Infil spec



My spec for my crit infil:

Stealth: 40
Slash: 39
CS: 50
Env: 40

The reason why i'd spec CS at max is that i prefer to get the kill as soon as possible. Problem is that my Slash is only 39.

Is this template valid for a hit and run infil ?

What would happen if i keep my slash at 1/2 of level ? So at 25 ?
Would damage output be a lot less ? Is this acceptable with the higher CS damage ?


please dnt for your own sake

thats about it :p

but also 40 stealth???? LOL

umm i have 34 atm :eek:


Originally posted by cantho
My spec for my crit infil:

Stealth: 40
Slash: 39
CS: 50
Env: 40

The reason why i'd spec CS at max is that i prefer to get the kill as soon as possible. Problem is that my Slash is only 39.

Is this template valid for a hit and run infil ?

What would happen if i keep my slash at 1/2 of level ? So at 25 ?
Would damage output be a lot less ? Is this acceptable with the higher CS damage ?

Think about what would happen if you miss your PA?




smart comment ... didn't think that far ahead. I am used playing casters, so i am used to getting killed after 1-2 hits.

What if i'd skip the envenom and shoot for the following on BG1:
(without items)

Stealth 18
Slash 21
env 5
CS 24

or (with envenom)

stealth 19
Slash 13
Env 20
CS 21

Would the extra in slash and cs make up for not using poison ?


Re: ...

Originally posted by cantho

smart comment ... didn't think that far ahead. I am used playing casters, so i am used to getting killed after 1-2 hits.

Hehe, me too.. But I had some experience in Thidranki with stealthers missing their PA on me. Well, take a look at this:

Missed PA
Next strike is countered by my Bladeturn

'My turn':
Quickcast root
Run away
Drop debuff on him and spam it with my pets (theurg) or just nuke it to shreds.

What if i'd skip the envenom and shoot for the following on BG1:
(without items)

Stealth 18
Slash 21
env 5
CS 24

or (with envenom)

stealth 19
Slash 13
Env 20
CS 21

Would the extra in slash and cs make up for not using poison ?

I don't know, really. I only played with my mates infiltrator in thidranki for a few hours and the DoT was nice. But if you're gonna aim for casters, a small DoT is enough to interrupt them and you should be OK with 'pure tanking' on him then.


Re: ...

Originally posted by cantho

Would the extra in slash and cs make up for not using poison ?

im not an infil but id say slash wont make up for envenom, if you blade switch in the first few hits you can get off a poison a stat decrease and a snare :)


Re: Re: ...

Originally posted by Northstarr

im not an infil but id say slash wont make up for envenom, if you blade switch in the first few hits you can get off a poison a stat decrease and a snare :)

When I think about it a bit longer I think you're right.

I think the DoT will give you a slightly better chance on a caster, because of the interrupt(s) it gives to the caster. If you have the DoT on his ass you should have no problem finish him off with a few blows of your melee and let the DoT do his work.

But it's never wise to throw 'everything' in CS because you're really in trouble once you miss your PA .

And there's something about 'auto-levelling' stealth, but I don't know the exact details on it, perhaps a fellow infiltrator can point that out ?


Originally posted by cantho
My spec for my crit infil:

Stealth: 40
Slash: 39
CS: 50
Env: 40

The reason why i'd spec CS at max is that i prefer to get the kill as soon as possible. Problem is that my Slash is only 39.

Is this template valid for a hit and run infil ?

not a very useful template tbh....

Stealth is way too high... only reason to go 40 in stealth is safe fall IV, but with safe fall III you can fall off keeps without taking (much) damage. Getting +11 stealth from items is easy, so go 35 stealth if you want 50 stealth at RR5 or 36 stealth if you want it at RR4.

Slash at 39 is nice (if you want to go slash), if you miss PA, you can try spamming the Amethyst style, which is a nice anytime style.

If you really want to go Slash, take Augmented Strength II.

Slash infils have a really really heavy PA, which is nice.

CS: 50. you get a 5 step evade chain, which is nice. But most infils stop at 34-36 CS, some go 39 for Stunning Stab. I myself plan to stick somewhere at 36.

