Infiltrator after 1.48



Lo all!

I've seen most of you in game, so i thought this would be a good place to ask some advice...

Atm i have Stealth 42, Thrust 42, CS 42 and envenom 20 (all with items) and a few points wasted early on in my n00b days in slash and DW.

I'd just like to know what you other infils suggest i spend my next 700 pts on after the patch?

I'm thinking of maxing thrust, and banging a few pts into stealth too, but i'd also like to beef my envenom up- suggestions please!

Marrah Matricidia- 45th Infil of Ferus Legionis


Heya Marrah,

Long time no see :D

I think poison would be your best bet atm, your weapon, stealth and cs are all within 75% of your current level, so thats all fine :)
I found that the debuff poison line (which gets interesting from lvl 22) are invaluable in RvR. The Minor Enervating poison at lvl 22 can drop 50 strength, 50 con or a combination of both of an enemy if it sticks. Of course it will do a bit less at lvl 45 being a lvl 22 poison, its still a nice extra :)

edit: After checking with the character builder I saw you can but it up to lvl 40+ with 700 points so you can do either that or split the points up to get a 100-150% thrust hit rate with 45 thrust @ lvl 45 or go all the way up with the poisons. Its a waste to put more into CS IMHO (Im going to 34 with it) as it only upps the damage by 9 points per level, and the styles are not all that (again IMO)


Up stealth so it's at your level with items & rr foremost. Nothing more annoying to move slower than that blue-con archer stealthed and beeing seen farther away ;) Envenom to 30 would be good for the second enervating and a nice DoT (which get boosted in 1.48 btw, my 25 does about 17-27 on mobs now, in 1.48 it's more like +5 damage each tick). Leaving CS lowish like Dogson suggests lets you raise DW quite high, but the more CS you got, the more damage CS-styles do across the board.

I've currently at 43.5, with current +'s -
33+10 stealth
1+6 slash
31+10 thrust
39+4 CS
20+5 envenom
2+5 DW

My plan is to get base stealth to 36 and thrust as near my level as possible on the day of patch and leftover points to envenom. Was originally considering taking thrust to 34, stealth 36 and rest envenom, but decided I want my melee-damage on the par with my level. I might leave CS at 39 and get my DW to 20 or 21 at 50, would give me approx 48% hitrate against 2 DW with 38% hitrate.

Lots of interesting possibilites (having thrust at 50 aside, a must) ;)


If ur stealth is weak u cant do ur job properly. I'd get that to the lvl u plan to leave it at asap.


Heya my high lvl infiltrator friends!

Ok my stats stand at lvl 45 like this:


With items and RR buffs

I went onto Gorre and at lvl 45 I had 660 points to spend or somewhere round that

I proceeded to bring envenom upto 45 with items will hit 50
CS I left alone
Stealth upto 50
Thrust upto 40 odd

So at 50 I should look summin like this

50 stealth
50 Thrust NATURAL
50 Envenom
50 CS

With maybe CS a little lower but thats the aim at the moment!

Hope that helps


My final template without items is going to be this:

36/37 stealth, depending on how lucky I feel with my RR's.
50 thrust, ofcourse.
38/39 envenom, for lifebane with DF or two thrusting frenzies with the fishook.
39 CS, for SS and decent dmg.

That leaves you with about 150-200 spec points left for future nerfs/enhancements or to put in DW.


My template is simlar to nicolas's (tested on gorre so i know it works):

36 Stealth (50)
44 CS (50)
50 Thrust (60)
36 Envenom (45 in 1.48 but will be 50 in 1.50)
22 DW (35ish)

Had 977 points to spend on gorre due to having some saved from 48-50 :clap:

Btw dragonfang is an unbelievably good style and definately worth the points. I beat lvl 50 warrios/hero's/skalds/thanes/etc in straight up melee as long as I got an evade (usually get at least one during a fight). Some of them didnt even touch me if I got an evade on their first swing :D


Yeah think I will go with the DW option as well, only with surplus points that I have tho, really want to get Lifebane to be honest and I feel like 1.5 is too far away to wait :)


The lvl 45 DOT hits for around 70-75 dmg a tick, which isn't far off lifebane at all. The extra dmg from DW will easily make up not having lifebane IMO. DW is good until a certain point (from 20-25) where the points invested simply aren't worth the returns.

22 DW = 11% dmg increase


yes but lifebane is more likely to work against a lvl 50 mob unlike the lvl 45 one as venom effectiveness goes by the level it is hitting and what lvl the poison is

Sooooooooooooo all in all a poison doing 100+ dmg a tick than one doing 70dmg a tick is more preferable


Lifebane does 83 dmg a tick, no more. :p As I said the difference between lvl 45 dot and lvl 50 is small but then again, all extra damage is welcome.


Aha u don't read ur patch notes do u Mallus U Gimp!


Poison effectiveness has increased and ur neglecting the other poisons that u get at going past 50 including disease, stat decrease which can decrease str and con on enemies by upto 100 tho I believe its capped at some point


Greater Envenerating
Greater Infectious Disease

Both very nice


Lifebane now does 100+ dmg a tick? Lol guess I can't wait for it to be upgraded then, although as far as I knew it was upgraded in 1.48 to 83dmg a tick. Which patch upgrades it again, if you dont mind me asking? Either way, I will be getting it come 1.50 or 1.51.

