Im sorry



I logged Kiarra last night and literally got swamped with PM's. I eventually had a queue that was about 30 long in one place. So Im afraid that after 10 hours of crafting and going through abt 1200 bars of Arcanium, I needed some air so had some fun hunting with Parlain for 1/2 an hour.

Thanks to Abrams and Alpha for bringing supplies with them from Excalibur :clap:

So Im sorry if I didnt manage to PM you in the end and take your order or even make something, Everyone wanted 99% quality and despite the new patch (1.50) they still need retries. About 1 in 7 for 16.5 dps, but at least we can get to 99% now.

So now everything we have been saying about quality is proven, so all those folks that want glowey look good weapons from DF, you can now see the effectives dps. Suprised ? LOL I wasnt, some of us knew it all the while !

Dont fortget that enchantment on a 16.5 dps blade will cost somewhere between 50 - 80g,depending on how much metal it contains, but will give you a massive 35% bonus !

I made one point last night somewhere :D. Must have escaped my attention, so 1054 now. Damm these points are so so slow.

If you want to place an order on this thread, be my guest, I will try to get around them all as soon as I can and when I have stocked up again on Arcacnium.

Oh btw, Im still making steel up, I havent just limited myself to top level materials.

Thanks for being patient :)


Weee Kiarra , i will contact u for update of my archmace, do when u like, no hurries hun=)

And remember when stuff is asked a lot, raise prices =)

say its Donation upgrade 1.50z


How not to place an order

This doesnt help much either, The player Ill keep anon for obvious reasons. If its a wind up merchant just playing games with, doesnt sit too well, when there are many PM's coming in to me. Also I waste my time trying to sort this person out and every one else suffers because of it. Spare a thought for probably the busiest crafter in Albion. He might have been a youngster but after midnight ?

[Anon] Hi can you make armour?
[Kiarra] No Im sorry, I make weaps

< meanwhile 3 other PM's >
< I reply to them >

[Anon] Can you make me a weapon ?
[Kiarra] what would you like?
[Anon] I want a weapon
[Kiarra] What would you like ?

< meanwhile 2 other PM's >
< I reply to them >

[Anon] Um, a sword please.
[Kiarra] Can you be more specific ?
[Anon] Yes a big sword

< meanwhile 3 other PM's >
< I reply to them >

< I do a who on this person and guess what no match he/she is anon !>

[Kiarra] What level are you?
[Anon] I just want a sword

< meanwhile 1 PM >
< I reply >

[Kiarra] What class are you ?
[Anon] Im a pally

[Kiarra] What material would you like ?
[Anon] Material?

[Kiarra] What level are you ?
[Anon] Im level 40

< meanwhile 2 other PM's >
< I reply to them >

< starting to get frustrated now >

[Kiarra] Your level 40, you should know what sword you need by now
[Anon] A big one

[Kiarra] Are you slash, crush or thrust ?
[Anon] Oh I can do slash and crush
[Kiarra] What would you like ?

[Anon] A sword

< patience is wearing a little thin now >

< meanwhile 4 other PM's >
< I reply to them >

[Kiarra] Slash then
[Anon] Yes please

< consults spread sheets >
< makes notes of posible order and place in a queue >

[Kiarra] Ok A Netherium Long sword will prolly do it then
[Anon] What is Netherium ?

[Kiarra] Its a material
[Kiarra] Netherium LS is for lvl 40- 44 dps 14.3 spd 3.5 ok ?

[Anon] Um seems a little high

[Kiarra] You said you were level 40
[Anon] I need a sword for my alt, not for me
[Kiarra] Why didnt you say before ?

< meanwhile 2 other PM's >
< I reply to them >

[Anon] He is level 5 he needs a big sword

< fuming >

ARghhhhhhhhhhhhh :flame:



Hi Kiarra! Funny story :) and even after midnight there's people around that just don't have a clue :)

Anyway, I want a big sword tooooooo :clap:

In my case it would be an arcanium sabre... what would such a sword cost? And what extra cost would retries to 99% bring?

PS: Keep up the good work!


lo kiarra i would like to place an order on a Arcanium Guarded Rapier for about 99% qua...
dunno what it takes to get that but, u said 1 out of 7 ...
how much does one recraft cost?
erm well post ur price for the thingey and ill give u a shout...


I'd like to thank you for my 99% qua Arcanium Rapier, although I doubt the hibs/mids would do the same :)

On average it does about 30-40 more damage and its raised my perf cap and average damage done by perfs.


Yeah count me in on a new rapier and dirk order Kiarra, you are a really pleasant person to chat to and was really efficient in getting my previous order done thanks alot

Anyhow will PM you in game when I have raised the necessary capital


At last

Hi Kiarra

Nice that people are at last realising the importance or crafted weapons. Since mithril I only used your Kiarra (tm) Hammers and they served me well. I'm using my epic one now but I will be back ;)

Glad I could contribute a little bit to your efforts and know that a lot of us appreciate you very much. That some high lvls don't know what Netherium is or where Snowdonia Station is well... they will leave for school real soon :cool:


Why sorry ?

You shouldn't be sorry for anything.

