Impressions about SI and screenies



Sorry for making next SI thread but i want put this here:
I just got back from a Developers raid on Caer Sidi the uber dungeon. Every mob in there drops 100 quality items, its raid only, meaning all the mobs are like highlord difficulty. We made our way to the final zone fighting alot of cool mobs. One of which would immobilize you by dropping a 300lb weight in your inventory. hehe. Another would adapt to whatever style weapon you used, forcing you to change constantly, if you didn't he would toss you down a slime pit. Another could only be harmed by thrust weapons. Then we got to the top of the tower and the 4 riders of the apocalypse are up there. Fames was the easiest. The next one was Fumos I think and he summoned the spoils of war, lots of weapons and stuff that beat the crap out of you, and they hurt too, 700 damage hits. The next one was Murdos or something and he was the hardest, he whiped us but the guys from mythic rezed us. He summons swarms of pestilence. Giant roaches, Giant Mosquitos, all really hard mobs. Lastly was a tank mob that could only be harmed by clerics, if anyone else hit him he full heals. Then Apocalypse showed up. He was massibe had huge wings and could fly, he was probably the coolest looking monster I have ever seen in any game. And he procceeded to fly up and do this 1000 damage aoe nuke on us and summoned every single mob we had killed so far. We were dead in abotu 12 seconds. The guys from mythic said it takes 200 people to kill him. All in all we got 27 100 quality drops. Apocalypse supposedly drops 20. They gave us 2 extra items for coming with them to test, apocalypse drops, one went to raid leader (2 handed sword with weapon haste proc) and the other was a necro robe. We went to CS to auction the items and I won this one
Fate Slayer's Chitlin
102 af 100 quality 35 bonus
con +21, str +21, dex +21, quick +21.
64 damage dot reverse proc at level 50.
UBER! Its bright red and looks like half scale. Very neat. The other plate was better but I lost the roll on it. Was +5 parry +6 two hand +60 hp and +5% crush resist. Looked like epic armor but dyed blood red.
Anyways it was a blast. SI rules Also mythic guys told me they are working on perhaps doing sub class quests where killing some of these uber mobs will be a requirement to get these special "classes". He said it may be a long way off. But at least he acknowledge that they think its a good idea as well. Alot of the mobs in the dungeon didn't have new skins yet. Alot of art is still being finalized so the final SI release should look quite a bit different. I THOUGHT I had some insane pictures but it turns out my key was mapped wrong and I got jack However Darkflame was with us and I would imagine he will have those pics up on alakhazam in the coming days.


The engine is a bit laggier for me but probably will be better in the long run with my new computer. Graphics are much nicer. What few new monster graphics I saw looked incredible. The new island is less of a zone than a continent. Its about the size of Albion, maybe a wee bit smaller, and has horse routing. All non named monsters drop "unique" items like in the rvr dungeons, even newbie mobs. The named mobs drop special loot also like the rvr dungeons. Alot of undead here, but some really cool one of mobs, one was a uber 50 winged serpent that double hit me for 350s and had a ice dd that did about 800 damage. Can you say OWW! Necro's are amazing in duels do to the pet buffs and great in pve soloing but in a big battle once the pet dies they are toast, so they are good for ganking people but not for big battles. By contrast, Reavers (I have a reaver) are the weakest fighter class in Albion now, but their spells are incredible and probably the most useful for rvr as they have insta PBAOE DD spells and lifetaps, they are very anti stealth as a result so one of the best defensive classes in the game. I am having a hard time deciding wether to spec 50 in soulrending (reaver spell line) or in flex weapons as the flex weapons spec has something unique, the styles in some cases have "procs" at the end of them in addition to the physical damage. The level 50 flex style, Leviathan does a 138 damage spirit dd on top of the physical damage, positioning is behind the opponent, so if you have Slam you can kick some serious but, but of course at the cost of alot of spells. so its a trade off, either 39 in soul rend or 39 in flex weapons. I am thinking I will go for weapons because I am not as big of a rvr guy. if at 40 I am seeing that its not helping me I will spec to soul rend instead. Necro's weakest line seems to be painworking, with deathsight being the nuker line and death servant the melee line. Alot of people are splitting between the two in order to get a nice hybrid, but going full on in either direction is also a viable choice. Necro's are a very nice class and I think will be much easier to level than reavers which are really pretty light tanks with great rvr capabilities and some neato spells and styles.


and screenies -

I think moderator could make one topic about SI and put all info in it.


lol gotta love the new alb flat-top "crusader" plate helms :)

edit: also v-nice new icewizzy PBAOE effect :D

Bleri McThrust

Drools enviously

Keep the info coming Arathor :clap:


lol gotta love the new alb flat-top "crusader" plate helms

Its merely a flesh wound!

Thats who those helms remind me of :D



This worries me:
The engine is a bit laggier for me but probably will be better in the long run with my new computer.

- Ttillub

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