I'm fed up with arguements about loot. Here's what we did on the US servers:



I'm getting fed up of groups fighting over loot, so here is what we did on the US versions, and it worked very well. It's called, coppering, and here's how it works:

1) Item Drops
2) It's offered to be coppered (if not a group policy).
3) People who are intrested, say so in group chat.
4) Then 100 is divided into however many group that are intrested in the loot. Ie, for three, 1-33, 34-66 67-99.
5) People intrested in the loot say what range they want.
6) The ranges are stated in group chat.
7) The next coin bag to be picked up, the copper amount is stated in group chat.
8) Whoever had that number in their range gets the loot.

When the next nice item drops, the 'coppering' is repeated, but whoever has allready got loot is not eligable till everyone else has got one.


Twilight boots drop.
4 people want them, Maeny, Drolin, Grilf and Shaniah.
The ranges are 1-25, 26-50, 51-75, 76-00.
Maeny picks 1-25, Drolin 51-75, Shaniah 76-00, and Grilf gets stuck with 26-50.
Group kills another mob, and a bag of coppers drop.
Grilf picks up the bag, and it's 1g, 25s, 52c.
Drolin is awarded the boots.

N.B. This will only work if the drops are commonly more than 1s, or it's unfair.

This isn't 100% random, but it's more fair than argueing over it in the group. It's improtant that if you are coppering, that you do it for all loot, and everyone accepts.
Anyone from the US servers should remember this, and how well it worked.



Then again if a person is in need of them the most.... they should get them automatically. If people need them for an alt or to give to friends (guild or otherwise) this system is great.


we called it just "rolling" and yup it works very very well - its used on Pryd anyways.


Aye. I earnt a Helm of Eternal Midnight this way :)

Altho we did it slightly different. We used the last digit of the the loot. So like 0-4, 5-9. Out of 100 might be better tho as it is more divisible.

Gangster No:1

So the (apparently) random distribution that the game does anyway is not good enough? You have to do your own more complicated random way to divide loot?? Riiiigghttt.



if it goes to someone who doesn't need it :)



Plate of Eternal Midnight drop

7 tanks. 1 cleric.

The cleric gets it.

Problem :)


OT: gangster, same gangster.no1 from diablo?


back on topic, groups im in just distribute items to whoever needs it, i.e. wizard items go to wizard (more than one wizard work it out between themselves) tanks items to tanks etc

loot just goes to whoever gets it, loots loot, only worth cash, enough of that to go around...


way i usually do it (if ppl are satisfied with my ruling ofc :p )

someone get the loot.

can he use it, he can chose to, but is encouraged to give to another if said person has more use of it.
for example, a chain drop with good tank stats:

The merc gets it, even if the cleric could use chain.

if the person who gets it, wants to keep it for guild or alt, its perfectly ok, as long as no one in the group needs it.

My system has flaws, since being a jack-ass about it, will earn you the loot. But i tend to not group with these ppl anyways :clap:


After that we give the next drop to the ones who didn't receive one yet. So the first one who gets the drop has to wait a round or gets a drop the others don't need and he does. This I found very good because it ensures others to get a drop as well (if you keep the group long enough ofcourse)


we had a system like this on the plains there were two of us minstrels in the group both in need of boots/anything (me more than the other guy)

well we did this: when a pair of boots/amour were awarded to any of us we the swaped our old stuff and then offered that arround example he got the boots with stats and instead of complaining i just asked for his old ones which were yellow to me (as i think he was a lvl higher than me) and well i am not fussed about stats at my lvl so it was cool.

This worked for me
just an idea


In any group i am in loot always goes to the highest level player who needs it most first. Then the next highest etc.. If you get an item you dont need, you give it away. If you get an item nobody needs feel free to give it to a mate or an alt.
Anybody who refuses to share willl find themselves groupless. This always works for me, and nobody complains as everyone gets what they need...


Well, naturally if there is one cleric in the group and no other chain-users... then for example DW boots drop... of course he gets them unless he already has them. Since none of the other present characters need them this system could be used. But always, a group should initially use some common sense and logic.


I've been playing since release day, must have grouped at some point or other with just about everyone in the realm currently over 30, and I can honestly say I have NEVER seen an argument about sharing loot.

Check policy at the start if you're playing with a stranger, but basically give loot to those who need it most, and be polite. If you let the other guy have the good drop this time around, he'll be falling over himself to make sure you get the next one. :)

If your experience is much different, try moving to a friendlier realm. ;)


i have 2 lvl 40 chars, and ive never seen argument either.
doing the rule- Self, Group, Guild seems perfectly fine.
Loot is devided with higher lvls getting slightly more than lower lvls in the group (as they do more). Higher lvls will generally need it more, so this is good.
If I get loot and need it for myself I keep it.
If not I ask the group.
If nobody needs it for themselves, I keep for the guild.

