Infiltrator (again) spec :o



Hey peps...

by peps i mean high lvl infils... i know u r prolly bored of these threads at the mo.... :( but i would love some input :D

Im lvl 43.. my current spec is....

36 stealth
40 Thrust
39 CS
20 envnom
5 DW

I just want to ask ur advice....

Spec line i was thinking of...

36 stealth
50 thrust
42 CS
40 Envnom
9 DW

Im basing this on a few +envnom items that are coming out soon i think with them and RRs i should be able to rech 50...

I dont see the point in taking CS to 44.. as the on an evade ill be doing DF.. and if i want the long duration snare that the 44 CS style gives me i can do the Tranqulise combod (use any time) in the Thrust spec bath...

or is the CS Evade combo best to use anyway? after i have used DF once

an u suggest some other specs i may look at?

is my DW to low??

Any help is apreicated! :)

Thanks :)



Well if ya wanna know my template here goes

Stealth 38+12
CS 43+5
Thrust 50+7
DW 8+8
Envenom 38+7

There u go I get second best poison line and with new RR's will get 50 lifebane

CS gives u a higher hit ratio so u can hit with ya CS moves alot harder

Thrust obviously dragonfang

Stealth, 50 etc etc

And DW is fine near 20 as u get a 20% bonus and then it only goes up by 0.5% a spec point so essentially even if u had 50 in DW ur only hit with ur two swords 50% of the time

I prefer more in CS and it will go upto 50 with RR's so much harder Perf Artery/Creeping Death/Stunning Stab

But its anyones choice that was mine

Think ur find most infils templates the same just some give up getting CS really high in exchange for DW


36 stealth
50 thrust
44 CS
36 env
rest DW

That's good till 1.52 (or so it seems for now). 44 slash/50 CS then maybe, 30% resists against other assassins is... <rude words>



36 Stealth (49 = items + rr3)
44 CS (49 = items + rr3)
50 Thrust (62 = items + rr3)
37 Envenom (41 = items + rr3 (no frenzy :()
17 DW (27 = items + yes you guessed it rr3)

Also judging from my specs you'll also have noticed my template is based around RR4 and Darkness Falls / Epic Gear :)


Errr, for mine just cut'n' paste Belthazor's in here



But looking at 1.52, I might be tempted by 44 slash and 50 CS.

-30% on leather-wearers, while SBs still get +15% on me will kinda hurt.


uhm guys ... bout the -30 % on leather. Nothing stops you from performing your PA combo with a staff (crush) or a Big nasty slash sword (caillionder basterd) even if you are specced in thrust. The main damage in PA is not affected by the thrust / slash speccing but from the move itself. You c ould vary your pa weapon according to the class you are sneaking up upon and then switch to faster weapons. I bet the bonus you get from the right weapon vs the right armor type more then compensates the small penalty from not having specced in slash.


not a good idea, even with the penalty u'll still hit harder with the weapon u specced in
or maybe once in a while u'll do decent damage with a weapon with no spec, but it will vary alot since weaponspec = minimum damage

absolutely best spec imo : (with items from patch 1.49-1.50 and RR4 )

thrust 50
stealth 36
envenom 40 (u can go lower if ur willing to sacrifice some items to wear envenom items)
CS 44 (u can go lower again, but make up ur mind, either 39 or 44 CS)
rest of points in DW


sorry thought PA was maximum damage, not minimum.


Respeccing to
36 stealth
50 thrust
34 CS
36 envenom
31 DW
might prove interesting, a real melee infiltrator, hitting very often with both weapons. 34 CS is interesting, because, let's face it, none of the styles in the CS line after 34 are great... Possibly switch to 44 slash and up DW to 39. A seemingly good combination of a merc & infiltrator, no idea how it would fare due to cardboard (cloth=paper :p) armor, but atleast it'd deal a LOT of damage.



And Ninja as always a wicked template I am right up there with you on that spec template WOO


It's true that the styles after 34 CS aren't great, but each point in CS adds to the damage from all your CS styles (going from a couple of points per CS level for a Garotte to 9 points per CS level for your Perforate Artery), and the difference between 34 and 44 crit strike works out at about 90 points on your maximum PA, which isn't a small difference.

As to using a staff, the only way you can get any sort of good damage using an untrained staff (or slash if you're thrust trained) is against a grey-con, you'll get wildly varying damage (ranging from 25-100% of base damage, versus between 100-150% of base damage if you are fully trained), which is much worse than the 30% penalty that thrust is getting versus leather.


Originally posted by Arthwyr
sorry thought PA was maximum damage, not minimum.

PA IS maximum damage :) ur weaponspec is minimum

Originally posted by Pin
As to using a staff, the only way you can get any sort of good damage using an untrained staff (or slash if you're thrust trained) is against a grey-con, you'll get wildly varying damage (ranging from 25-100% of base damage, versus between 100-150% of base damage if you are fully trained), which is much worse than the 30% penalty that thrust is getting versus leather.

much better explained then in my post :p


Higher CS higher Dmg

Higher Thrust Higher minimum dmg

Badda bing Badda boom


Almost right, but

Higher CS = Higher damage when using CS styles (doesn't effect non-styled, or weapon spec styles).

Higher Weapon spec = Higher minimum, higher maximum, higher average damage from all attacks, whether CS styles, weapon-spec styles, or un-styled.


Ninja... you done it for me...

thrust 50
stealth 36
envenom 40
CS 44
rest of points in DW

it is....


well good choise, u'll have both lifebane and dragonfang, and high CS :p


Just to point out that you'll need extra points to get that template (whether it's from autotraining stealth to at least level 36 or by being level 40+ before the patch to 1.48 came in).

If you don't fall into one of those categories, you should drop a level or 2 out of envenom (I'd actually not even consider taking envenom any higher than 37).

patch 1.49: 37 envenom + epic gloves + DF jewel + RR5 = Lifebane;

patch 1.51: 37 envenom + epic gloves + epic ring + DF jewel + RR4 = Lifebane


No I'm not respeccing, just toyed with the template ;)


Also, if you're quick and get a diamond dagger, or thrusting frenzy before 1.49, you can drop envenom down another notch.

Luckily some kind fellow swapped me a diamond dagger last night, so my envenom is staying at 36.

old.Im pac man!!

50 thrust
40 envenom
40 stealth
39 CS
13 DW
2 slash

no points left to use :)


Just to get out of topic here, u are talking about stats on epic gears and DF things, plz plz plz, give me an adress to a good item side =) (Not Banshee as they charge now)


I left my envenom at 37 as I don't like to get my goodies all at once. This way at RR5 and 1.49 I'll have lifebane. I'm also 50 stealth and 50 CS now with items and RR4, and I'm well on my way to RR5. So look out for another lifebane wielding infie in a fontier near you soon.

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