[SUGGESTION] Increase the character cap on bug reports


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 28, 2008
...and CSR tickets and feedback and so forth. I've submitted feedback ingame about this, which ironically got cut off halfway through by the character cap.

Issues put on those forms, particularly the bug reports and CSR appeals, frequently require a bit of explaining. For example, I discovered an issue the other day where my bloodlust on my WE apparently wasn't being removed if I interrupted Ruthless Assault halfway through with another ability, leaving me with a full bloodlust pool to pull off another frenzy with, or to give me the full 15% off Frenzied Mayhem. I wasn't able to fully explain the issue in proper English. Detail is normally required if there's to be a hope of tracking down, identifying and eliminating bugs.

I understand why the cap's there, (to encourage people to be concise,) but it seems more than a little counterproductive at the moment.


English WAR Community Manager
Nov 6, 2008
Noted thanks.

As you say the reason for the cap is to encourage concise and to the point feedback but this should not force people to leave out important facts. We'll raise it with CS.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Noted thanks.

As you say the reason for the cap is to encourage concise and to the point feedback but this should not force people to leave out important facts. We'll raise it with CS.

its not working. and its aggrivating me to hell and back whenever i try to explain a bug and the fucking cap wall happens.

tried (once) to submit 2 tickets about the same issue, continuing where i left off on the first one and promply got told not to missuse the report system.

so yeah, no more bug reports from me. because i cant explain most of them within the stupidly short character cap.

oh and another thing, would you mind enable petition reports on deleted characters? all the gold sellers delete their toons a few minutes after sending their ingame mails and then i can't report them! and THATS pissing me off!

keep getting "character not found, petition not submitted" and no i dont misstype the character names.

or better yet, make trial accounts unable to send ingame mails unless the target is on his friends list.

do that and problem solved.


One of Freddy's beloved
Sep 20, 2004
tried (once) to submit 2 tickets about the same issue, continuing where i left off on the first one and promply got told not to missuse the report system.

I submitted a feedback report that read a bit odd given the cap. Had a nice chat with a CSR as he/she did not quite understand it so I had to explain it better. When I raised this cap issue I was told to do exactly what you have been wrist slapped for.

I do think feedback and bugs can need a decent bit of space for an explanation that make sense.

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