Im sorry

Little Boy

One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 2, 2006
Im sorry to all the people that was on Dawanah-e's raid becuase of my internet problems people did not get the items they should of got :( im afraid ( so ive heard ) 12 people have reported me and i may get banned if this makes the situation better i have given all the stuff back to Dawanah and he has everything back so hopefully that makes it better.

Im sorry to all the people who wanted the things i had in my inventory but please please dont call me a thief because i have had 1 or 2 PM's saying thief ur banned so please dont because im quite upset about what happened thanx :worthy:

Ironic 50 cleric
Jimthegreat 50 reaver

>.< Pooned

Fledgling Freddie
Nov 12, 2005
well is it a crime to have internet connection problems?
I think not, well said m8 :)

at least i forgive you :)


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 27, 2004
I think ppl are just abit over sensitive after the Shadowflex/Jarvio ML9 story a few weeks ago...I wouldn't worry if I were u tbh :) I have heard u explaining what happened and that u have already given the things back, when ppl asked u in the Ml1 bg yesterday - imo ppl should do research first before they yell and scream to left and right about theft...and maybe ask in PM before /bg ;)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Wasnt there, but anyone saying that you will get banned is talking shit. Unfortunately GMs dont have the freedom to ban you because if you enter a BG raid the holder of the loot can do anything they want with the loot. By staying in the BG and knowing it is going to that person then you have agreed to allowing them do whatever they want. Doesnt matter if they said here it would be lotto'd or not.

That information not relevant to you, but should put your mind at ease about banning possibility.

That said, if people harress you with pm's about this and you explain the situation and they keep it up, feel free to report them if it gets to a stage that you dont want to deal with it more (or can just /ignore)

The fact you already handed the stuff back shows you didnt want to run off with it, there still chance of it being lotto'd etc anyways. So dont worry about it and just get on with your usual game and ignore the people that go on offensive without even asking what happened


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2005
hehe, when all this was happening, they asked for Ironic in alliance chat, and I were out RvR'ing, so just for fun I wrote, "I am ironic".

thought it was a fun joke as in saying it, it was sarcasm in saying im being ironic, anyhow, had lots of beer in the sun doing the day, so might just have funny in my head, but anyway everyone suddenly thought I were ironic and i got invited to bg and asked to give things back, and i didnt even kn ow why they were looking for ironic in the first place, so suddenly I was threathened with posts on FH and stuff :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
MadsKaizer said:
hehe, when all this was happening, they asked for Ironic in alliance chat, and I were out RvR'ing, so just for fun I wrote, "I am ironic".

thought it was a fun joke as in saying it, it was sarcasm in saying im being ironic, anyhow, had lots of beer in the sun doing the day, so might just have funny in my head, but anyway everyone suddenly thought I were ironic and i got invited to bg and asked to give things back, and i didnt even kn ow why they were looking for ironic in the first place, so suddenly I was threathened with posts on FH and stuff :D
haha, thats the Skambankt i know alright :p you're probably drunk while making that post tbh!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Well... You didn't do it deliberatley, you've made the effort to explain what happened, return the items and repair the damage that's been done...

Just keep your head down for a week or two, ignore anyone trying to flame bait you and I'm sure it'll all bow over...

You can't help your connection so don't worry about it. As someone else mentioned, there's a lot of sensitive people about right now after the ML9 'incident' but from what I've read, you don't fit into that category!!!


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004
Little Boy said:
Im sorry to all the people that was on Dawanah-e's raid becuase of my internet problems people did not get the items they should of got :( im afraid ( so ive heard ) 12 people have reported me and i may get banned if this makes the situation better i have given all the stuff back to Dawanah and he has everything back so hopefully that makes it better.

Im sorry to all the people who wanted the things i had in my inventory but please please dont call me a thief because i have had 1 or 2 PM's saying thief ur banned so please dont because im quite upset about what happened thanx :worthy:

Ironic 50 cleric
Jimthegreat 50 reaver

Screwn those that said you were getting baned mate bunch of kids pbbly. keep your head high and point the middle thinger to anyone talking bs


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
Was scarey how fast people in the BG started yelling thief etc.I stood up for u abit so i hope my 'faith' was`nt misplaced:p The legacy that is Jarvio has made a paranoid realm :(

Little Boy

One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 2, 2006
Castus said:
Was scarey how fast people in the BG started yelling thief etc.I stood up for u abit so i hope my 'faith' was`nt misplaced:p The legacy that is Jarvio has made a paranoid realm :(
thanx alot Castus m8 atleast there is a few gd ppl out there thanx:)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2005
Ironic is NOT a thief and I know this for a fact.

