I'm Sick Of Being The Poorest LvL 50 Out there!



I'm sick of seeing lower level players run around with there uber items glowing away, while i sit in my shabby old coral chain. I don't have hundreds of guildies to help get me items i have to earn them myself its just i never get the oppurtunity too.

I'm posting to say that if anyone is thinking of making the journey to LLyn Barfog (which i have yet to visit), Dartmoor or the Ellylls and they need a good minstrel just type /who Galie to see if i'm online. I'd really appreciate it, it is really getting me down standing around waiting for a Dartmoor group to get together in Cornwall.

I'm beginning to reach that point of no return when I up sticks a leave alb because there is just nothing to do, I have been hearing worryingly nice things about the way players treat each other in Mid and Hib.
"I fucking hate Jamie Oliver!"


Well Illuminati always going out there regular Sunday night thing think we doing it tonight ask us

Daivana or Chenuba or Calvin or Draylor etc etc too many to say
might let u come along

And if ur not in a guild or a good guild then u can't expect any enjoyment from the game, joining Illuminati made the game excellent for me :)


Now, I hate to post something like this after a guildmate's fairly kind reply, but wtf? Are you saying albion, by not inviting you constantly on DM raids, is somehow treating you badly?
What about your guild? You the lone level50 in a guild of lvl 15's, perhaps?
The way it's going I'm also going to hit lvl50 in banded coral. You can get the best weapon you're going to have from Kiarra just as soon as she hits 999 (she's at 920 or so now), nevermind glowing weapons, 89%qua and low bonus (compared to 35% on arcanium crafted) can sod off.
lvl 50 instruments - aren't any, sorry. Ellyll/barrows/DM lvl35 ones are the best you can get until craftable ones in 1.49. (100% NPC vendor ebonwood is also lvl35 and the high qua helps with mezz resists considerably more than +instruments from dropped ones.)
lvl 50 small shields - they're all mostly scout-based, except the ellyll round shield. Some nice, easily-available ones in 1.49.
When 1.49 hits you'll have your epic armor.
Sitting around complaining that no-one invites you on DM raids, is not going to get you equipped matey.
/em pauses to hug his guild
I apologise if that came over a little brusque. I'm not trying to be rude, but your post seemed a little self-pitying.


That happens when you choose a class that uses the same armor that another 2 classes use too ^^

I love being Scout for that =P


w00t w00t

Im happy to go treasure hunt , its more fun that XP:ing hard core 45+ , sit , chit chat, have fun etc etc, i just hate when u make a deal that drops r shared, etc etc, and that dont happen, so i go only with the peeps i know....because i dont wanna ´c me MAD

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