In need of advice...


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
Hello, i have just recently got to lvl 50 on a dwarf supp runemaster (this spec has 6 sec pbt and snare nukes), have reasonable armour and a few artis, my main problem is the way i play in rvr...

When first going into emain or odins anyone i come up against has lightening fast reactions and lands the first nuke or mezz on me. How do others play in rvr i personally still use my mouse to select spells etc and am finding it very hard to use numbers for the spells, but oviously its not working... any advice?

Another problem is my quickbar set up, how should i lay out my spells, what macros are useful to put on quickbar?

Any good skins for casters that really help in rvr?

I'm sure you'll laugh but i haven't yet won a fight vs a caster 1 on 1 even when i am fully buffed, they r just to quick...The first few secs of the fight i start panicing pressing spells etc, and forget to nearsight, root or debuff :/

How to generally move around using the keys more? i still use arrows to move side to side :( and its not working, and also the comman rvr hotkeys

help me!


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Been a while since I played, but you need to learn to use number keys to do stuff, unless your plat style dictates otherwise.

Use mouselook is also extremely handy - turn the mouse, and your character turns... With mouselook, you can then use the tilde key (the one below escape) to pan the view, so you can look sideways, or behind when you're running.

Since you have a 50, try doing a BG alt - Just smack everything in Darkness and go run about the BG and see if you can practise various control methods.

I also reccomend trying out a Thane in the BG, even at level 20.... may not be worth much, but the switiches between spells and melee will make you a decent number punhcer, and you shouldn't panic so often.



Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
wow thats a great help silver, especially that button below escape, jstu spent 10 mins running around trying it out getting the hang of it now :))

thanks again bud appreciated...

btw any info on quickbar layout?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
imo qickbar set up is a matter of opinion , and depends on what class you got.but...

group spells //skills that follow on from one another together in a order , so you get into a habit of pressing that order.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Shneddi said:
imo qickbar set up is a matter of opinion , and depends on what class you got.but...

group spells //skills that follow on from one another together in a order , so you get into a habit of pressing that order.

What he said

My runie first bar had something like this:

1 Sprint (was before you could bind spring to a key)
2 /Face
3 Spec Bolt
4 Bolt
5 DD debuff
6 DD
7 Root
8 QC
9 bladeturn
10 /stick

Non essential stuff was put on the second bar, like speed and other not so useful stuff.... how you do it is all down the personal prefference really

Find out howyour hand rests on they keybord, and they key that's easiest to press should be your DD key, or whatever spell you use first (nearsight?)



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Sarnat's five simple steps to teh win:

1) Make a good keyboard config.
-wasd moving instead of arrow keys
-bind face, last attacker, sprint, stick to keyboard near movement keys
2) Make a good qb config: have dd/bolt/root on same spot on all qbs + 1 buff bar. I have root on all bars on slot 0, for example.
-move your qb to the middle and down, right above chat tab
-have spells you need fastest and most often on keys 1-5 (close to movement!)
3) Pan camera and/or mouselook
4) Practice
5) Practice


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
I would recommend (if u can) put in my case Sprint and Jump on mouse then u free up 1 needed slot on Qbar.

Face command is very importent as it alows u to run and just hit face and u dead stop and can cast right away.

and as a caster DONT STAND STILL for more then 1 or 2 nukes/bolts, keep moving otherwise u have a PA in u r face :p

And look and observe other casters how they play (good time to do this is when u are dead...hehe)

Good luck!


Dec 22, 2003
I still use arrows, sprint, face, stick ect was all on my hotbar, however had to bind some to stop flames when I took SS's :p.
Face, Stick and Sprint bound ;)


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
thanks for ya help guys, but what does this bound thing mean?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
It means that you can bind sprint to a segnificant key. If you press that key, say 'z' you will start printing and you don't need to have it on your qb


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
its all routine tbh.

most important I think is: whenever you do get into a fight, try to stay chill and keep thinking, even if its slow the first times, it will get faster and faster eventually. Stress and caster do not mix at all, you will only do shitloads of mistakes and fumble and mistarget etc. Playing a caster and just nuke stuff aint hard, but using the most of the toon in most situations is quite hard, takes time to learn and get up some speed with using everything.

