I'm back, now need spec advise...



Deleted my chars in Mid tonight - all done ;)

Further to my last thread I have decided to roll the following chars, and have attached questions to each:

1. Wizard - Can I really be a Briton wizard? It appears as though Britons can only be Theurgs reading the post creation text. Regardless, should I be Fire until 40 then respec to Ice, or just plain Ice? Or is a Mind Sorc a better alternative?

2. Armsman - Briton or Highlander? Want to be massive damage, not interested in defence at all - how do I spec?

3. Cleric/Friar - Still cannot decide between these two, possibly going Friar atm...

I know these are n00b questions, but between Mid Excal and Hib Pryd, I have forgotten a fair bit. I never played any of these when in Alb initially, so should be fun ;)

TIA :)

P.S. Good to be back ;)


1. 100% Ice to your level, rest Earth (at 50).
1. Yes Sorcerers are a good substitute.

2. Polearm spec. (Seek Armsman advice)

3. Friar. (Seek Friar advice)


Originally posted by Ekydus
1. 100% Ice to your level, rest Earth (at 50).

That OK solo? Only reservation I have really is that I have read Ice Wizzies struggle solo, whereas Fire Wizzies don't. Bolts get fixed in 1.62J as well, so unless Ice is very good, I am going Fire until Lvl 40.

And Briton can definately be a Wizard?


Ice wizards are meant for group. They are one of the most requested classes. They won't need to solo. They kill things fast so the group level fast.
Fire for solo yes, Bolts and Nukes are great fun. A lot of rooting and running about though.


Full pole, full thrust or slash for max damage with pole, bith slash and thrust r good, but for full pole i would think thrust is better...and with the changes to buff capping soon, prolly make a highlander, and pole damage is purely based on str


1. briton wiz is gimp, low int = crap damage, stick to fire till 40 then ice and group in AC and DF till u get 50, piece of cake!!

2. we need more sorcs :p

3. pole is good, makin 2hander myself and would suggest highlander for more str and more damage, 2handed has nice snare/stun styles that are missing in pole spec, so look into it!!

4.ehrm... well ull get groups more if u make a cler, but both are good :p


1. Wizard - I would suggest speccing fire to 20 and then respeccing to ice if you want easy grouping. It should be pointed out however that ice is definitely not a better spec than fire... simply different.

2. Armsman - Highlander; 50 2h, 42 shield, 39 slash. 2 handed appears to be the smart man's choice for high damage output, swinging faster than poles [less problems with bladeturn] and still having slam.

3. Cleric/Friar - Your choice :) Friars perhaps more fun, realm needs more Clerics. Don't play a char simply for the good of the realm though unless you enjoy it, you will just end up feeling you've wasted your time once you finish levelling it.


Hmmmmm 50 2hand , 42 shield , 39 slash ? :lol: nice for do a sux dmg and lost the lots of combo stunn styles of 2hand ... :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Golema
1. briton wiz is gimp, low int = crap damage, stick to fire till 40 then ice and group in AC and DF till u get 50, piece of cake!!

2. we need more sorcs :p

3. pole is good, makin 2hander myself and would suggest highlander for more str and more damage, 2handed has nice snare/stun styles that are missing in pole spec, so look into it!!

4.ehrm... well ull get groups more if u make a cler, but both are good :p

ye but avalonian is like having a big sign over ur head saying "OH PLZ MIDDIS AND HIBBIS KILL ME FIRST PLZPLZPLZ"


Some good replies ;)

So - Armsmen would be better than pole spec, as slightly less damage, but more attacks...going to go Highlander, as more durability.

The Wizzy is going to be Fire until Lvl 20 for rapid KT completion, then respec to full Ice :) Still not sure about race choice though. Probably go Avalonian now, as the power pool difference appears to be significant. Still need to look at the Iconnu Mind Sorc spec...completely different play style, do they get pets? Charmable ones aren't they?

Thinking about 70/30 for Friar vs Cleric atm. Should be fun in BG to get mistaken for a caster and then pummel the stealther to peices with my big stick ;)

Fair to say I am quite excited atm - haven't played these classes before, so should be something new ;)

Keep the suggestions coming, and thanks to all who have replied so far ;)


Originally posted by Danamyr
Deleted my chars in Mid tonight - all done ;)

1. Wizard - Can I really be a Briton wizard? It appears as though Britons can only be Theurgs reading the post creation text. Regardless, should I be Fire until 40 then respec to Ice, or just plain Ice? Or is a Mind Sorc a better alternative?