Having to work out who gets what loot just seem unnessary, and will slow down xping :)


Originally posted by CreepingDeath

If I get loot and need it for myself I keep it.
If not I ask the group.
If nobody needs it for themselves, I keep for the guild.

But what about if someone else needs it more?

E.g. A necklace that 3 of the stats are good for on them, and 2 of the stats are ok for on you... this being what happened the first time I met a loot hog. Along with various abuse insisting it was more useful to them - not quite sure how they figured that out. Made me lose 2% of my xp that did cos I left the group and suicided out of Corus :) Needless to say I never group with her (and her mate - they always seem to be together) any more. Stupid necklace wasn't even for me.


The 'random' loot gen isn't 100% random. Support classes (non dmg dealers) tend to get less loot at the end of a hunt than tanks. I don't know if this was intentional, but it's there.

And see, this is where the argueing comes, because people tend to be greedy, if they can use it, they keep it. And then people argue over that, saying they should share it.



Originally posted by Veritreus

But what about if someone else needs it more?

E.g. A necklace that 3 of the stats are good for on them, and 2 of the stats are ok for on you... this being what happened the first time I met a loot hog. Along with various abuse insisting it was more useful to them - not quite sure how they figured that out. Made me lose 2% of my xp that did cos I left the group and suicided out of Corus :) Needless to say I never group with her (and her mate - they always seem to be together) any more. Stupid necklace wasn't even for me.

so if the necklace was not for you why are you so harrased by it that means that the necklace by your standards if they used it was better off for them, if they didn't you were just as bad as each other...... IMHO


I have never seen an argument over loot. All groups I have been in operate on a need before greed principle. Say a piece of armour drops that would con orange to two players. The one with the lowest equivalent piece would get it first .. player A's current piece is blue, player B's is green. Only makes sense to give it to player B.

BTW, most bards can wear purple armour, and it makes sense. Bards have to buy expensive instruments at lower levels (until they get Corus drops), so not having to worry so much about replacing armour is a big help. At lvl 39, my vest is now blue. I am reluctant to replace it because it has very good stats (I would love to be able to use the charges on it). I was given this vest some 10-15 levels ago, when it was very purple. AHA! I hear you say ... it's going to wear out really fast. Guess what??? It still has 100% Con and 100% Dur. As long as a bard plays a support role, and doesn't keep trying to be a tank, they can wear purple armour. Yes, I know they won't get the full effective AF from it, but they will get the max for their level, and will be able to afford decent instruments. So please, if you do get armour drops that would be very good for support classes (particularly in guild-only hunting groups), let them have it. A side effect of this is that support classes will never need to whine for armour drops. I have lost count of the times I have said "go ahead, I don't need any armour" in Corus. Now I have to find some lucky bard to pass this vest on to when I do replace it, as it is still in perfect condition. :)


While random lootsharing might not be entirely 'random', it doesn't matter what class or level you are. Tank or support, it matters not one bit.

At one point Buffie was picking up drop after drop -- We promptly surnamed her to 'Buffie Lootmagnet', while she was sitting on her rear in the grass most of the time not having to do anything during the fight.. ;)

Personally, I prefer the Need Before Greed principle, most of which is already in use in one form or another in the other examples given here.

It's a combination of level + need of the item. Chain armour drops, three people want it -- Lvl 40 Warrior, Lvl 39 Warriror, Lvl 38 Healer.

Lvl 40 gets it offered first. If he accepts, his current armour goes to Lvl 39 Warrior, who in turn hands his to the Healer. If the item drops again, it goes to Lvl 39 Warrior, etc.

That way everyone gets something new. The ones at the 'bottom' of the line will yell foul, of course, but keep in mind that you'll become higher in level /anyway/ (You get XP, right?), and will end up being the top dog in time. Yes, this means you have to hand over that great sword or that nice helm.. but who cares, you'll find more in time. =)

This rule (NBG), is only used when needed. Most of the time people solve drops in a matter of seconds, so the fight can continue. :)

-- Lately in Malmo..

"Anyone need a Golden Alloy Spear?"
(Chorus of moans)
"Not ANOTHER Spear! Everyone has three already!"
(Says the shaman.)
"We can't even /salvage these things yet!"
"Give me one of those Cloaks of the Dragonwolf and four spears and I'll make us a little tent to serve tea in the shaman, fighter and healer helms, in true Midgard fashion!"
(Offers the ever helpfull Buffie)



OT: Veritreus why did you not zone out of Corus? Plenty of buggy fault lines around :p

Back to the topic. As a rule we share stuff, group first. Even you can use it you ask around if anyone is any more need of it. Then it usually goes by level, so highest level gets first dibs unless it's a class/spec specific item (say it has +void and I'm a voidritch when the other eld in a mana man). Basically if you can't really use it, or someone else is better off with it I'll pass it on. If people in my group don't adhere to this principle, we either kick him out (if we're in the majority) or I leave.

