Infils :)



Wondering if you can give me some info..

1) Am I correct in thinking that your biggest crit jobby is a frontal?

2) What is the speed of your weapon(s) ?

3) Do you hit with your weapons instantly after you attempt your crit? Or is their a delay?

4) What type of damage is your weapon? :)

Thats all for now, thanks for any help :D


1) Am I correct in thinking that your biggest crit jobby is a frontal?

That sounds disgusting in SO many different ways...


Originally posted by old.Tzeentch
Wondering if you can give me some info..

1) Am I correct in thinking that your biggest crit jobby is a frontal?

2) What is the speed of your weapon(s) ?

3) Do you hit with your weapons instantly after you attempt your crit? Or is their a delay?

4) What type of damage is your weapon? :)

Thats all for now, thanks for any help :D

1) No, we like to do it doggy style, from behind! Hence the name Backstab :p Some of us even have Backstab2 :eek:

2) Some prefer the 1.0 spd über-plinkers while some use the heavy hitting 8.3 spd mega-maulers.

3) Ofcourse there's a delay, we'd be owning you all HARD all the time if there wasn't any delay :m00:

4) Heat-damage, cause we're hot and Flavor of the Month(tm).

Now, go do some research :rolleyes:

PS. Could you stand still and not QC anything while we kill you? Thx.

/sarcasm off


Originally posted by old.Tzeentch
Wondering if you can give me some info..

1) Am I correct in thinking that your biggest crit jobby is a frontal?

2) What is the speed of your weapon(s) ?

3) Do you hit with your weapons instantly after you attempt your crit? Or is their a delay?

4) What type of damage is your weapon? :)

Thats all for now, thanks for any help :D

1) Yes frontal (Perf Artery)

2)Depends on weapon most clever ones use big sword for perf rapier 3-3.5sec then swap to faster ones 2.0-2.5 spd ones

3) First one hits instantly then rest hit depending on speed of sword and qui etc

4) Type of Dmg? er Thrust, I think thats what u asking for


Re: Re: Infils :)

Originally posted by -Lonewolf-

2)Depends on weapon most clever ones use big sword for perf rapier 3-3.5sec then swap to faster ones 2.0-2.5 spd ones

Yeah, if you're sure you can one-shot them... Speed is king, I haven't missed a single CD with 2.5 spds, except due to PBT - no time for the caster to QC stun/mezz.


Re: Re: Infils :)

Originally posted by belth

Now, go do some research :rolleyes:

This is research - these questions are based on several things I have noticed when attacked by infils, each has a reason for me asking, and it would make no sense for me to ask people from the US since they are not the SAME players as the ones on Exc and God knows what they have changed in 1.50-1.52.

Lone, thanks for your help :)
Biggest confusion for me is, I notice I'm hit very soon.. maybe 1 second.. after someone attempts a perf on me.. it's not the poison I'm talking about, it's a hit from a weapon.. do you notice this as well?
Or is it just the situation which makes me think that :)


Re: Re: Re: Infils :)

Originally posted by old.Tzeentch
This is research - these questions are based on several things I have noticed when attacked by infils, each has a reason for me asking, and it would make no sense for me to ask people from the US since they are not the SAME players as the ones on Exc and God knows what they have changed in 1.50-1.52.

It's the same on every server - PA is used in 99.99% of the attacks on casters - slow or fast weapon is personal preference, but speed is king because of very short reaction time for casters - first hit is always without SPD, no matter class (unless switching target immediately) - thrust & slash are only choices for speccing and slash doesn't take any advantage from infil dex hence most use thrust.

Nothing's changed ;)


Well.. something is wrong... because I haven't been oneshotted by an infil for a long time.. I've been hit and then poisoned/melee'd down, but been a long time since a one-shot from infils.

SBs.. they can still do it..


Infils can only one shot when they get a critical in as well

Well in my experience its been like that, as for one shotting without critical nope never perf is maxed out at 688 or 702 summin like that


Originally posted by old.Tzeentch
Well.. something is wrong... because I haven't been oneshotted by an infil for a long time.. I've been hit and then poisoned/melee'd down, but been a long time since a one-shot from infils.

SBs.. they can still do it..

That's because infils rarely have PA cap of more than a bit over 700, where as SBs just strap that 2-hander on their back and can PA for 1.1k or so with suitable spec and suitable weapon. They got hurt most by the stealth-"nerf", but to be honest, they brought it on us with those mega-PAs :p


Originally posted by -Lonewolf-
Well in my experience its been like that, as for one shotting without critical nope never perf is maxed out at 688 or 702 summin like that

Depends on your CS & weapon spd - 71 is the absolute maximum CS and every point in CS raises cap by 9. Maybe with a slow staff infils can get to about 900 - who knows, no-one's going to have 71 CS in quite a while :p

Oh, one-shotting 40 base-con casters is possible without a crit, but how often you going to find one alone and actually cap on PA? Too rarely :(


Re: Re: Re: Re: Infils :)

Originally posted by belth

It's the same on every server - PA is used in 99.99% of the attacks on casters - slow or fast weapon is personal preference, but speed is king because of very short reaction time for casters - first hit is always without SPD, no matter class (unless switching target immediately) - thrust & slash are only choices for speccing and slash doesn't take any advantage from infil dex hence most use thrust.

Nothing's changed ;)

Or the slow 2H, which kill them in 1 hit?


Well, my inf has a PA cap of 714 (CS is currently 44 + 6) with my 3.7spd 99% qua arcanium gladius. Add a poison tick of 80 and I can still 1-shot quite a lot (chance of crit and dual wield gives higher, but they're just chances). But most of the time it's better to pull out the fast weapons and get the CD stun in before the target can react (and generally hit for much less on the PA). Most infs will only use the big guns on something blue, or sitting, or Lurikeen :)


Look at these screenies & the spd of my weapon...

Gobarnachta at full health, standing -> Gobarnachta rezed and healed to 100% hp and standing

That was in 1.49, so his HP might have increased due to +con/hits items/RA's, but one-shotting them isn't impossible :) Mostly just takes luck ;)

I've no idea what my PA cap is currently, but it's past 600, which is enough for me... 2.5 spd weapons with 150 qui gives approx. 1.8 spd swing time, there isn't enough time for QC almost anything unless you pay attention and hold your fingers on the keys already :p On that note, I'm considering Mastery of Arms RA at lvl3 - Guarded Rapier 3.5 spd will hit at approx 2.15 spd with 168 (my cap with items at 50) ;)

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