Sounds fine, rolling a wizard is possible as being a Briton Elementalist. Whatever they say, you won't be gimped. You will have around 208 int capped at lvl 50 with Augm.Acuity3 (for MoC you need that anyhow). Same as lurikeen enchanters for example, and they don't seem gimped to me.

2. Armsman - Briton or Highlander? Want to be massive damage, not interested in defence at all - how do I spec?

50 polearm, 50 slash/thrust, rest parry.

3. Cleric/Friar - Still cannot decide between these two, possibly going Friar atm...

Friar is fun, got one too, I love it. Only Briton.. Whatever spec you choose, please all the time spec at least 47 enhance (for best haste) or if you wield a fast staff, 45 enhance. I think staff should be around 39 on RR~lowish but you can take it down abit if you aren't interested in damage but in versatility. Staff 29 is a must for Friars Boon (anytime high damage taunt style)

Good luck in Albion!


Originally posted by Golema
1. briton wiz is gimp, low int = crap damage, stick to fire till 40 then ice and group in AC and DF till u get 50, piece of cake!!

Oh no, 10 int less!
Britons are such gimps!


Originally posted by Danamyr
Some good replies ;)

So - Armsmen would be better than pole spec, as slightly less damage, but more attacks...going to go Highlander, as more durability.
higlander full pole is good way otherwise make a pally... but... u rlly sure to make n arms? :(

Originally posted by Danamyr

Still not sure about race choice though. Probably go Avalonian now, as the power pool difference appears to be significant..
Avalonian= ugly huge gimp lighting target... Make briton... no signicicant power pool diff... n ull survive more/get less targeted ... that important for pbaoer
Originally posted by Danamyr

Thinking about 70/30 for Friar vs Cleric atm. Should be fun in BG to get mistaken for a caster and then pummel the stealther to peices with my big stick ;)
friar is nice =)


about the caster thingy :D

go for briton m8 :D
they will think that you are a friar and won't attack you....only when they gonna see the funny ring of ice :p:p
as said by other pps the difference between ava-briton is not that big and you can win because enemies will think that you are a friar...
for god sake look on hibs....the 99% of manachanterz are luris....worster than elfs but they are soooo hard to click them :D

small briton gogogo :):)

about armsy spec.....no pure pole :| you lose the ultra utility of the shield (=slam)
go for 42 shield 44pole 39 thrust/slash and rest parry
take some + to skills and you gonna have 50 pole/50 thrust/slash
not bad huh? and you gonna have the ultra slam :p

Cap'n Sissyfoo

For the love of...the difference between avalonians and britons and their survival rates is tiny. The enemy may make the mistake of thinking you are a friar for a split second but as soon as you start casting they are going to home in on you quicker than a fat man to pizza. Even if you get off one extra nuke which may or may NOT make the difference you are still going to be tank fodder unless you play smart.


Originally posted by Jergiot
ye but avalonian is like having a big sign over ur head saying "OH PLZ MIDDIS AND HIBBIS KILL ME FIRST PLZPLZPLZ"

Aye soooo true Avalonians are the first to go down.... =/ especaly when u try to pbaoe them....

I dono how meny ppl lvling with pbaoe now a days tho.... but spec fire to 20 maybe 40... the respec to ice.... I did lvl my wiz before ppl knew that pbaoe was a spell...... that was hell... but now ppl seem to be able to use it even tho I tried to tell ppl it was good at that time..... but...

Spec fire to lvl 20 or 40.... depends on how much u wanna solo...


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Oh no, 10 int less!
Britons are such gimps!

it's 20 actually..... but errrr... still no real difference.


I've you really wanna make a nice armsman:

Spec crush, polearm and shield until 50 enter a dragon raid then respec to thrust than you made optimal use of the autotrain:p
btw i'm still 50 pole 42 shield 39 crush and thiinking about how my respec is going to be..does two handed really do more dmg in combination with shield42????


I'll have to look at the character builder on Catacombs to be sure, but I think the difference between a Luri in Hib and a Briton in Alb is that the Luri has massive (80) default dex and quick. The power pool is smaller than that held by an Elf, but the casting ability should be faster.

A Briton does not have the same Dex and Quick advantage, but has higher Str and Con I think, so can melee a little better.

This requires a little more research...


Originally posted by Alcoholic
I've you really wanna make a nice armsman:

Spec crush, polearm and shield until 50 enter a dragon raid then respec to thrust than you made optimal use of the autotrain:p
btw i'm still 50 pole 42 shield 39 crush and thiinking about how my respec is going to be..does two handed really do more dmg in combination with shield42????

Forgive me if this sounds really stupid, but do you have to spec shield at all?

