Ignorant pet, or is it something I'm doing wrong ?



Ok I'm a level 10 Cabalist, I have the choice of an Amber Simulacrum and a Ruby Simulacrum. Amber (Bob) is ok, does wot I say when I say. The Ruby (Betty) follows me about until I send it into a fight. It goes and fights, but once complete it just stands there ? It won't follow me, it won't attack anything else, nothing.

What am I doing wrong ?



sorry to be unhelpful but the only thing you are doing wrong (IMO!) is playing a cabalist.

Haven't you seen that page full of car bumper stickers about cabalists? too funny.


Its one of the many many bugs to do with the cabalist pets along with the warping /pathing probs, it is kinda sorted in the upcoming patch as well as we get the pet heal but in the meantime the workaround means u have to click him into passive mode then defensive and click attack he will then attack your target. However to be honest the ruby is very very poor and it will die quickly with its low hp , u r much better to use you amber until u get the sapphire sim which is much much better and the prefferred choice of pve. The Emerald after that is pretty good also and the final Jade is about as much use as a chocolate fireguard apart from being visually much larger than the rest.
I myself have a lvl 10 cab as well but i have done a lot of research on the class although no expert.
One final note dont let the negative input of the last poster put you off. Yes it is very bugged and needs a lot of tweaking but ive also found out a fun class to play. The negative aspect of cabs has been born out of ignorance as there isnt a great deal of cabs on the servers and many people dont understand what they can offer to groups which differs greatly depending what spec u have chosen and also what other players u r grouped with although as a foot note i do agree that they will always be a superb soloing class but a mediocre grouping class but still can fit in to a group nicely.
Im on Excalibur server and my name is Eranu , id be pleased to help you further should you have questions.


There are indeed some problems with the mid-range pets however I managed to get by perfectly well by using the Amber pet until I could get hold of the Sapphire model :). However I do spec in Spirit so I can keep any model of golem adequately buffed.

Oh and don't be worried about what people say about Cabalists there's a lot of ignorant crap posted on the forums. I've grouped many times and I've never had any complaints about my contribution to the hunt.

On the other hand all this predjudice does have it's upside. The game seems to randomly generate as many Cabalist magic items as it does for all other classes. As there are so few Cabalists around the game is awash with unwanted Cabalist items. As there's plenty of friendly & generous players in the game hardly a day goes by when someone doesn't offer me something. It's got to the point on Prydwen where I'm having to turn away offers of cabalist staves, rings, and robes because my bank is full of duplicate copies of all of them. I'm only level 26 but I'm not going to have to look for better equipment until I get to the mid-40's :cool:

Rabbi Modacai BenJudah
Disciple of the Kabbal
<Mystics of Albion>


Thats my Ozwin ;)

hi mate :)

btw do cabs get speed like sorcs? is is that in the sorc spezaliation line?


Hi Bed,

Unfortunately no run speed buff in cabs repertoir, make kill tasks so much quicker if there was 8(

Ill just be happy when we get the pet heal. Always risky using transfer life if i have to heal him

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