IMPORTANT - New Alliance


Zag Barr

I think you all agree, we need a new realm wide alliance ASAP.

The problem however is, although every guild wants to be in a realm wide alliance, most will not accept one or the other guild leading the alliance.

So here is my solution:

The guild leaders of the 8 biggest guilds make a Highlander/Briton alt char, and walk to the guild registrar in Camelot.

They form a guild called <Albion United>. Guild leader should be the person with the highest online time.

The GL of <Albion United> then joins the GLs of the 8 biggest guilds into the alliance. Watch out that u dont end up with 2 guild leaders on one account - will be hard to join urself :) You might have to switch leadership for a few minutes to sort it out.

Then new alliance leader walks to Sauvage and logs there, only to be logged in for new guilds to be joined.

To make it easy, we could imply the rules of the old alliance to the new one:

- Only officers and high level stealthers are allowed to speak in alliance chat
- Only members 40+ should hear alliance chat
- Every guild with eight or more people above level 40 can join
- Alliance chat may only be used for important information (no chating)
- Additional: No member of <Albion United> is allowed to be higher than level 1 :)

Let’s do this tomorrow – post here, if you think the idea is good and if you are interested.


Good plan Zag but who are the 8 biggest Guilds in Albion ?

Biggest GoL next 7 no idea ?

Hopefully these 8 people don't have a main and 3 alts already on the go as well, cause I know I do although I'm not a GM and even if I was not 2 sure that DK are one of the 8 biggest.

I'm not trying to be negative, respect for suggesting a way of sorting it out.

Don't forget to get someone to meet you there with some cash as well ;)

Zag Barr

Since <Albion United> will be an inactive guild anyways, it doesn't really matter, if or if not not all GM's have a free alt spot. Some way or another, we just need to get this guild going. The members can even leave after it was founded.

Only important thing at this point is getting this alliance going as fast as possible.

And what are the biggest guilds - I have no idea either. Doesn't really matter anyways, cause every guild with decent levels and interest in our realm should be joined into the alliance anyways.

What I really want to know: Do most of the "big players" agree with this alliance - an alliance with no real leadership, just for realm wide allince chat, which we do need for planing and information purposes?


Alliance wide realm chat is always a good idea. The only problem I can see would be perhaps the dreaded 'Ego'.

If no one person has 'charge' then surely everyone else would expect everyone else to listen to them, and THEIR ideas?

Unless you get nice GMs I guess ...



I'll say again then, good plan :)

Hope everyone else agrees and that you get the response your after.


U have to have a leader of the Alliance I don't care what u think a leader is needed it is essential


rather than the 8 biggest guilds (could be interesting for the small RvR orientated guilds)

maybe the 8 with the highest rps/member or summat ? alliance should be made of the ppl who spend longest in RvR i reckon.

Zag Barr

I suggested this to get "ego" out of the way. To name an example: BF wouldn't join RB alliance, because of personal differences between the guild masters. An alliance formed by an inactive guild should not be a as much of a problem.

With <Albion United> being formal alliance leader only, the joining should not be an ego problem. No char in this guild will ever be played, it's mere reason for existance is for inviting other guilds into the alliance - and thus being able to coordinate actions and exchange informations quickly again.

Of course we will need leadership on raids. Finster has done a very good job in the past. But I haven't seen him for a while. If he comes back, I am sure he will join the new alliance, but as long as he is gone, we do need a new alliance and leaders will grow naturally. But there will never be any leaders, if there is no tools for fast cross guild communications.


i think this would be a great idea . although as some stated not the biggest guilds should be main guys cos how many lesser known guilds will go on a inviting spree :) just to get in . imo it should goto the well established guilds like gol / pret / bf's / dragon knights etc etc . and also not all guilds. just the guilds who have been around a while . cos who's to say there is not a spy guild about thats new ?

as for leaders we need somebody to take a stand and lead us now finster seems to of disapeared "might beplaying an alt ? we dont know of ? " but somebody needs take charge . it will have to be somebody who has various qualities
listening to ideas from all areas
doesnt think everybody below 40 is a noob "to many of them sort of folks around"
somebody who wants albion to reign supreme and by that i dont mean leet uber number crunchers who all they care about is there guilds name and how many rps they got and how many keeps they claim , albion is for everybody not just a small few leet guilds . maybe leadership ofa new form will take place this sat when we try for the dragon .. i hope it does cos atm albion is seriously lacking in people willing to take the critisisms and flak for being leader .
i think all alb guilds want us to be succesful butleadership will have to be taken by somebody who is respected by a high % of players and when on raids persoanl differences should be set aside for the good of albion.


Bullshit ;)

Realm needs a leader nothing else

No Leader = no working alliance


Thanks Jaz .....

And as usually we very much appreciated your extremely constructive contributions to the subject. I thought you went Hib ? Gah, unfortunately not yet.

Zag Barr

In a defense situation a leader is very helpfull, but not necessary. It is only important to know, that the relic is attacked as fast as possible and have access to information from all guilds about numbers and where abouts of the enemy. So for defense all we need is alliance chat.