GL out there.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
well dont know about other people, but even tho im reasnoably experienced in pvp combat, few times on a new char (that i havent played in rvr before) i get nervous etc, everything seems so fast. then in a few hours i get used to it and once you get used to your char, the qb setup etc, you will be able to think about what to do next while you are doing something else (as you said, you forget to nearsight etc but remember you should have done it after battle).

anyway, my advice is just get used to the char :)


Dec 22, 2003
Shike said:
its all routine tbh.

most important I think is: whenever you do get into a fight, try to stay chill and keep thinking, even if its slow the first times, it will get faster and faster eventually. Stress and caster do not mix at all, you will only do shitloads of mistakes and fumble and mistarget etc. Playing a caster and just nuke stuff aint hard, but using the most of the toon in most situations is quite hard, takes time to learn and get up some speed with using everything.

GL out there.

Aye. First time I try a new caster, maybe /level one or borrowed I fuck everything up in battle as I forget which buttons im supposed to be spaming (or maybe its because im not a mana chanter!11)

Anyway, give it a few goes and you will get used to it :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
if your still supp, nearsight is your best spell, use it, use it alot.

Nearsight healers, casters and even grapplers. After that, start assist nukeing.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Hmmm you can't type without looking at keyboard yet? if not you probably pick it up soon, that helps a lot when using numbers on quickbar instead of mouse, everyone plays different though so i can't really help much since you may be totally uncomfortable with the way i say you should try.I target with my mouse on wiz fairly often, i have only 3 fingers i can use on my lefthand(2 are broken and can't be moved hardly at all) which makes it hard for me to play sometimes :/

If i see you online on mid excal will try see if i can help out.Nearsight is most annoying spell in daoc too, can win a fight easily if you cast it on several casters fast enough.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
I think speed will be a lot tied up to having a good keyboard layout that allows you to be as fast as possible.

My set-up is like this:

MOVE : R-D-F-G. Some people use WASD or ESDF, but ever since quick-binds came, I want to have as many keys as possible accessible fast. Moving the "arrow keys" further in gives me more keys to use with my pinkie finger.

Strafing on S and H, and other commands located around these buttons. T-Y-U, B and N I use for quick-binded hotbar slots.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
My first QB on all my chars is my offensive bar, imagine running into battle, whats the 1st key you hit...normally something to either interupt a caster or in casters case qc, followed by the best and fastest interupt you got.

Second bar is for what I call misc, in other words spells that might come in handy one day, but not normally in main combat.

Third bar is for self-buffs n whats left over.

Sometimes I use bar 10 as a PvE bar if it differs from bar 1, no nearsight on mobs etc. Or for artifacts / ML spells.

I do ask the question tho, is soloing in RvR for a supp spec not a good idea, as its design premise is based on tank support? Perhaps seeking groups in RvR would be much wiser than going it alone.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
I always have all my characters with certain commands in the same places on my q/b. 10 is always sprint for example, 1 is quickcast or other emergency measure, 2 is "main attack" whether that's a combat style, pbae, mezz, heal etc and 4 is always /face. May not leave huge amount of room for other commands and I know I could bind some commmands to other keys but these commands I find are the "get out of trouble quick" ones I know where they are and can find and use them quickly. Not very proffessional I know compared to how alot of RvR and serious players might set up but it's simple and works for me :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2004
i think most things are covered already, but id say think about where your running!

Nearsight has immence range and if you land it on another caster you should have trouble losing realy. Also as you have no pet or any real point blank attacks you are very vunrable in close proximity to others. Also judging from your sig you dont have a bot so your cast speed will be a lot loer than anyone who has so you realy want to exploit the range advantage as their faster cast speed will beat your reactions genraly (especialy if your clicking them then your spell icon on your q/b)so you need to see them comming...from a long way away.

A good way to acheve this is to think about the terrain your running want wide open spaces so the moment they enter clip range you will see them (with the aid of mouse look) face them and nearsight them. DAoC rvr zones tend to have small subtle hills that completely obstruct anything behind it so you want to be as high as you can be when your running about. Only problem with this is you can also be seen by your enemies as well so you must be alert.

neway thats my two whatjamafligmigs


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
My set up is as follows:

F1 - sprint,
F3 - face,
F4 - stick

using normal cursor key setups, but thinking of changing.

Q1 - normal combat moves
Q2 - stealth attack combat moves / end pots
Q3 - ML abilities
Q4 - Equipment/artifacts
Q5 - poisons
Q6 - boat control macros
Q8 - alchemy!

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