Infil spec (part 2)



Gows this spec with a buffbot:

50 Slash
50 DW
36 stealth
30 cs
rest in env

(notice almost all sbs have purge)

respons :)


Originally posted by kadoer

(notice almost all sbs have purge)

Notice also that almost all sbs have a buffbot (or access to one). The way to kill a buffbot (and hence, most sbs) is with enervating poison.

I'd rather go 21CS and higher poison (get second highest enervating at least).


damn, Im gimped .. can't remember ...

"how much autospec stealth do a stealther get?"
(bow-class and mincer-wannabe's can't get auto I know, but SB's, infi's and NS's ???)
most peeps say that they autospecced to lvl 44 ... is that the last lvl U get autospec?

damn .. loads of n00b *Q's* I should have posted at "n00bville"


Originally posted by greenfingers
damn, Im gimped .. can't remember ...

"how much autospec stealth do a stealther get?"
(bow-class and mincer-wannabe's can't get auto I know, but SB's, infi's and NS's ???)
most peeps say that they autospecced to lvl 44 ... is that the last lvl U get autospec?

damn .. loads of n00b *Q's* I should have posted at "n00bville"

Errr... no idea what you've been smoking... anyway.

An assassin can get 77 points through autotraining stealth to level 48. Points are gained every 4 levels to keep your stealth at level/4.
Archers can get 77 points through autotraining bow to level 48. Points are gained every 4 levels to keep your bow at level/4.
Minstrels can get 77 points through autotraining instruments to level 48. Points are gained every 4 levels to keep your instruments at level/4.


Originally posted by kadoer
Gows this spec with a buffbot:

50 Slash
50 DW
36 stealth
30 cs
rest in env

(notice almost all sbs have purge)

respons :)

This assumes you will primarily be fighting SBs with buffbots and purge. Is this REALLY the life of an infil (if so not really worth levelling mine cos I don't fancy just SB fights tbh).


Re: Re: Infil spec (part 2)

Originally posted by old.shotgunstow
This assumes you will primarily be fighting SBs with buffbots and purge. Is this REALLY the life of an infil (if so not really worth levelling mine cos I don't fancy just SB fights tbh).

good luck on finding solo skalds/casters daws *_*


Re: Re: Re: Infil spec (part 2)

Originally posted by gunZ-
good luck on finding solo skalds/casters daws *_*

Who said I wanted to solo?


Re: Re: Infil spec (part 2)

Originally posted by old.shotgunstow
This assumes you will primarily be fighting SBs with buffbots and purge. Is this REALLY the life of an infil (if so not really worth levelling mine cos I don't fancy just SB fights tbh).

80% of my encounters is with sb's, all which is mostly buffed and have purge up.

buffs+ slash spec is a very interesting spec(will try it myself when i get hold of a respec stone)


Originally posted by old.shotgunstow
This assumes you will primarily be fighting SBs with buffbots and purge. Is this REALLY the life of an infil (if so not really worth levelling mine cos I don't fancy just SB fights tbh).

Well face it most of the times get your ass handed to you will be by other assassins and since ns are a bit gimped compared to the other realms classes it will be SBs. Why ? Most of the times you engage in combat will either be because a)you picked a target you most likely will be able to kill unless something unforseen happens or b)when you are discovered by another stealther. So yes you will be fighting sbs with buffbots mostly :) And most of em have purge.


The ultimate RR10 spec (+11 from items and +9 from rr = +20):
30 stealth
30 envenom
30 dual wield
34 Critical Strike
50 thrust
29 slash

:clap: :clap:


tho i think with relics they ll still kill you. If we have the relics.. well thrust will most likely win again any way... Anyway i was making another slash inf but stopped him i tihnk he is gonna be suxxor anyway. Comeback and stun > slash infs :)'


Originally posted by gunZ-
infil in rvr grp o_O

Gunnz meet brommix xD
1fg v 1fg Brom = the guy that 2shots the bard and then goes after the caster.... kinda like good grping NS do? ;>
Also he's never had DF... before or after respec.
go go non-cookiecutters :]

Kadoer: 50slash for good anytime chain... 50DW for what? Dual shadows is nicer than amethyst->diamond but only in terms of end usage... the defence penalty will make it worse against any class that's actually going to melee you back. Like pin says, to kill SBs you REALLY need the best str/con debuff your spec allows... incidentally you can expect to get str/con debuffed yourself... so high slash is probably a good idea ;)

Originally posted by old.shotgunstow
This assumes you will primarily be fighting SBs with buffbots and purge. Is this REALLY the life of an infil (if so not really worth levelling mine cos I don't fancy just SB fights tbh).

yeps.... if you stealth and solo these days, at least 80% of your fights will be vs SBs. They're impossible to avoid and there's more of em (lvl50) than infils. And atm with the relics the buffbotted ones are truly scary.

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