On offensive moves one or more leaders are a neccessity, but it doesn't have to be the same one over and over again. On most US servers different people organise raids and the ones that organised are also leading it (or anounce a leader). This is actually a very good way to find good leaders, since you only know how good a leader is, when you gave him/her a chance to lead.

Since we have no single leader atm, that is widely accepted throughout all guilds, I am suggesting to form this alliance as mentioned above - without a leader. And give future leaders the chance to step up.


On behalf of Vae Victis:

Atm we are allied with Herfølge Boldklub and Shadow Wolves.
Our intention is also to have a united albion.
I think someone is going to have to take initiative and start inviting guilds.

It should not be necessary to make an extra guild, its simply to childish that ppl cant put their personal opinions and differences aside.

Should GoL decide to take initiative and make said alliance under its leadership, VV would not be opposed.

Battlefield commanders need not, but can certainly, be from GoL.

Vae Vicits is the new name for the remnants of RB. Loyalist was deleted.


Ah that new alliance is active ... how nice. I like straight anwsers regarding things. A yes and a no are both acceptable in my book. Deception and lies on the other hand are not. I am going to bed disapointed now, I thank you for that !

Footsteps on a marble floor,
warriors of a forgotten war.
Casted on the broken glass,
shadows of a distant past,
for our confidence is no more !

GM <Exiled>

Zag Barr

GoL does not want to lead any alliance and I certainly don't want to. That's why I thought of this inactive guild. This is not a GoL initiative - it is mine personally.

If it's childish or not, is not being discussed. I think it was childish to destroy the old alliance - but then that's just me.

And thank you for not being "opposed" - LOL

<Albion United> has been founded this afternooon and currently consists of it's level 1 GM Caesarius only, who is logged in Sauvage.

To tell you the truth, I am reluctant to join an alliance, that might just break up again after a few weeks, due to personal differences - that's why I think a inactive guild, who's leadership can be transfered to anyone easily, is the better solution. No personality can get in the way there, and we dont have to redo alliances every time the leader feels like leaving a guild or even the server.

Since I go on vacation after tomorrow, I would like to hand over the work to anyone who can and will take care for this while I am gone. Thinking of Kcinimodus here, but any other GM of a major guild, who shares my believe about this being a good idea, might as well ...


I love you too, Vanity ;)

It was constructive, i said it's bullshit ;)

No Leader = not working, you see that in GoL everyday.

And no, i won't change Realm, i just quit the game.



Sorry if u feel bad now, but i pretty much agree with Jaz..

This is not gonna work withouth a charismatic leader...ppl wont join..

Let's hope u ll bne right Zag tough..


I'm with this Zag on this one. It's a great idea just to get a long lasting alliance chat in place.

We need leaders aswell, but they will come forth eventually.


I don't know what kcinimodus thinks about it... But in my eyes I'm more online then him (no offense m8). Sure we need a leader but when we do that people always blame the leader for lost battles (which is kinda ridiculous because if we loose a battle it's always due to people who are NOT listening, and trust me I've seen it a dozen time happening and then they all blame the leader which is really ridiculous, so stop doing that)

We need to fight as one army and not as some dum farmers doing there own things. Stop your differences and your personal judgements. The cause we are fighting for is much bigger then some personal problems.

In my guild we don't have "real" leader. We have a group of old beta players who represent the core of the guild and who make judgements about people joining the guild. Maybe it is a good idea to do this with the leadership of the army as well. (like the Albion United is right now) See those more as a massive sent to all instead of all those personal sends who had to be made yesterday (very handy in my eyes).

I hope we can make this work. I have faith once again in Albion :)


No matter how you turn in, Zag is right : a strong RvR organisation is more then necessary (ignoring the leader part for the moment cuz I'm not the person at all with experience in such things). Guys like Finster did a great job in the raiding business I must say.

On the other hand, it is sorry to see that big 'idols' as Tilde (can't help it ... I'm a pala too :) ) just get mowed down at times when there is no or little organisation or structure. I've seen these guys on a rampage in RvR and its awesome so yes... get things up and going and I'm sure RvR will be more fun to all again...even to our enemies ;)


Personally I've never like the idea of one huge alliance, it strikes me as rather clumsy. I feel clusters of smaller alliances would work better. In the days to come it will become more and more important to mobilise multiple armies to accomplish seperate task similtaneously. To this end I feel we need a group of leaders who can discuss an overall plan before assigning duties (Probably one or two people from each alliance). This group would communicate using a chat group. Once a plan has been formulated tasks can be allocated to each alliance (If multiple alliances are needed). From here the alliance leaders take over command. They can then either call the entire alliance to arms, or assign various task to their member guilds (At which point guild leaders take command) depending on what is requried. The guild leaders can then call the guild to arms or assign tasks to individal groups. This gives a lot more control and adaptability, and prevents spamming and arguing over a single channel. It also provides a permanent communication structure, the only thing that needs creating each time is the leader chat. The single alliance chat is great for "Defend Excalibur" but issueing more complex commands would start to become confusing. Even without the alliance chat, we still manage to get quite an army to Excalibur in double quick time.

