as he too recieved the message This weapon all ready has an active effect.

Is this a know fault? Is it because it has a level of poison above our skill levels? Is it a bug.

Your advice greatfully recieved. Thankyou in advance.

Vortigern Wolf.

You cant poison people with a ranged weapon, even though you can apply it. Doesnt work, and would be way overpowered if it did.

That weapon you mentioned is now buggered, swap it with a non-poisoner or get a new one. Nothing you can do to fix it.

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