im still endecided so convince me



im sure im not on my own,its not the coughing up of the 25quid that bothers me its the fact that the servers may be empty more often that not ,so ill not get my usual arse kicking of the grey one.
when you have paid what happens,i know you have to download some barrys thing but will this affect ase and how do i get the new server ips?also when are the free servers gonna cease?
i know im asking for a lot of info but im sure there are question we would all like answering before we take the plunge.


ATM - I am definately NOT going to splashthe cash.

Latest thing that convinced me - I pinged the BW servers last night - not 1 of them returned with a ping < 1000


From what i have heard..

You install a Program called BarryLogon which when you "Connect" to it, connects you to the whole of Barrysworld. You just leave it running in the Background and you can use ASE / GS to connect to the Servers you want.

Get a GAME Card if you can, then the price will be £12, i am very much doubting the servers will be empty, because ive asked quite a few people and they say they are getting it too.

And dont worry, i'll go easy on you ;)


ive just had alook at the barrylogon and its says its not yet compatible with win98 aarrrrggghhh.ill just have to wait.


Just to add to what SG said, you need to either use BarryLogon, or just log into the main Barrysworld website, this registers your current IP address, and allows it to access the servers.

You can buy a GAME card online for £2, so the sub is only £14 really, never £24.


Like its a question... ffs ITS 12 QUID !! Dont you think all the effort and services BW have provided over the years is worth £12 ?
Regardless of a years worth of subscription. :rolleyes:
Were you around a while ago when everyone thought BW had gone broke and was going to close down ? How sad most people were then.
Now we have the chance to make BW into a viable propersition with the money to put into new servers and services, and what do you do ? "Ew I dunno, its such a lot of money ... "
Dont mean to be so hard on you, but ffs I spend more than that on Guiness on an avarage weekend...
Lazarus m8 I was playing on BW servers last night as always, there was no one with 1000 ping, i think the problem is more likely your end than BWs :)
Unless you was using gayspy, which always shows a higher ping than in-game....


Originally posted by throdgrain

Unless you was using gayspy, which always shows a higher ping
than in-game....

Nope - ASE


i wasn't complaining of the price throddy just expressing my concerns of whether there would be many playing.thats all and the fact that i have win 98 may mean i have to wait and see thats all.


Ohh strange :(

You dont often play on BW either do you ?


well no obviously i never play on bw.sarcastic twat.


Originally posted by scooby-doo
i wasn't complaining of the price throddy just expressing my concerns of whether there would be many playing.thats all and the fact that i have win 98 may mean i have to wait and see thats all.

You dont have to use barrylogin, or barrybar, or whatever its called :)
You can login via the website , leave IE running and it will be just the same :)


Originally posted by scooby-doo
well no obviously i never play on bw.sarcastic twat.

Err that was to Laz actually, who doesnt often play on BW.
Twat ;)


Originally posted by scooby-doo
well no obviously i never play on bw.sarcastic twat.

I dont actually play MUCH on BW -

Usually on a couple of clan servers on Jolt + a norwegian server (dont ask!)

Sometimes even on a server in California

I will venture to BW IF i see some interesting characters i.e. You / Tremor (even Super Duper Gray)

I am more of a nomad


Thats the main reason I play on BW, cos I know so many of the people. Apart from all my KEA chums, theres untold peeps on there, some of whom post on here, and some who dont.
I think the servers may be a little empty early on, remember when the ip addresses changed ? It took ages for the mongs out there to update their browsers or whatever it is they do, but now all is full again.
But I do think more and more people will subscribe, and the servers will be fuller, though quite possibly without the 15- year old cheater metality.:)


do accept throddy my humblest apologies. :D anyway i only play on barrys ,everwhere else sucks imho.oh except the rats maps on by (oops soz):D


when are the servers gonna change to ptp anyway.


Originally posted by scooby-doo
ive just had alook at the barrylogon and its says its not yet compatible with win98 aarrrrggghhh.ill just have to wait.

Could anyone from BW confirm this?

It's only like "one" of the most popular OS's with gamers. Well me for example :)


Cor blimey ...

Scooby to answer your original post :

As a subscriber you'll need to download 'Barry Logon'. To quote the operating systems supported 'Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 98 or Windows ME', so 98 seems to be suported (and would have to be in my opinion). I run XP at home but 98 in the office with no problems.

In all likely hood the servers will no longer be visible from gameSpy or ASE once it's completely subscribers only. I am not sure over this but just going on a post made by Embattle. This is how the Blue Yonder privates work as just passwording or wonID identification is easily fooled. Therefore reason 1 to join would be to join a mature(ish), cheaterless (no Hax0r is going to pay when they can run riot on UK2) community.

Cost wise you are looking at £14 at most. £12 for GAME Card subscription to BW and £2 for the Game card, free if you want to buy a game from GAME (how about Warcraft 3 / Op Flashpoint Resistance). So value for the year is excellent £1.17p a month?

Now you can see this as a payment in lieu of the goodtimes at BW, or as a payment to keep them going (do you really want UK2 as the only games network out there). Finally you could see the payment as an investment on things to come at BW. Want the BW stats? Want varied servers? Want better support/ However you look at it, the cost is justifiable (2 cans of Coke a month - or 1/4 glass in a London pub!).

Finally the question of people. Most of the regulars have signed up, which will make it into an enjoyable experience. I think you wont need 8 servers dedicated to one map rotation so there will be better CS servers to play on. Lastly you are going to be able to have a laugh on CS with recognised / likeminded people without the cheater worries / TKers / UK2 youngsters - in fact the CS dream (for me a t least).

So in otherwords stump up Scooby, you wont regret it.



Is there going to be "prizes" at all ?

Just a thought


Hope so. I nominate Throddy for DoD Subscriber nut of the year for which he should win a goldfish.


I do believe its coming into effect on the HalfLife MOD Servers on Friday


Just to correct your otherwise top post TT, I believe once your logged in you can still use ASE/Gamespy :)

1tchy trigger

1 more reason to join - went over to Game and bought my £2 card and then subscribed with BW - pisspot easy peasy

I've just paid for my subscription :clap: !!!!!

Oh you lucky people


Mr Bungle

I stick with Win98 for quite a few reasons... Most importantly it runs a lot of the older games I have & still love... All of the Carmageddon series for starters... Muhahahah ! Easily the best physics engine of any car game I've ever played.



Originally posted by old.Mr Bungle
I stick with Win98 for quite a few reasons... Most importantly it runs a lot of the older games I have & still love... All of the Carmageddon series for starters... Muhahahah ! Easily the best physics engine of any car game I've ever played.


Carmageddon roxed meh w0rld :D

1 and 2 anyway....the last effort was fuckin shite (iam harsh for a reason)

Couldnt get enough of them.....but they run on win XP for me

actually since I installed XP everything fits right into place no worries whatsoever.


scoob - i'll be on the BW srvs, what more reason do you need? :p
I'm paying because I've seen too many good communities go by the wayside because they went broke.
I dont want that to happen to BW.
I used to play on a few other servers, but now I play almost singly on BW, because of the regulars, and because well...........killing leggie, SG, bozz and scoob.........its just gr8 fun :p

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