Let's say Mids are on route to Excalibur but at the same time Hibs have been seen in Snowdonia.
Group chat: Leaders using scout information decide that the attacking Mids are around 30 in number, so calling the whole of Albion to arms is not necessary and would put too many people out of reach if something happened in Snowdonia. They decide Alliance A (Whoever this may be) could muster 50 people and crush the Mids quite easily. Alliance A is informed and they take over the defense of Excalibur, Leader of Alliance A reports back situation on defense as and when needed. Meanwhile reports on Hibs suggest they number approximately 20, not a great threat but it is unclear where they are headed. The chat group assigns the task of defending two of Snowdonia's keeps to Alliance B. Alliance B takes over from here, they consist of 3 guilds. Knowing Hibs number appoximately 20 they decide Guild A should go a defend the first keep, while guilds B and C should defend the second keep etc...



Nice one Zag

I have to agre with Zag here. I have always thought a Council of how many ppls that can talk and arange RvR relics Keeps events is much better.

Yes a leader needs 2 be made 2 give orders on the event or even 2 leaders as it is always better not 2 carry all your eggs in one basket [ 2 armys better than 1]

With a council u can avoid ego ppl and work as a team and make the right move for the albion army

At the end of the day we all are on the same side some lets work towards a united albion leave u egos your side of the computer and enjoy what the game can offer:touch:



...yes! that´s how I use to play chess.

Whenever I play, I got 3 friends of mine on each side of me, one is taking care of lines A, B and C (aka Queenside alliance), the other one is commanding lines F, G and H (Kingside alliance). My job is to coordinate the forces on line D and E (the "Axis").
In addition, the 3rd friend of mine is responsible to command the "pawn alliance", regardless which line they´re on.
We never lost a single game against a Middie that way.


i like talifers idea very much not only does it work well defensively it works well offensively remember all the hassle we had with the hib/mid alliance cos htey where taking different keeps well we can do the same but not be lame by doin it witn another realm we can effetively do multiple atacks and anyone who knows anything knows that is much moreeffective than 1 uber force


One alliance doesn't mean one force... Like we have seen that GoL takes the keeps back while we defend. Such groups of guilds can always be made but to make different alliances makes it still hard to organize people (still keep on sending people messages to inform them). The Alliance chat is just a chat not a commitment to team as 1 big army... We just need communication, the real deciding is done in chatgroups anyways..


Having a leader is pointless unless you can find one that's able to be on 24/7.

As this is impossible why bother with a leader ?

It's fairly obvious who most people will follow I think by now so is it really that important that they have the title of leader ?

The only need for an Alliance is ease of Communication mainly with Relic Defence really but also for Scouting info etc during attacks.

There are other/better ways to organise attacks.

Zag Barr

I certainly agree with multiple armys and multiple leaders on certain occasions. And as a matter of fact, that's how it worked in the old alliance as well. Allthough we had one leader, some guilds and groups within the alliance decided to go on a certain raid, while others didn't feel like it - or decided to roam the perimeter of the main army to kill loose enemys.

There will never come the time in this game, when all are willing to do, what one person orders. Just will not happen.

Planing of raids was never done in alliance chat, but in chat groups. This will always be the case. But just typing:
/as guild and groupleaders pm me for cg invite to plan a raid
is much more effective than private message loads of people just to find out, they are not online atm.

Alliance chat is a tool to exchange important information, in all RvR situations. During raids, in RvR and to coordinate regular relic checks - and it's the quickest way to gather the wrath of Albion, by just typing:
/as large hib force on route to relic - they just passed Sursbrooke heading south

All this alliance is aiming to provide is alliance chat to all interested guilds. It will depend on each and every one of you, to make more out of it.

An inactive guild as alliance leader will guarantee a long lasting alliance, that can not be influenced by personality clashes, guild disolves and anyone just quiting the game.

Just like right now, I am going on vacation and someone else needs to take over the GM position of <Albion United>. It's very easy. I will join the person and make him GM. For the next few weeks, he will have to invite interested guilds into this alliance.

This is my last post for two weeks - and I hope I will come home to see a working alliance again.

PS @ Jazhara:

Yeah right, GoL doesn't work - LOL :)
How come then, we were the first guild being formed on this server and the only big guild still alive? We have had our problems and still get new problems every day - but we are working them out, which is a process that is never finished. We don't claim to be perfect or the best in any way - but we try everything within our humble possibilities, to make Albion thrive.

Zag Barr

Uuups - I lied. It wasn't my last post. :)

Just a short update:

DVE and GoL have joined <Albion United>

If you also want to join the new alliance, please message Kcinimodus, Khalen, Greg or Vanity to arrange invitation.

That's it now for sure. Have a good time. :)

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