Suddenly everyone realises that drop weapons are often crap and rush to you suddenly (even with the stupidest of demands as uit seems :p )

You are respected by a lot of players for your both your ingame skill as for the person playing Kiarra. I am sure we all understand the need to go out and take a break after a crafting marathon.

So to all the people rushing for weaps : Be polite, be thankfull, be patient and you'll get the best weap you ever got your hands on :)


well if any of u decide u dont want your rusty old drop swords =) i still like them =) only 2 swords off a full albion set now =),


well if any of u decide u dont want your rusty old drop swords =) i still like them =) only 2 swords off a full albion set now =),
LMAO :D Youre as perveted as me when it comes to weapons !


Hello :)

Hiya Kiarra :)
i hope your well. I always swear by player crafted weapons and always have! I'm currently saving for a full Arcanium Infil Kit ;) , just a few questions tho' kiarra, is there any online tables we could refer to regarding the dps values of weapons so we dont bother you too much ingame, 'cos i want a rapier for perfing and a couple of good 'un's for finshing em off, but im unsure wether to go for gauches or dirks. Also what is the price difference for 99% qual weaps? (retries). anyway im off cya later m8 and ta' for all the weaps you've made for me before :)

oo, a little piccie, so thats what you look like :)


LOL - I guess Kiarra will be kept busy for a good few days to come.

If I ever manage to make some gold again Ill join the queue for a quality upgrade - till then the weapons I had made before the patch will do more than well enough :)


My alts and my wife and sons chars on thier account appreciate the work Kiarra does :) makes a huge differance.

will contact u in game soon my inf will need 3 new weapons when he leaves Thid :)

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: for Kiarra


Kiarra do you have a list of people who have requested weapons in game? And do you go through this list in order handing out your weapons? Or should I keep checking in game every now and then?

I don't want to keep pestering you if I'm in a queue and I just need to wait my turn :)



Tnx Kiarra/kessica

Tnx for your time and the 99qua pike you gave my bro :)


Well, I placed my order today. I hope you didn't balk too much at my original "What's the biggest nastiest badass 2handed sword you can can make?" question :)


When you guys/gals PM me in the game, and there is a queue building I write down your names and then try to contact you in rotation. But I know that some of you have alts and prolly play them too once having PM'd me. So when I eventually get to you in the list you have "dissapeared", so I move onto the next person.

Some people are pretty pushy though and if its for a lowerlevel weap I will try to slot it in, even just to stop the constant messasges being sent asking when it will be done. That doesnt mean to say that if you push me now you will jump the queue ! I try to do it on a 1st come 1st serve basis.

I really do try to "satisfy" you all, what takes the time and also my stock of Arcanium is the many retries required to get to that coveted 99% Sabre or Jambiya. How I wish I could hit them 1st time ! But I guess that until a later patch, that wont be the case and we will all have to be patient :)

I have set up one of those shops at the Armoury - link below:

I do check occasionally for new orders, but I guess its easier to PM ingame. At least here there is a picture of al the weapons and shields, together with their stats, etc, so its well worth a look !

The prices havent really been set up yet so please ignore them, lthough they might at least give a rough indication of cost.

Ill get online again as soon as possible. So see you there :D


By the way, you mentioned you needed materials. Do you want me to pick some up and run them down for you?

I'll ask you ingame if I see you first.


Kiarra r0x=) mady the cloth i needed faster than i could run around cornwall station 50 times=)
:clap: :clap: :clap:

and the price was good too hehe.


Your doing Albion a wonderful service Kiarra, I wish more people were as dedicate to the Realm as you are.

Personally I wouldn't dream of using anything other then a Kiarra™ Weapon, they are the best, the actual dps speaks for itself. And im still happily swinging my 1st time try 99% Partizan.

Kiarra™ Weapons, best in the Realm.

:clap: :clap:



Originally posted by Bilf
Will you marry me, Ki? :D

Oi, hands-off, she's mine!

Finally decided to get a BW account, hello all :)


< starting to get frustrated now >


I know EXCACTLY what u mean Kiarra.

I have been trying out some different modes of dealing with customers; sell from stock, sell by recraft, sell by quality.

Seems a lot of ppl dont even consider how busy a crafter normally is, thus dont stop and think: "Maybe I should consider what I want before i write /t Odysseus can u make me a bow"....

The message I would like is something like this:
"I want a duskwood hunting bow, 97%, 6 retries"

OK, thats asking too much, but I would be really really really glad if my customers at least knew what item they want :)


How much for arcanium jambiyas? so I know how much to squirrel away from the relic-door-tax-man :)

(don't need em for a few levels.. have some 100% one time drops which are nice :))

Also Kiarra... don't forget the /ignore command :)

/send annoyingperson start being more helpful or you're ignored

/send indecisivecustomer go look up what you want on the web. then come back to me



Hi Kiarra, speaking as one who deals with the public on a regular basis, I sympathise!!

Anyway, you're doing a sterling job - I want to order an arcanium jambiya -99% if poss, and a duskwood tower shield - please message the following in game:


Many thanks!


Oh yea.. if i soon get my scout sold i'll just drop off 1.5p to u :) .. or something like that.. 1p+

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