In search of guild



Ok, Fangrim and I have desolved our new guild (4 days old and dead) We have worked hard to get our chars to the lvl they are and want to be able to enjoy it. With a new guild we can't do that as well as in an established guild =(

So here is what I want:
I want to join a well established guild
One in the realm wide alliance
one where we all get along and there isn't constant fighting umungst the mebers
I'd like an active RvR guild for my Cleric
I'd like a guild that groups with each other for my Sorceress
I'd like to be able to be an active meber in a guild. i.e. planning weekly hunts for all lvls if no one else already does that. Planning guild give aways ect.
I don't want to be a passive member who just sits back and takes from guild but one who gives back as well.

So basically what I'm looking for is Dreama's Perfect world lol

If you might be what I'm looking for please post in this thread about your guild, or send to me in game =) THANKS!


try have a chat with thorwyn

although we are closed for random recrutment he might make an exception in your case :)


Ah, this seems like begging for members ;)

But still, give me or Pac a PM... And we can always use Group Leaders and/or Officers :D

And we might not be your perfect world, but heck, try us out, see if you 'like us' ;)

We havent had 1 member who left yet...

old.Im pac man!!

funny i talked to them about it just before they quit their own guild. would love to have another 2 of our old guild mates. I think that you know us pretty well so no need to advertize our many qualities :p :p any questions you have let me know :)


Hmmm dunno what the score with joining the Illuminati is....

But all those things you mentioned above we do

For example 2 nights ago we had a guild kill the Callieach Guards event!

Then last night we had the Routine Dartmoor run to kill lots of things for tons of drops

And every Sunday we have the Epic Mob smack down, where we team up and go smack the crap out of the Epic mobs!

All good fun, talk to Daivana or Chenuba or Calvin or is too many to mention

And we have a large 40+ user base, about 15+ who group together alot! And also lower levels and people responsible are differing levels to arrange events and guild grouping for exp!

Its all good :)


Um, Light were you asleep last night or did you just log early for a change? ;)

Dreama and Fangrim joined us last night :)


Thanks to all of you. I think I have found a happy home in the loveing arms of the Illuminati. I hope so at least, we'll see how things work out as it's a trial periode as of right now.

(blah, did that not sound VERY girly! lol)

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