Ignoring the Mind line



So you want a high damage dealing caster class, one might think wizard but in the age of high resists perhaps not. Theurgist maybe more suited with its spirit damage nuke, if pbae is not your style :) however SC allows all resists to be maxed quite easily.
So we move onto the mage classes, these both have debuffs; Cabalist, now perhaps a full spirit half body spec would work but spirit is a very poor line and the baseline body lifedrain is nothing to scream about.
So our last chance the sorc, with the new changes to mind it seems tempting to spec it but hold on a second, we want a damage dealer. Matter, heat and cold debuffs are all found in the body line, which also has ae root, ae dex//qui debuff and a spec nuke; far better than the cabalist spirit line. The matter line is perhaps not as powerful as the cabalist equivalent but with a matter debuff this can soon change.

40 Matter 36 Body 4 Mind
143.8 damage snare nuke
79 damage baseline matter DoT (around 120 after int bonus)
63 damage spec DoT
30% matter debuff
49 second ae root, 20 second ae mezz and ae debuffs

Cast DoT then debuff then snare nuke, DoT should tic for around 200 every 4 seconds and nuke for around 350.

48 body 24 matter 5 mind
209 damage body nuke
50% matter debuff
79 damage baseline matter DoT

Now the key to this spec is Wild Arcana 3 or 4. If the debuff and the DoT crits the damage would be insane.

Finally the utility spec sorc which i am considering
36 mind 36 body 17 matter

Im just wondering has anyone tried mixing body and matter? What worries me is the debuff doesnt last long enough, and i think is shortened by high resists as well. So at best you will get 3 tics before the debuff runs out.
On the other hand the sorcerer is the only class in the game with a matter DoT and a matter debuff. Combined with Wild Arcana 4 a double crit could lead to a DoT of over 300 damage a tic.


This has been discussed on many boards many times.

The problem with the 30% debuff is that it is 15s long. And it is on the Body damage table. So your average Hib will be debuffed only for around 7s or 8s. That's maybe two DoT ticks if you are lucky...maybe a nuke too. The matter nuke is 3s casting time. The debuff is very quick to cast though if you have MotA.

Also, power consumption will be high with this and no access to the new PoT spells.

However, it is said to be a fun spec by the very few people have chosen it. But anyone inviting you to a group to do the main job of a sorcerer in 1.60+ will be a little...disappointed.



as a sorc..

what apathy said... /hugs apathy
lets get married ;)


Afaik grym is a sorc and he nukes hard :(


Enjoying 40 matter 36 mind atm, my sorc nukes harder than my necro and has the added bonus of snares and dots... looking forward to 1.60 though, will see how it pans out. For rvr damage-dealing id suggest an ice wizard these days.


Another thing is...how would you level this char up? No pets...no PoT...no AoE mezz for groups...the only thing you could do is do a mind/whatever spec till 40 and then respec or all the way to 50 and get a respec stone.

I have a full matter sorcerer...talk about sloooooow.



/em smacks a fresh bumpersticker on Hotrats ass saying [My other account is a Cabalist]..
Thats how. ;)


Yer the duration sucks, should be at least 30 seconds, well it was a nice thought :) 2 tics sucks though, even if it is 200+ dmg..Only way would be to cast debuff after every 2 nukes, lets face it ur lucky to cast one nuke in rvr :)

Levelling a sorc has always been hard, until PoT next patch :) Nothing much you can offer except CC and medium nukes//lifedrains, no matter what spec. Mind/body is nice for solo though, keeping mind high enough to have a pet your level.

Bah well im still stuck for a final spec :p might as well go 44 mind, ae mezz is about the only spell i will get to cast before i have to run and try and keep my little arse alive :)

A shame caba spirit line sux so much, full spirit half body looks quite fun.


hehe yer, 50 cabalist duo is the best way to level, no matter what your level :clap:


Originally posted by Apathy
I have a full matter sorcerer...talk about sloooooow.

you have single target mezzing for groups (mincers did fine with this for a while :)) and you can kite oranges.


Originally posted by hotrat
Yer the duration sucks, should be at least 30 seconds.

it was until they made them instant... then changed them back (and left the increased power cost/decreased duration)


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
you have single target mezzing for groups (mincers did fine with this for a while :)) and you can kite oranges.

Kiting is slow - downtime is long and the killing is slow. And no pet to beat on it whilst kiting. Indeed, one of the definitions of actual proper kiting would have the pet involved. Anything else is just "running away and turning back to cast".

When fighting BAF mobs or anything that comes in 3 or 4, AE mezz is the best option. Or AE root. Doing them one at a time takes longer. Besides, minstrels are NOT sorcerers and vice versa. The sorc has to stand still while casting their mezz; the main reason that the minstrel ST mezz is good is simply because the minstrel can maintain distance between him and the target.

PL! That's the way to go.



Originally posted by old.LandShark
And plays like it too.
Bloody smite sorcs.

I just wish I could play one char as long as he does, never leaving Emain and taking any group that comes up. :(



Originally posted by Apathy
Kiting is slow - downtime is long and the killing is slow. And no pet to beat on it whilst kiting. Indeed, one of the definitions of actual proper kiting would have the pet involved. Anything else is just "running away and turning back to cast".

When fighting BAF mobs or anything that comes in 3 or 4, AE mezz is the best option. Or AE root. Doing them one at a time takes longer. Besides, minstrels are NOT sorcerers and vice versa. The sorc has to stand still while casting their mezz; the main reason that the minstrel ST mezz is good is simply because the minstrel can maintain distance between him and the target.

PL! That's the way to go.


I'd agree with the last bit :) and yeah single target mezz ain't great...

I found kiting quite fast though... - dot dot, nuke, run, 7 ticks, face, nuke - dead yellow.

It's not uberomfgsuperfastxp :) but it's ok... better than soloing a merc that's for sure.

Of course I last about 10 mins before I get bored ;) which is why I'm not tearing up emain with my matter sorc yet ;)

- Fedaykin -

IMO grymulv is a good player

cba to write more


I just wish I could play one char as long as he does
Same here, I might actually be able to get more than a million rp's on a single player if I didnt get sudden urges to play other characters. Heck Raistlin had as many rp's as Outlaw until I decided I wanted a minstrel :)

So what with debuffs being too short in duration, and body being the most popular resist to max; the body line has 1 half decent spell; ae root, but then you get a single target root in baseline.
Therefore its probably best going mind/matter as even some people with SC dont have capped matter (I know I dont atm) and relying on the DoT's and possible some wild arcana, crit ae str//con debuff sounds nice. 100 damage a tic DoT or 150 damage per lifedrain... Then again some points in body just to reduce the variance a little might be wise, lifedrain does have its uses, even as little as 15 in body with items and RR should reduce the variance to around 200-300 base damage.

So the matter snare nuke is gonna be worse than the body lifedrain until you reach 40 matter, making the baseline DoT and the snare effect of the nuke the only reason to spec matter; at least 17 should be enough. Then 20 in body just in case mythic gets round to changing it to an ae root. Finally 46 in mind, leaving enough points to take matter to 19.
46 mind 19 matter 20 body, with items and rr it could work. going on the basis that 2 slightly weaker baseline spells are better than one average baseline spell. and you even get 2 different ae dex//qui debuffs :)

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