Idea's to make daoc a better game.



Ok I made this post cos I was getting a few idea's of thing that need to be added/changed to make our lives alor easier while playing.

Firstly the graphics bug need fixing!

Display of a clock should be like compass and ping bar by choice.

I'n SC I think the armour should be able to have a style like the epic armour's now, cos I will really miss the nice sb uniform :(.

SI expansion of the gui QB to 10 should be 12 imo, because I'm just bloody lazy!

Poor casters af bug should have been fixed ALOT sooner! I feel for them.

A command should be added [/faction] to test your faction with mob's in your realm and frontiers w/a. This could also be done by giving a percentage with the faction you killing faling and another rising 50% being neutrel.

Rings.. you have 8 fingers not 2 :). Belly-button studs!

Something a little better to spend Bounty Points on, totems just suck imo.

Thei is a definet I think everyone will agree on.. epics should give more coin!

Horse routes need sorting, they suck in all realms. Even teleports to the capital would be good, like in pvp when you die and use /release city, just from a merchant for like 20silver per port or so.

Put your idea's please too, not your moans :p no NERF!! unless its a mob that needs nerfing ;)


actually, i have 10 fingers and 10 toes.

and if the ring is small-ish, im sure i could have two on one finger.

and earrings. Dont get me started on earrings. Or tattoos (those who've played Planescape: Torment knows..). Or different disguises, like cowboy, alien etc. that would rock my boat


big advantage would also to stop these bs mass LD's every few hours then we might actualy be able to play the game.


plus if you chose a male avatar you could always have a prince albert thus giving you another place to hang a ring.


a friend told me this actually that I found very nice, to have a "notepad" in-game where you could make notes. VERY useful


Originally posted by liste
Or different disguises, like cowboy, alien etc. that would rock my boat

<Remembers people (including blokes) wearing thongs, bras and shiney pink wellys in Anarchy Online>

<Imagines a Troll in the same stuff>

Oh God! Not DAoC!



Originally posted by liste
actually, i have 10 fingers and 10 toes.

and if the ring is small-ish, im sure i could have two on one finger.

and earrings. Dont get me started on earrings. Or tattoos (those who've played Planescape: Torment knows..). Or different disguises, like cowboy, alien etc. that would rock my boat
rofl ;)


The Faction idea is a very good one, it would be nice to know if you are friendly to svarts BEFORE you head off to malmo


a few more emotes... i know your not suppost to communicate between realms, but a few more emotes might be good

/owned :)



Well the 10 QB + slots will come next patch, so thats good :)
And with the rings, its common knowledge (i think), that rings are to strong magical to be placed next to each other (something like i was explained when complaining about it in diablo).

I like the notepad thing though, useful instead of having laps of paper around.

And about the faction, it might be abit toooo unrealistic to know that if you were some knight "hmm, how pissed is this thing at me, like it almost likes me, or hates my mother as well", a pissed mob is a pissed mob :). But it would be very useful :)

New emotes are coming in a few months as well


Ld deaths should be sorted out,ld in DF die whilst another realm has access a very costly death, through no fault of your own:(.

The reverse logic in crafting should be sorted out to,as in any trade in RL the more you craft the better you get,by the time you are let loose on the dearer materials you should be skilled enough to use them,not getting more failures and losing materials, items by the bucketfull,in fact you could probably write a whole book about the downsides of crafting.

More sensible bind points and merchants nearer the places you need to xp at,at higher levels (not including dungeons of course:) ).

More rewards for xp soloing, as the risks are far greater for a lot slower xp.


How about DAoC takes some inspiration from other RPGs? One major class is missing in this game: Theif. Why isn't it included... a traversty! Imagine - he could be a skilled fighter in a tight corner, would be given stealth, and the Theiving specialisation line... abilities could be Pickpocket (chance to steal gold from other player) Steal (chance to steal item from player/npc) Lockpicking (takes a long time and stops if hit by other player/npc but can open keep doors..) and others...

Also, how about warriors actually are able to specialise in any weapon, including ranged weapons? A Warrior with a composite bow sound good? ;)


I sincerely hope we don't ever see a Thief addition, mainly because in the 4 other online RPGs I've played before this any chance of losing your hard earned cash or very hard won items through no fault of your own is a major trauma. Add to the mix the fact that it is stolen by another player, it becomes significantly more traumatic. Add yet again the potential for callous griefers to seize upon the profession and just go out to cause havoc, especially to younger/newer players....'s kind of against the spirit that has developed naturally on the European servers, which is a whole lot less "grief" orientated and less consumer-driven than on the American side.