I realise the reason for it is to stun opponents, but if I was going to go down that route, I'd roll a 1 hand Armsman and spec Slash and Shield to whatever level each.

To take that further, if I was going to roll a 1 hand Armsman, I wouldn't bother, I'd roll a Paladin.

How does 2 hand Armsman work anyway? Obviously you cannot hold the sheild at the same time as the polearm or 2 hand weapon, so I guess you stun first then switch to 2 hand for melee?


Originally posted by Danamyr
I'll have to look at the character builder on Catacombs to be sure, but I think the difference between a Luri in Hib and a Briton in Alb is that the Luri has massive (80) default dex and quick. The power pool is smaller than that held by an Elf, but the casting ability should be faster.

A Briton does not have the same Dex and Quick advantage, but has higher Str and Con I think, so can melee a little better.

This requires a little more research...

Qui and Str are both useless for casters (unless you you're a melee-mage), only look at Int, Dex and Con.


Danamyr I just love my slam couldn't live without it:p
But anyone knows the advantages of two handed to polearm? Does it really do more dmg?


Originally posted by Danamyr
Forgive me if this sounds really stupid, but do you have to spec shield at all?

I realise the reason for it is to stun opponents, but if I was going to go down that route, I'd roll a 1 hand Armsman and spec Slash and Shield to whatever level each.

To take that further, if I was going to roll a 1 hand Armsman, I wouldn't bother, I'd roll a Paladin.

How does 2 hand Armsman work anyway? Obviously you cannot hold the sheild at the same time as the polearm or 2 hand weapon, so I guess you stun first then switch to 2 hand for melee?

you swing (stop PBT), then slam and them pull out 2 hander and finish them off in a few swings from behind, its the theory for pole users and can even be done by mercs and scouts (but a bit more risk for them).

As Armsmen/woman auto I guess it would be possible to hold off specing slash/crush/thrust etc for some extra points although you will be gimped for a long time. (then again you would be specing shield and could spec perry and just respec out at L40) Not sure how many extra points you will have left over by L48 and if they could make much difference.


About the armsman:

spec 40 slash and 40 pole up until lvl40 (rest parry). Then respec to thrust (which you have autotrained up to lvl40) and u might get a extra Parry in.

Do a Highlander with +10 con, +10 dex, +10 str.


50 Polearm
50 Thrust (good vs midchain, neutral towards hibs)
28-30 Parry


Ghaladriel the damage needn't be crap, you just get +11 from items to bring your slash up to 50 and then your realm rank will add bonus damage from there on upwards. From there you have a 2h slash (or whatever you like) spec with slam. 2h is imo better than pole because pole has BAD issues with bladeturn that no-one seems to be remembering at the moment.


Originally posted by Golema
1. briton wiz is gimp, low int = crap damage, stick to fire till 40 then ice and group in AC and DF till u get 50, piece of cake!!



I have a cleric.

Briton: most attractive looking (ie doesn't wear a skirt if male, doesn't look like it has an eating disorder), better dex than highlander, better con than avalonian. Fuck str in the face whatever mythic say, 10dex 10con 10pie.

41rejuv for big heal (726 with MoHealing2), 35enh for decent spec buffs, 3smite cos its left over, get a little mes, full HP res. Have tried most other specs, this one seems to me the best.

I have a friar.

Briton: no choice. 10 con, 10 dex, 10qui imo. Don't put str in like some gimps (cough QS).

39staff, 48enh, 8rej, 13parry is what I went for - with items you get staff over 50 easily and apparently damage difference is not significant. 44 staff is an option for the side style but tbh, nar. 48 enh for 2x24% resists - last matter one not that important. 18 rejuv gives best res and low variance on base heals.

I have an armsman.

Highlander: if you are going purely aggressive, then highlander is the only choice for str and con bonus.

FULL offensive I guess = 50 pole/2H, 50 slash rest parry. If you want to be useful in groups get slam and go 50pole 39slash 42shield 6parry (or equivalent for 2H).

I'm making an ice wiz.

Briton: oh no, a little less int...no biggy tbh. Less chance of getting boshed, you look a damn site nicer than avalonian, and of course have more con/HP. If you're in a PBAE grp from level 7 go full ice, if not go fire up to 20 then ice after that.

Friars are incredibly fun and get uber towards the last few levels, always with the option of soloing. Clerics are fun too, but make sure you like looking at HP bars a lot :)


listen to wildfire :) that armsman temp is by far the best, thank god few armsman use it (if any?).

ice has pbaoe, and aoedebuff dd (which is effective as 18% at 50), and nice snare DD.

fire has uber DD but not much else (however bolts are getting big upgrades in the future)

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