If it takes 3 months to patch from 1.45....



to 1.48 then 1.50 with Darkness Falls won't be ready till Mid-September at the earliest 5 months behind the US server. By which time Mythic will be in the 1.55 area and we will be falling further behind with the expansion pack on the horizon. Quite frankly GOA are crap, their whole patching policy and setup is a joke. They will never even get within 2 patches (3 months) of the US servers under the current system.

I would walk away right now if it wasn't for my guild and the fact it was a complete d0rk in subscribing for 6 months. When my sub is up I won't be playing on EU ever again, I will either start on the US servers or find another game. I have now lost all faith in GOA to provide the service I have paid them for.


True true.... 1.49->1.50x will take forever to translate with this pace...


I would like some confirmation that the expansion pack is going to be developed for all customers and not just the US.

If it is not then just how long will it take to get this patch in the UK? I can only assume that the US will get this this year while we wait until well into 2003.


I'm prety sure that somewhere in the last few news updates , there was a comment on that they where hirering more peopel, maybe they realised that this speed wont cut it. We can but hope


Hmmm I wonder how the expansion pack will work.

Lets say you buy it and I dont... do we play same servers or what?

Looking at the way everything works they will need whole new servers for the expansion pack otherwise it will get proper messed up.


in that time i could remake my players on a us server, and have benefit of lastest patches,

i am this close from quiting euro version, if they said 2 weeks i would say fair enough although it still sux, but they want near 2 months, which is complete nonsense.

and its gonna take em like 8 months to get up to darkness falls at this rate,

i am sure goa have hamster operated staff.

bit of a flame, sue me, i had enough.


Originally posted by Silence
in that time i could remake my players on a us server, and have benefit of lastest patches,

i am this close from quiting euro version, if they said 2 weeks i would say fair enough although it still sux, but they want near 2 months, which is complete nonsense.

and its gonna take em like 8 months to get up to darkness falls at this rate,

i am sure goa have hamster operated staff.

bit of a flame, sue me, i had enough.

Thats what I am thinking too, could get my char upto lvl40 in 6 weeks or so on US, by which time they will have 1.52. Just leaving my guild will be painful :/


id like to know wtf is taking em so long also after all the english translation is not needed cos it was already in english . french is Goa's native language so they should be able to breeze through that . so in some terms only language they gotta translate that may take time is german . but hell its taking far to long people are leaving this game already to either goto usa servers of leaving alltogether because of goa lack of updates and status of the patches . goa need to pull there finger out there ass and stop destroying a brilliant ame by taking so long updating .


Originally posted by cHodAX

Thats what I am thinking too, could get my char upto lvl40 in 6 weeks or so on US, by which time they will have 1.52. Just leaving my guild will be painful :/

Yes, I have decided to bite the bullet (even though already enjoying Mid/Prydwen very, very much now) and have ordered the American version. Clincher was the expansion pack. I don't think GOA will be able to translate that in a short enough time to be relevant. :(


i am this second trying to find out a good popular us server i could go on, one that is quite active most of day and night,

leaving guild will be a drag, but there are plenty of good guilds out there in us from what i hear,

ok starting again with no money gonna be crap, but there is always people around to help u, plus its gonna be more fun to level up knowing u have advantages of the new patches.

patches are what keeps the game changing and keeps it interesting and playable. goa are so far behind it just takes the piss.

as for expanasion back, i doubt it will ever happen over here. why bother, by time it arrives here goa be struggling to hold onto a few hundred subscribers.


Everyone email support@goa.fr and support@goa.com and say

"Dear Goa,

Many players of DAoC feel that your patching rate is too far behind the US, please state on the camelot europe website what you are going to do to amend this situation if any.

Best Regards

XXth Level XXXXX
XXXXXX Server"

not sure if that email works, but it worth a try.


I just think its funny that Mythic appear to be able to produce original content faster than GOA can do the monkey job of translating some portion of it.


Yeah.. Mythic writes an update in a week, and GOA needs 15 weeks to translate it. Silly, isn't it? :)


Originally posted by Lydek
I just think its funny that Mythic appear to be able to produce original content faster than GOA can do the monkey job of translating some portion of it.

Ineed Lydek and from what I read the staffing levels appear to be the same based on a player to server ratio. Quite frankly GOA are useless.


Maybe we should be emailing Mythic about this..so they can either get rid of GOA, or help in the translation of the patches..


Mythic write an update a week, put it on Pendragon, wait till everyone is drooling then unleash it on their other 16 test servers.

As bitter as I am about it being 6 weeks till we get the new stuff I am glad (after watching the number of unfound bugs and emergency patches firing across the camelot herald) that GOA are doing some decent testing on it.