Lockpicking in dungeons (not on keep doors, too annoying for crafters who've sat up all night etc) could be interesting though...especially if the occasional locked door were added here and there.


Im Ideas :)
Notepad things is a great idea, I always missed it. A friend of mine played AC1 onces and he use to writh "books" and then other people payed him money for his ideas and theories.
10 rings ~ nah Im happy with 2, just like in D&D only 2 rings can ever go togreater.
The Thief Class with pickpocked ??? NO THANKS people dosent need another class they can yell nerf at every time they lose money, and thing about it ... someone is running around helping out lowbies with cash and items, then along comes a Theif and steals it all ... No thanks.
I agree that poor warriors could need a tad more weapons, Would be fun to see a Kobi warrior beat the living shit out of a wizard with his lvl 50 uber staff style. aka. *BASH BASH BASH*
Planescape Torment Tatoos - first of all I never understond that part of P:T, I get a tatoo and then "OH look there is a tatoo in this little chest, i'll just rip of my old one and add this new one"
But it would be cool if you could have the following tatoos:

1: Realm Rank Tatoo - for every Realm Rank you got you would get a new tatoo (or an addition to a large tatoo), by typing tatoo at your trainer.

2: level 10 == lastname, level 20 == guild cloak/shield, level 30 Tatoo

3: A guild tatoo that you can pick just like an emblem for your shield or cloak

4: Or you could for a price of X by a tatoo that will give you +in either your main stats or a skill of you picking. They will be expencive, and they work sort of like the stones you buy for Bounty Points. So you have to get a tatoo that fits your current level.

The Quickbar and emots are comming in later pacths, that gonna be great.

LD deaths ... well that is har dto do anything about, because it might just aswell be your OS that causes the LD as it might be a server crash some where in france. So im happy with the way it is to day.

Better horse routes would be nice, that or more bind points.

More styles on armour and weapons, so its not just the epic armour that looks great. Dident have to be the armour that you could buy it could be the stuffs that drops of mobs or it could be the stuff crafters make.

The faction thing - would be handy, but like glyph said unrealistic.

More events smaller, more happenings from GOA's side, like in the old AC1 where there at every update was something new its could be bigger or newer caves to explore, its could be new itesm to find or buy, it could be more new mobs. Aka. and ever expanding realm with out getting to big.

Fx. a new Cave in midgard that came near the ants in mularn, the ants on the surface would be like normalt but down inside would be the hive with the queen at the bottom level and when you killed her you would get a "uniqe item" that only drops from her. Sort of a Dragon/legion mob for the people around level 20.

Oh and one last thing ... all them named mobs without a quest on them or a killtask that dosent drop anything speacial. I know they give a tad more exp's but it would be more fun if they where OTD's.

... I think that was it for now ... no wait

Tjeck that one out, and give the guy who made that idea a job at myth.

Okay now im done


Villages and small towns in all the frontiers so we can all attack and pillage them!! ;) Imagine stealthing into a filthy mid hut and PA'ing the man of the house!!! :D

Hmmm, or maybe i'm just sadistic ;)


really like the /faction idea

Id really like more "head-armor" without gfx, tiara-wise since i'm too pretty to run around with some bucket on me head.

Dyable weapons would be nice (/cheer at pink axes!!!)

spellturn spells or at least decent absorption (/drool at deflection , walker casts a spell, you deflect the spell walker was just killed by walker muhahahaha)


Originally posted by klavrynd
Dyable weapons would be nice (/cheer at pink axes!!!)

Yes! Givf pink bow :D

Originally posted by klavrynd
spellturn spells or at least decent absorption (/drool at deflection , walker casts a spell, you deflect the spell walker was just killed by walker muhahahaha)

Would love that deathmsg :)


UT stylee : Walker was killed by his own dumb self



I think the Friendlist should be ONE list per game, not a list per char ... im so sick of making new lists every time I make a new char...

and you cant add the people to this list when they are offline, so makes it somewhat hard to keep track of who is on/off


The notebook is a good idea, would help crafters also, to keep track of whom wanted which items so Pallys who orders a Heatershield, doesnt end up with a Smallshield ...
<looks at Boney and coughs>


giv crafters a possibility to change to look of eg. platearmour, so it has styles .. eg. possible to get your guildemblem on your chestplate


When Zerking around in PvE-land or RvR-zone with your guild, I want banners, just like when a keep has been claimed


and i want the command /who <class> <levelrange> <zone>
eg. /who paladin 45 49 lyonesse
so I dont have to do /who paladin and look for myself, or /who 45 49 and then have to find a paladin myself, or /who lyonesse to find a rezzer ... could just do a /who cleric,paladin,friar 30 50 lyonesse...


