I was wondering if any got some good Infi/scout movies, or links for so. Would be glad to see 'em, please post em here
Originally posted by Exellenze
Scout movie - baf.mine.nu/movies/scout-2003-09-15.avi
It's not very good though, but defitenely shows a little something about unbuffed scouts
Don't think so... it's just "I'm fully buffed with poisoned weapons, AP, purge, IP, TS and a friend incase im a trouble"Originally posted by old.Sohawen
Is it me or is Quivna's Ranger movie have some "see stealther on clip range" in alot of times without TS.. ?
So you and Talen did that a few times, some months agoOriginally posted by Aoln
Don't think so... it's just "I'm fully buffed with poisoned weapons, AP, purge, IP, TS and a friend incase im a trouble"