I'm coming back...



After threat of divorce from my wife I sold my old DAoC account, but try as I might, I still think about DAoC constantly. I've found no game to even approach it in terms of playability or in terms of keeping me occupied.

Lately I've been playing Warcraft 3, UT2K3 and RTCW, but all bore me pretty rapidly :(

I have decided to come back to DAoC, but am going to create only one character - a full Rejuv Cleric.

I am happy to start the level drudge again, but would love it if someone could give me a head start in terms of equipment and gold. I am happy to compensate with real life cash! Please contact me at: john_ratcliffe@hotmail.com with your offers ;)

If any of you have seen my old characters about can you please let me know how they are getting on?

Danamyr was a Lvl 30 Paladin
Riverwind was a Lvl 31 Cleric &
Moodiness was a Lvl 24 Scout

TIA :)


Originally posted by Danamyr
After threat of divorce from my wife I sold my old DAoC account

Since the last patch you should be able to get a MP spellcrafted wife, which should solve the issue. (I think Filthius is selling them in Camelot). Your old wife can be salvaged - pm Stone in game, he is currently buying discarded models.


Re: Re: I'm coming back...

Originally posted by bracken_woodman

Since the last patch you should be able to get a MP spellcrafted wife, which should solve the issue. (I think Filthius is selling them in Camelot). Your old wife can be salvaged - pm Stone in game, he is currently buying discarded models.



Re: Re: I'm coming back...

Originally posted by bracken_woodman

Since the last patch you should be able to get a MP spellcrafted wife, which should solve the issue. (I think Filthius is selling them in Camelot). Your old wife can be salvaged - pm Stone in game, he is currently buying discarded models.

Brilliant :D :) :) :D


Re: Re: I'm coming back...

Originally posted by bracken_woodman

Since the last patch you should be able to get a MP spellcrafted wife, which should solve the issue. (I think Filthius is selling them in Camelot). Your old wife can be salvaged - pm Stone in game, he is currently buying discarded models.

xD quality

Jarahl Valinor

hahahahah /me points at Bracken and thinks "l33t" :D


*Urgent help required*

I have contacted the person I sold my account to, and managed to get it back. However, it has been completely stripped of everything.

I had over 3 Platinum over 4 characters and countless high level items and weapons.

None of my characters have a stitch to wear, nor any gold. The person also made my characters leave their Guild.

I basically need the following items ASAP. If you can spare it, then great - if not, then perhaps we can come to some sort of financial arrangement.

Lvl 31 Cleric - Requires full set of armour, sheild and mace. Any suitable magic bracers etc.

Lvl 30 Paladin - Requires full set of armour, sheild and sword (slash). Any suitable magic bracers etc.

Lvl 24 Scout - Requires full set of armour, and bow. Any suitable magic bracers etc.

The other char is a Lvl 1 Minstrel I rolled, but never got around to playing.

If you can spare any items for any of those characters, or want real cash for said items, please e-mail me ASAP at: soul-assassin@clara.co.uk with the necessary details.

If possible I'd like to collect the items this evening.

Thanks in advance - here's hoping! :D


Give me a shout

I have a vault full of cleric stuff mate, from low level to 40+ .

You can gladly have what ever you need.

I would help with cash too, but I am down to 100G myself due to sword and shield purchases, but you can have 50G.

Give Ashgen, Arau or Zedan a shout in game tonight after 9:00 GMT, and we can meet up.

Good luck.


Re: Give me a shout

Originally posted by old.Ashgen
I have a vault full of cleric stuff mate, from low level to 40+ .

You can gladly have what ever you need.

I would help with cash too, but I am down to 100G myself due to sword and shield purchases, but you can have 50G.

Give Ashgen, Arau or Zedan a shout in game tonight after 9:00 GMT, and we can meet up.

Good luck.

You're a star mate, thanks ;)

I deliberately did not ask for for gold, as I know hard hard it is to come by, and to be honest if I can get some donated equipment I will build my cash back up slowly anyway.

I will definately be in touch tonight mate, I am extremely grateful.


Hmm apart from the whole CoC selling account being bad etc. etc. thing.

You'll need to change your account password or yon fellow you sold it to could lock you out and steal all your stuff again (if he so chose).


Originally posted by Fingoniel
Hmm apart from the whole CoC selling account being bad etc. etc. thing.

You'll need to change your account password or yon fellow you sold it to could lock you out and steal all your stuff again (if he so chose).

Believe me - I have most certainly learnt from my mistake!

I have changed the game password, but you cannot change the subscription password by yourself - this is the most important one obviously. I've sent GOA Subs Dept an e-mail, and hopefully they shall change the sub password for me.


aye but surley he will know the account password as well


Well I never

Well I never knew you could change the password?

So my password 23Ex19PY can be changed to something more simple, like Camelot? ;p

How is it done?


Re: Well I never

Originally posted by old.Ashgen
Well I never knew you could change the password?

So my password 23Ex19PY can be changed to something more simple, like Camelot? ;p

How is it done?

No, it'll be changed to 4dFG58Ha

edit: Oh, and 23Ex19PY didn't work for your account :p


Can help u with a bow!

With tears in my eyes by reading about the destiny of ur chars, I will gladly donate what ever bow u would need for your lvl. PM me in game please.



Less of the people giving u real money for items, and I will overlook the fact that you sold the account because well no point now really is there

I am sure people will help u without the need for real money, students aren't that hard up these days!



Yo mate, come see me in camelot. I craft the finest weapons for you :)


Danamyr, if there is anything I can do contact me as well.

If ever Swiss could craft a Bow and some arrows to start your Scout off.

I will pm you in game if ever, I still have you on my friends list.


may I ask how you could get 3p on 3 lvl 30ish chars? :D


yeah....my Merc barely had a plat (before sc) now he's in his undies killing stuff in the Barrows (food is expensive these days :) )


Originally posted by Danamyr
After threat of divorce from my wife I sold my old DAoC account, but try as I might, I still think about DAoC constantly. I've found no game to even approach it in terms of playability or in terms of keeping me occupied.

TIA :)

Roflmao :)

Hehe, I'm a Hib and proud, but wb anyway....I'm really interested in the reaction of ur other half tho ?


Originally posted by rure
may I ask how you could get 3p on 3 lvl 30ish chars? :D

One of the guys left my Guild a long time ago and gave me all of his items and cash. The cash alone was over 2 Platinum, and I simply killed to get the rest ;)


Re: Re: I'm coming back...

Originally posted by AquArius

Roflmao :)

Hehe, I'm a Hib and proud, but wb anyway....I'm really interested in the reaction of ur other half tho ?

Grudging acceptance ;)

But last night it was all pictures and no sound ;)


Re: Re: Re: I'm coming back...

Originally posted by Danamyr

Grudging acceptance ;)

But last night it was all pictures and no sound ;)

simple solution - give her an alt :)

then an account/computer to play on :)

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