Then i'd like to see, the epic dificulty made a tad easier, so you dont need more than 8 peeps to complete it....


Cheaper armour, or higher money drop, or more armourdrop at level 1-25
Quite impossible for an armsman to buy a full set of plate at level 15 with the money he gets on his own, I belive the first set is about 60 gold at a crafter ... im lucky to even have 10 gold at level 15


make level 4-5 easier for Rogues and mages ... lots of the new people to the game find it boring to play thos classes and give up, quite often


Make Charisma usefull to other classes than Minstrel
Possiblity to change eyecolour, skincolour, haircut merrits and flaws - I want a negro, with pale eyes, infil or friar named Blade the Daywalker :D
I want a big scar on my face: gives less charisma -10?, some shops might turn me away, but on the other hand I have +10? str


I want twohand-fighting (dualwield) styles as a specline for other classes than infil and merc


I want an infil with crush


I want useful one-hand thrust-styles for armsman/paladin
look at dragonfang - you have to evade .. bah! ;)


Remove instant Mez


Give skalds instruments


have plenty of other ideas, but has to make room for the rest of you guys with some ideas you think is yours :D


I suggested this a while ago but why not introduce special crafting tools, that increase your chance to make 100% qual items, speed up making items etc. e.g. etherial sewing kit +10% crafting time +5% masterpeice


Originally posted by cruhar
or /who lyonesse to find a rezzer ...

You do that by /who "Cleric in Lyonesse" (Caps!).


Originally posted by old.Jeriraa

You do that by /who "Cleric in Lyonesse" (Caps!).

n:cool::cool: b!

/who cleric lyonesse is the proper command :p :cool: :cool:


make level 4-5 easier for Rogues and mages ... lots of the new people to the game find it boring to play thos classes and give up, quite often


Level 4 as a mage is so insanely hard

soloing greens with trouble is not fun


Join Hibi I did it in no time on bule cons :p


Quicker travel is something I'd really like to see.Spending 20 mins doing nothing but riding horses or running just to get from one place to another is never fun.
As I think someone said,teleport stones at each settlement which you are charged to use would be very nice.


I would like the option to customize my char more , both look's and name , I want to be able to have a middle name , so you can name chars like " Battlehammer The Bold "

Maybe they could put in diff look's for the armor , and when you order a set you have to choose the look you want , and the crafter selects the specific look for you armor piece , that way you will be able to combine diff look's , but have the same overall AF.
Maybe combine it with the idea someone mentioned with guild emblem on chestpiece , make it an option to select , maybe even diff kinds of emblems , a large one , and a small badge lik emblem, maybe something that shows a as a tunic worn ower chestpiece with emblem.

Would like an addition to the " find group thingy " as is it only shows peopel looking for group/ group-members in the area your in , make an option for it to show all in a specific lvl range looking ,with the option to show toggle between AREA/ALL

And something ell's , I would like to be able to make style chain macroes , would save QB space, dont have to be a macro for a 10 style long chain but atleast for one style and a backup style, great way to save QB space if u ask me


One way to solve the ld problem would be to have a command, /backup name. The if you go ld that person gets control of your char as a pet (or something) until the battle ends and then you disappear (or you could actually enforce no log out during battle rules). Thus if you are a group of 8 and 6 go ld, the 2 remaining would not be wiped out.


Originally posted by old.GeForce

<Remembers people (including blokes) wearing thongs, bras and shiney pink wellys in Anarchy Online>

<Imagines a Troll in the same stuff>

Oh God! Not DAoC!


Ge mate, that image has 'damaged' me, I haven't been the same since you know!!! :p


Well obviously the current ld problem has gotta be sorted out - but since this was introduced last patch - I presume it will be fixed in the next one?

Whats I'd really like to see though (and this could be controversal) is a realm ability "Speak Briton, speak Nordic and speak Celt". This allows you to talk (ONLY if within /say range) to an opposing force. For several reasons:

(1) Just because your fighting a realm shouldn't mean you can't talk to them
(2) Imagine the roleplaying possibilites.. a side could take prisoners, torture for information, you could declare short term truces (maybe hibbies and albs could join forces to kick the middy butt for once...)

I don't want to see it turn into a pvp or pve server, but I really find be unable to communicate with my enemy a problem.

Yes I know this will encourage the spying issues that we currently have, but note I don't want to pm an enemy realm - just close up and personally - and anyway I understand people are just using irc to communicate - so why not make it official?

Crookshanks, 1x mercenary with a Hammer or two


Currently all damage is taken from the hp bar. Id like to see styles, spells and poisons that affect other things like mana and endurance.

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