He was in my BG yesterday and when lootlevel + treasurer failed.. he ended up with the primary and most expensive lotto item in his invent

.. he then went LD right after

.. 3 mins later he logged right back in and returned the item to me so it could be lottoed.

I have nothing but respect for him


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
i was on the raid and when your gm edit guild officer came on i think i said what most people thought had been and it was the ironic has some of the bgs loot and he has possibly gone LD or possibly scammed it

but your above statment and your actions clearly show your and honest linkdeader that had problems so i would just let it blow over

Dimse Dut

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Ok I have had it with the post ml9 witch hunt.

Im tired of having to wait on raids while we chase around after a suspected jarvio alt. Im ASHAMED of the lengths that the Albion community has gone too to punish one person. We HAVNT gone to same lengths to punish ANY other scammers. ANYONE who has been on a ml with Ironic lately will know that he DOES LD alot. GET a grip albion before you destroy the very community you are so badly trying to defend.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Dakkath said:
Just keep your head down for a week or two, ignore anyone trying to flame bait you and I'm sure it'll all bow over...

Care to explain why he should keep his head down ?


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 27, 2004
Dimse Dut said:
Im tired of having to wait on raids while we chase around after a suspected jarvio alt.

LOL do ppl actually do this!!?? (Haven't really joined many raids lately myself)
I mean...what if the dude actually decided to start all over and behave like an angel? As long as he's not BG treasurer there's a limit to what harm he could actually cause to the raid :m00:
No need to be paranoid and waste ppl's time :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 16, 2004
God, I'm a I glad all my alts are ml10 and got all there arti-credits already...

I play on a dualcore machine and ever so often it used to freeze up (as in hard reset = fireaxe to the powercord kinda thing) Usualy takes my between 5 - 10 minutes to actualy get back online.

It would be VERY bad and nasty of Albion to shun/flame/insult people that are having connection problems.

But still /rude Jarvio

Erulin the Bloody

Dimse Dut

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Yes Waspic it is as bad as that and if it doesnt stop Ironic wont be the last innocent to have been under the treatment of the albion communities Macarthy council.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
SoulFly said:
Care to explain why he should keep his head down ?

Simple, my Lord Soulfly...

He's seemed a little sensitive about the messages he'd been receiving (in his position I'd be exactly the same).

The theory goes, if you avoid drawing unnecessary attention to yourself, people tend to forget you're about (I find anon helps a bit as well as long as you're not all in pink that is!!!)...

If they don't notice you they can't poke prod or upset you with random distressing messages which reduces the odds of being flame baited. You don't get baited, you don't get annoyed and respond with an unnecessary or agressive response and you don't have to explain yourself to everyone who tries to question you.

After a short period of time, assuming you did nothing wrong (which is true in this case), word spreads that you're not the evil swine they thought you were and peace reigns once more...

I never said it was a good theory but it's mine and I use it when people hate me (or they give me a crap guild rank - Bad Cinders)...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Dakkath said:
I never said it was a good theory but it's mine and I use it when people hate me (or they give me a crap guild rank - Bad Cinders)...

pfft you so deserve it ;D


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Waspic said:
I mean...what if the dude actually decided to start all over and behave like an angel?

Then i'd start being good as hell would be rather chilly if I ever ended up there :fluffle:

No need to spend 15 minutes chasing for him tho.. just spam "Is Jarvio e-bayed?" in the /bg a few times, boot anyone that says no, and off you go!

On a general note, people really need to start adopting innocent before guilty approaches. The number of people who do stuff like this is fairly small, and you can bitch about them just as easily a day later, giving the innocent people time to of logged back in and hand the stuff over.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Dakkath said:
Simple, my Lord Soulfly...

He's seemed a little sensitive about the messages he'd been receiving (in his position I'd be exactly the same).

The theory goes, if you avoid drawing unnecessary attention to yourself, people tend to forget you're about (I find anon helps a bit as well as long as you're not all in pink that is!!!)...

If they don't notice you they can't poke prod or upset you with random distressing messages which reduces the odds of being flame baited. You don't get baited, you don't get annoyed and respond with an unnecessary or agressive response and you don't have to explain yourself to everyone who tries to question you.

After a short period of time, assuming you did nothing wrong (which is true in this case), word spreads that you're not the evil swine they thought you were and peace reigns once more...

I never said it was a good theory but it's mine and I use it when people hate me (or they give me a crap guild rank - Bad Cinders)...
He did nothing wrong, hence does not need to "lay low" at all. If people whine at him, he doesn't need to reply to the messages and does not need to feel bad about anything at all. Simple as that.

If people hate you, just play the game and ignore the ones you don't like.

Besides, you are weak if you get offended by some random idiot messaging you, that's a fact.

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