Anyway at the moment I don't need much. I have an orange and red con staff, AF37-49 armor, yellow-orange jewelry and ring. Only thing I need is a new necklace and a set of bracers and I'm set ready for my Epic armor in 4 months or whatever.


I prefer this way:

- Drop goes to group first of all

- First item goes to the highest lvl who can use it

- Second item to the next highest lvl who can use it

- and so on, might wanna give your old EQ to groupmates

- and if the drop not suits any of the members, u either keep it for your guild or give it to someone else in your group, who in his return will give it to his guild

This, "no i need this 16.xdps sword for my lvl20 alt" is just plain stupid :)


Originally posted by tilde
I prefer this way:

- Drop goes to group first of all

- First item goes to the highest lvl who can use it

- Second item to the next highest lvl who can use it

- and so on, might wanna give your old EQ to groupmates

- and if the drop not suits any of the members, u either keep it for your guild or give it to someone else in your group, who in his return will give it to his guild

This, "no i need this 16.xdps sword for my lvl20 alt" is just plain stupid :)

Well written Tilde. Couldn't have put it better myself..

I once left a group where an AF 98 pl8helm with +2 chants in it dropped. There was another paladin, higher lvl than me, who could use it, but it went to an armsman, made me leave..


been in a few groups like this, ir rather, with a few people like this

one time, DuskWalker boots dropped.... the recently joined caster got the drop.... our minstrel has just hit lvl 20, and no one else in the group could use the chain......

so we just figured, give him the chain stuff so we can kill faster and safer :)

but no! he needed the dw for his alt.... apparently he had a full set now..... not that I really care about his alt - its not his alt thats here fighting us

we argued for about 5 mins until we got bored of it and continued on fighting..... group quickly broke up because of this - I was disgusted to play with this guy, and I know I wasn't the only one.... friar had to leave, so I figured I might as well go too

the night after, the guy was trying to get a group for an hour in keltoi...... I sure didn't invite him into my group, and the other group i there didn't either

I'm still wondering, would giving up that item have helped him level? Just a standard rule when you form groups, invite people in:
Always state that its a group before guild, on a need basis to new members who joins.... I certainly don't want a repitition of what happend back in keltoi


Originally posted by dittytwo

so if the necklace was not for you why are you so harrased by it that means that the necklace by your standards if they used it was better off for them, if they didn't you were just as bad as each other...... IMHO

I knew I explained that badly :(

Person X got drop, was better for person Y, but X would not give it to Y, despite the fact that Y was using a rubbishy lvl 17 necklace and it was designed for their class... in this example I'm person Z, and all three of us were in the group with another 5 ppl.


well the way I see it, say a helmet drops, I can use it, and its better than my previous one.. I will keep it.
Maybe if someone stated when they joined they really need a helmet as their one is about 20 lvls below their lvl, then I would certainly make an exception :)
Only the other day any group I joined in spind I made it clear I needed a helmet b4 we started killing, I was nearing lvl 40 and still had an AF13 helmet with no magic on it :D
So ofcourse any cloth helmet dropped should go to me..


Got to watch out for the 'disappearing loot' trick too...

You pick up <nice piece of loot useful for someone>.
(autosplit) Loot goes to (someone who cant use it)

'Ooh nice bit of loot - hey <X> can you use that?'
Couple of more fights.

'So what about that <nice bit of loot>? <Y> got it... you don't need it'

'Sorry I don't have it'

(check scroll back)

'Definitely went to <Y>'

'I don't have it ok?'

Does anyone know of a bug where loot disappears?
(or disappears and then for some reason every other drop that goes to that person is 'essential' for their alt)

Maybe I'm being harsh here :) but I've never seen that bug before...


That said - easy way to avoid all that ... kill stuff that just drops money :) and buy some crafted stuff that's a damn sight better than the drops. (cept for you mages ... shame spellcrafting aint here and wont be for the next millenia)


Sure, but say you're a tank that uses scale and it's a reinforced helmet that a bard really needs?

Or it's a mage necklace and you're a bard?

And fingoniel... I've seen other people have that bug too - odd isn't it? Doesn't happen often though, and I've never had it myself :)

Either way, it's loot hogging, and bad. Baaaaaad I say! :m00:


hehe fingo... I was in that group....

wonder what happend to that gladius :(

i could have used it back then

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