Are they joking with us or what,
By the beginning of next week, both French and German translation will be completed
i was thinking great then maybe we can play it by the end of next week, I continue reading and it ends up with end of June! I mean WTF and that is if everything goes good!



Too bad that the only really useful addition in the update will be loot stacking. Otherwise it won't add anything at all for high-level characters. :/

Oh, except making the dragon impossible to kill, that is. :)


Kelmon doesn't 1.7 or 1.48 also up the EXP cap for lvl35-50? That would come in handy, because nowadays i hit the cap for soloing low orange stuff.

And there's the high lvl materials for the crafters


Better than that, Lianuchta. It raises the XP cap a bit, and it also increase the XP earned by lvl 35-50, if I remember correctly. :)

True, the new materials will be nice for the crafters. Does anyone know if it's only 'metals', or does the update also include leather, cloth and wood? :)


I'm giving up this game, I play it very rearely anymoore and have about 1 and 1/2 month left on my sub (wont renew). Playing thru Final Fantasy IX again (I had forgotten how good it was).
And I'm going to get a work over the summer, and might even try to catch up with the real life (far moore interesting than DAoC, doesent involve staying at a 10*10 area just getting exp for 8 hours to get a exp bulb)

I might have been playing it if GOA would get those patches out this year, that would keep the game interesting with the low lv RvR zones and such...


The reason they can't let the english servers use latest version is because all the servers use the same updater & login server for all .... so for the english to have the latest version, the german and french would need it too

What should have been done from the first place, was to have someone in the UK run the english servers, and appoint a french company to run the french servers, and a german company to run the german servers

I'm sure that if mythic contacted someone like Jolt.co.uk , they could get them to run the english servers.... they already run a UO shard, so this wont be new to them

With the new opening on the test server, they should allow us to have 2 clients on our system, 1 for production servers, and 1 for test servers

if they can do this, there should be no problems in updating the english version to whatever mythic is running

and if it really is such a hard job for them to translate it, then they shouldn't... I have several germans and austrians in my guild, who play on excalibur because of "naf" translations.... a hill cat is translated into a hill kitten etc....

I'm sure most of the french/german server population wouldn't mind playing the game in english, while still speaking french in game
I mean, the french play UT, Q3, CS, EQ, UO etc fine, and thats in english..... why not here?
Servers would still be for english / german / french speaking users, but the game would be in english

any ideas on whether this would work?


I'll gladly help with the translation from the American version to the English. Here, in fact, is a start:

*ize -> *ise.
dialog -> dialogue.
trash -> rubbish.
pants -> trousers.

Personally, I don't mind being slightly behind the US servers. Extra testing is worth it.

Note the word 'Slightly'. This does not mean patches that come along slower than your average ice-age.

That's enough of my whinging now. I'm in far too good a mood.


Originally posted by SilverHood
The reason they can't let the english servers use latest version is because all the servers use the same updater & login server for all .... so for the english to have the latest version, the german and french would need it too

Forgive me if I am wrong but isn't mythic doing exactly what you are stating is impossible?
Pendragon anyone?


well, as I also stated, with the new patch, it will be possible to have to client versions...... one for testing purposes, and one for comercial play

if we can have test server running lastest version, and play on that, AND on the older 1.45 versions, there should be no reason for the english clients to be held back


I just think its funny that Mythic appear to be able to produce original content faster than GOA can do the monkey job of translating some portion of it.

LOL. :)

a remark then (I moved from DAoC Europe to DAoC US 6 weeks ago btw):

1. The aftermath of 1.50 wasn't a series of bugs and stuff like you people seem to think. When I got home from work I DL-ed 1.50 and the first fix at once, Mythic already fixed that when it was still afternoon here. Then the next day they did bring the servers down to fix some things and yes, it was right in my playing time (from 21.00 -> 22.30h, longer than usual). The day after they brought them back down for 15 minutes or so. Now the patch of this week (with assassin nerf) isn't a quick fix or something, it's just a continuation of tweaking realm abilities and adding some new stuff.

For me, 1.50 went very smooth. Downloaded the patch in 10 minutes and apart from that 1.5 hour downtime and those 15 minutes the other day, it went really smooth. No rollbacks, no lag. That little downtime didn't bother me as much if I compare it with what the patch brought.


The reason why the translation is taking so long is that the summer trainee at GOA needs to learn French and German first.
I mean it can take a while with dictionary in another hand. :rolleyes:


The connection procedure is also a tricky part since a client change is needed to access the test server; we are working with Mythic to see if we can use a specific launcher. The opening of Gorre to players will give us the opportunity to test the patch process and the new patcher network; the test server being currently with the 1.48 patch, players will be able to download the 1.48 patch.

they're working on us being able to connect to the gorre server as is...give em a little nudge to create an additional one for the english servers ;)

<fluffles GOA> (just want to get this smily in :clap: )


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