Envenom at 40 is way to high... here goes the same as stealth... getting envenom to +10 or +11 isnt too hard, especially with Spellcrafting coming soon. Go 35 env if you want 50 env at RR5 or 36 env if you want it at RR4.

Put all rest points in DW, you can get it to far beyond 30 with items and RR, which gives a nice chance to hit with both weaps.

Some infils respecced to 'merciltrator' which means no CS and 50 DW.



Took CS 50 not for the style, but for the damage cap when i PA

Hit ^_^

DF will be nerfed in 1,56 :p as evades goes down.
and for lvl24
this one needs auto train tho.


If u plan to go bg (think so), Hit´s specc is nice but for bg i rather prefer slash instead thrust, n 15env spending the rest of points raising slash/DW, so: (w/o autotrain, whitin it u could have 21 more specc points if u autotrain stealth till 24)

Stealth 19
CS 21 (this is a must have for PA)
Env 15 (extra poison damage, n nice snare line)
Slash 15 (uppercut+opal slash r damn nice in bg)
Dual Weild 11 (gives u a nice 26% chance of hit with the 2ndweapon)

Or maybe, u would like to low DW n train slash in order to raise ur minimum CS damage cap.
Both ways r good for almost all targets (avoid berserkers, blademasters). Use crippling poison in ur main weapon when u fight a loney caster/sniper/healer (u dont want him to run), DoT in the 2nd. Other targets use enervating/DoT n got a 3rd weapon rdy with crippling poison in case they start to run. In large battles use DoT/infectious so ur targets wont be healed easily.

Briton slasher infils r damn good at bg, but beyond it slash is not good at all unless u r planning to be a criticalinfil. Most of the high levels infils go for 50 thrust/34-39 CS.

PS: since GOA nerfed the 1 PA shot kills without decloacking n cap our CS damage, hit-n-run assasins r a bit pointless.


For Bg 12 stealth without items should be enough ;) (i've been told.. )


Originally posted by Adralend
For Bg 12 stealth without items should be enough ;) (i've been told.. )

Nah, u would be jumped for other stealthers in no time. They would see ya before u see em, n PA/BS u.
17-18+items is the minimum i think


Forgot how i specced for bgs but current base spec is. Do recall being pretty much invisible in bgs with a total stealth of 24.

35 stealth
35 dw
34 cs
33 envenom
50 thrust

close to RR6 so soon stealth, dualwield, Cs and envenom will be at 50, Must say till Spellcrafting some caps hitting 50 depends on the weaponset used so I usualy Pa with one and switch to dw increasing weapons shortly after.


Originally posted by Adralend
For Bg 12 stealth without items should be enough ;) (i've been told.. )

at least 16 base. detect hidden :eek:


Hmm i was planning something more like

Stealth 44
Thursting 50
Envenom 40
Crit 34 ( would like to get it to 39 not sure if i can manage it tho)

These stats dont inculde auto on stealth and i plan on auto training for as long as i can ( not building a bg char :) )

Its not really a final template as i havent found out what items i can use on Stealth and Envenom so i may get Crit to 39


35 Stealth 50Thrust 32Env 34CS 37DW

is one sweet ex-bg inf template, needs autoing stealth to 24, 0 points left over :D
its so good it almost tempts me to lvl my infi! but since soloing is virtually impossible/extremely slow on an infi alas it prolly wont happen...


Originally posted by Hit ^_^
DF will be nerfed in 1,56 :p as evades goes down.

Im afraid your so wrong there ;)

it caps at 50% yes, but if you have a Buffbot that pushes your Evade rate way over 50% yes then it will be noticeable, but an infi with evade7 Dodger2 and high dex/qui will be close (maybe alittle over) evade cap, so it wont make any difference ;)

heres the formula that most people tend to agree on is correct:

( (Qui-50)+(Dex-50) ) / 40

ergo, 250 in Qui+Dex gives 10% increase in Evade +6% from dodg2 + 35% from evade7 = 51% evade = 1% over cap ;)


Mythic screwed up the evade "nerf" apparently as according to current tests, botting is the only way to not suffer from it. Great f'ing going, Mythic! ONCE AGAIN!

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