If you are doing Golden Spear...


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 3, 2004
... be sure to PM Jimmi, I will pay well for the credit... and if you don't need the arti I will pay even more... much more actually :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 3, 2004
Come on now ppl. I will pay 2 digit plats for this :D


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 25, 2004
i am in aswell for credit :D... signing up scout and what ever other char u want pm me in game pls :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
I really don't like this arti. Done it twice with my guild for my infi and no drop either time :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Hello Jimmi,

If you get another deathservant necro with last damage shield with another bot to heal his pet i can get you it, there is a time limit of 15 mins to kill all 3 mobs to get the Golden Spear, if you do not kill them within that time the Last named guy just runs away with the Golden Spear and then you have to wait for repop.

People complain that it doesn't drop when they kill the mobs yet you have to kill all 3 to get it and if you kill all 3 within the 15 minutes the Golden Spear drops all the time, well has the 6 times i done it.

Just pm me on here or Jimjr or get someone from SS to message me on msn and i will come on and help, as am usually leveling my Vampiir or playing css.



May 9, 2004
Jimmi said:
... be sure to PM Jimmi, I will pay well for the credit... and if you don't need the arti I will pay even more... much more actually :cheers:

Jimmi without sun weaps, what is the world coming to:<


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Jimmyjr said:
Hello Jimmi,

If you get another deathservant necro with last damage shield with another bot to heal his pet i can get you it, there is a time limit of 15 mins to kill all 3 mobs to get the Golden Spear, if you do not kill them within that time the Last named guy just runs away with the Golden Spear and then you have to wait for repop.

People complain that it doesn't drop when they kill the mobs yet you have to kill all 3 to get it and if you kill all 3 within the 15 minutes the Golden Spear drops all the time, well has the 6 times i done it.

Just pm me on here or Jimjr or get someone from SS to message me on msn and i will come on and help, as am usually leveling my Vampiir or playing css.


I right now'd the no drop and apparently its one of those arti's that has a high % to drop and i just got unlucky twice ><


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Jimmi I have GS on CM atm for a some stupid price as im not sure if im gonna use it or not - if u need it PM me in game and we can sort something out.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 3, 2004
majik said:
Jimmi without sun weaps, what is the world coming to:<

Hehe get energy resists you gimp :D Anyways, now you're gonna have fair fights vs me :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 3, 2004
Jimmyjr said:
Hello Jimmi,

If you get another deathservant necro with last damage shield with another bot to heal his pet i can get you it, there is a time limit of 15 mins to kill all 3 mobs to get the Golden Spear, if you do not kill them within that time the Last named guy just runs away with the Golden Spear and then you have to wait for repop.

People complain that it doesn't drop when they kill the mobs yet you have to kill all 3 to get it and if you kill all 3 within the 15 minutes the Golden Spear drops all the time, well has the 6 times i done it.

Just pm me on here or Jimjr or get someone from SS to message me on msn and i will come on and help, as am usually leveling my Vampiir or playing css.


Lo Jimmy! I might just PM you later. I can provide servant necro+bot or mincer+sally + bot :).


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 16, 2004
Jimmyjr said:
...there is a time limit of 15 mins to kill all 3 mobs to get the Golden Spear, if you do not kill them within that time the Last named guy just runs away with the Golden Spear and then you have to wait for repop.

This is not correct.

On our last encounter the healing djinn was so damn tough, our 4 tanks couldn't scratch him, so we kept him in combat with one pally and 2 clerics until 3 of the tanks reloged on 2 theurgs and a ML9 sorc. With the double petspam the nukes started to land and we managed to bring him down and finally killed it in two goes - and it droped the spear.

This whole process took close to an hour, so I know for sure there is no 15 minute timer on the encounter. Mabye it's a 15 minute timer till u get to the last mob... I don't know.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 26, 2003
i have one in vault, my vamp is gonna stick it up ur.. v soon :m00:

nm me am just passing by


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2005
i got the requirements you asked for your tactic, Jimmyjr... could you contact me ingame? thx in advance :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004

Am online now if you need help doing, am on Jimjr, might be 5 mins or so to reply as leveling Vamp also.

Am not sure if my tactic would work tho as i only tried with 1 necro and took 2 mobs down but other one ran away, was thinking of 2 necro's + 2 clerics + who ever else for credit...

1 necro pulls pull and starts keeping aggro with DS while cleric is under water healing (yes there are crocs there and yes they are aggro but they suck and no need to go close to them) while other necro pulls other 1 to the first necro and then he takes both mobs at same time while 2nd necro goes and kills 3rd mob, all 3 should die at same time, clerics will be interupted/mezzed now and again and then take GS and be happy ^^

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