RR5 + 5 from DF jewel + 3 from epic gloves + 2 from epic ring = 14


I believe its 1.49 or 1.50 but yeah the poison dmg is improved

But Mallus u miss the best bit poison is dependent on level so if u hit a lvl 45-48 with a lvl 50 poison the dmg u will do per tick will be even higher!!

Envenom is one very VERY nasty weapon that us infiltrators have one of the few things we have over any other class and if u can use them effectively u can be unstoppable.

Use disease and u render magic on u by ur victim near enough useless as it lessens the effectiveness of spells and attacks on people.

Or if ya going for a tank use stat decrease a lvl 50 tanks 150str or more becomes 90str little near ur own with a HP decrease and con decrease so he is far easier to hit with more dmg

And lets say u have a little fiery ranger or skald who can move fast well then whack on some snare, if that little bugger thinks he can speed away well think again!!

I always use DoT dmg on the main and the other poison on my second and then swap if the enemy stays to fight some more usually debuff or disease on the other or vice versa

Seriously I have an american account now and american infiltrators are just like nasty as hell with their poisons, even a tank being hit for 100dmg a tick is scary as hell even if he does have 1800hit points

Well thats my pitch to the people :)

To be honest its entirely upto u how u spec ur infiltrator because it is just like I said...

ITS UR INFILTRATOR! U play it how u want to play and don't let anyone tell u ur wrong or that u gimped ur character

Well thats what I think anyhow


My experience with poisons so far is that no matter what level the person/mob I am hitting I get the same damage from the poisons. Eg. hit a lvl 1 mob get 73dmg whereas I hit a lvl 50 mob and still same damage, with no resists. Maybe this has changed in later patches but it doesn't matter, because when the later patches come out I will have lifebane anyway.


And then my little infiltrator monkees we will cause stealthing mayhem!


Caps, your experiences

I find myself capped on stealth bonus from items and its pretty unnerving. I am level 44 and I still can't get more then +9 to stealth of items. I do have +12 worth items tho.

Has anyone checked this on his/her char ? When is the cap upped ? Is it at all ? Otherwise this nullifies the hopes of to much stealth. This cap doesn't seem to be existant on stats and I don't know on other skills.

Any knowledge about it would be welcome.

Harpy - (still)Gimpiltrator - Albion - Excalibur


Item Cap = <your level>/5 + 1

So at 44 you can only have +9 then + RR on top of that. Have to wait until 45 then you can get +10 ;)

Oh yeah and anyone wanting to get lifebane in 1.48 will have to take envenom base up to 41 AND have RR4. That is if you have a thrusting frenzy and virulent fish hook. 2 thrusting frenzies doesn't work sadly due to them unequiping one when you apply the poison.


I've never ever heard of lifebane doing 100/tick... It's about 480 damage guaranteed over 6 ticks and the 45 one is about 75/tick I think. DoT's got upped in 1.48, tested it on Gorre, but not after that, just nerfed AFAIK. I doubt a lvl50 resists greater insidious venom much, if at all (unless high resist gear), I've stuck a lvl15 DoT on lvl50's loads of times. Was always a blast. They ain't that dependant on levels. Disease only useful on healers with instas (heals halved), the snare in it is broken. Stat-debuffs are supposed to be capped at lowering the stat to 60, dunno if it's true or not, never had time to see when struck by one.

Oh, smaller error in that current spec-list of mine, slash is 1+3 usually or if it's 1+5, thrust goes to 31+8 :(


Had a nice slasher in left hand (gots 6% slash resist on it) last time I checked my specs-window before writing that :twak:



Just wanna thank eveyone for all the advice!

I'll keep stealth to my lvl from now on, i.e. to 45 when the servers reopen :)

Then i'll whack everything else into thrust until its 50 base (for the uber style), sticking any leftover pts into envenom, with the hope of getting it to 45 sometime...

CS will be left at 39+3, and any pts spare until 50 will go into DW!

Cheers again


Originally posted by old.MallusTheGimp

Oh yeah and anyone wanting to get lifebane in 1.48 will have to take envenom base up to 41 AND have RR4. That is if you have a thrusting frenzy and virulent fish hook. 2 thrusting frenzies doesn't work sadly due to them unequiping one when you apply the poison.

Nothing preventing you from equipping a Diamond Dagger in offhand. Also don't forget out on the Regal Gloves, they drop in this patch AFAIK.


Had a nice amount of 555 points to use and I managed to spend them all :D Ph33r my 49 thrust ;)


In this patch (1.48) do we get to do our 43 and 45 epics?


I believe so Nicolas though don't quote me on that


Sorry Light - wrong answer ;)

The 43 (and later) epics are added in 1.49.

I had thought it was 1.48, tested this on Gorre and they werent there. Sure enough when I tracked down the 1.49 patch notes theyre listed as added in that version :(


Bah Draylor is all knowing all seeing I swear!!

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