Idea to boost numbers.



I know GOA dont like to advertise in the UK but might it be time that they released the classic client out with a 14 day trial to a computer mag to stick on their cover.


Or offer a downloadable 14 day trial too (think i saw one of the other DAOC people do this)

There is so much potential in the UK for DAOC


Well, in a game that is 100% un-warezable, I see no downside (for GOA) in offering a limited free trial. Via a download or a magazine, whichever, both would be good too of course...


Sounds good, but I very much doubt the current servers would cope with the influx of players playing a free trial. A magazine like PC Gamer probably has a circulation of some 60,000 copies a month. If 10% of them took advantage of a 14 day trial poor old excalibur and prydwen wouldnt be able to cope. IMO these sort of trials are used as desperate measures by marketing to bump up numbers. I admit both English servers are not fully populated and need a bump, just not to big... ;)


Just stick them in PVP server it's very quiet.

Give the die hards loads of noobs to wack as well:)


Could use the old excal hardware somehow - just as a temp trial server with a specified public cut off date - last thing you need is old hardware being retained.


You would need them to play on the existing servers i think for some of them to get hooked and keep playing. If you run a temporary server for them unless you let them char copy they would be unlikely to subscribe.

Guess not such a good idea if You would have to open a new permanent server (not likely on the off chance people will stay).

There best bet in hindsght would have been to use that one off NEtgamer magazine like UO and Anarchy Online did. They managed to cope with the influx of players from that so the circulation couldnt have been that high.

Maybe a limited download of 3000 from the site would be good if they advertised it well.


i agree 2with the download thing beacuse the only way to get dark age of camelot is online somwhere which epople will only do after they have heard good things about the game


So... open up the old excal hardware as a "free" to play server ? but only allow accounts one month to live - after that month they can charcopy to a main server and start up subscribing...... sounds like a nice idea :) <lol drealm on>


The Italians already have this idea, 1 month free trial with a cut down client (356Mb afaik).

With the game and Si addon coming down in price (see amazon these days) I too cant see the harm in taking advantage of the old server and magazine covers to boost numbers in the UK.


You could allow them on the current servers but maybe only provide them access to a few zones, probably just the starter areas. Like in hib, give them access to connacht, lough derg and shannon estuary.

Also, I remember installing an everquest trial a few months ago from a mag disk and the user interface was to complicated + no manual or anything ... so I just gave up without seeing if the game was any good ( oh and the graphics were useless too :) )

What you need is a way for people to get started in the game without being overwhelmed. Maybe when they install the game, things like default keys etc are shown and the basic method for soloing.


A good idea

I think it would have to be done on the main servers though.

1) So the new players gets to be part of the established community.
2) Allot of the people using the trial will probably only log in for short space of time so a dedicated trial server would be allot like a ghost town.
3) Do it with the most uptodate patch!!!!!! (Gave up on my Everquest trial after I got a stupidly Long download)

Maybe use only Prydwen?

Also it shouldnt be too hard for GOA to give PDF Manual or link to PDF Manual?

Would be nice if Kemor or Zargar could make a comment :)


BUMPage :)

Anything from the E&E team too ? has the issue of publicising the english servers been raise ?


I think it would very good initiative of goa if they made it possible to try the game before buying. The only reason i started playing AO was because i had a friend there AND free to try. I got interested and payed for some months but grew tired of it when i realized the game was kind of item/money-oriented. But the point is that i actuall bought it after trying it for free. Come to think of it, i had a "free trial" of DaoC before the release (read beta). If i hadn't played during beta i'd never have start playing DaoC.

Imo, GOA should implement this but not on a separate server since we need to fill up the ones we already have. :x

I't would be nice if some of the GOA crew noticed this thread and thought about it.


Would also boost numbers if the registration page hasn't been down for about 5 days+ now....


Sorry this deserves a RANT!!!!!!

Best way to get more numbers would be TO SELL THE BLOODY GAME IN UK!!!

I live in Bristol a fairly large english city, after serching every shop in city centre, pluss local stores I found 0 copys :(

All shops I asked if it could be ordered, and every shop i got same reply of sorry its unavalible !!

I even tryed Amazon online, but even they had NO copys!!!

Wish GoA would just set up a online system where those who already own the game could simply just buy a second account (after all not as if we need the damn disks for second account)


It does seem impossible to buy DAoC in any stores, only way of buying it now is ordering online.

How many people are only playing this game because of the free trial offered by PC Gamer back in December 2001? I seriously doubt I would've bothered paying £20 just to try the game when I was reasonably happy with other games I was playing at the time. It seemed like another typical MMORPG, however the free trial gave me a chance and I ended up liking DAoC.

Create a new server, put a limit of level 19 on it. Classic client only, classic zones as well. Maybe remove the zones which would be impossible for level 19 characters to fight. Gives people the chance to try out bg0 for some fun RvR. Maybe limit a few other things if needed. Set up distribution of the classic client using BitTorrent, should save distribution costs.


Bump in the slim hope that we might get a word from Kemor.


sent the thread url to his e-mail or sumthing :X, he might notice that...


Weird, coz here in Denmark it's in quite a few of the shops.


Can't say too much just now but we're working on a solution that will make it easier to get the game and just play, without the possible problems of distribution.
Also, just so you know, we have "marketting" operations going on from time to time, usually in partnership with magazines. There is one going on for French just now, allowing you to play on a special server for couple weeks. I think there is one planned in Germany soon too. Will see about UK :)


good news, Kemor.
tho I really think the English servers mostly need a population boost :)


Originally posted by kemor
Can't say too much just now but we're working on a solution that will make it easier to get the game and just play, without the possible problems of distribution.
Also, just so you know, we have "marketting" operations going on from time to time, usually in partnership with magazines. There is one going on for French just now, allowing you to play on a special server for couple weeks. I think there is one planned in Germany soon too. Will see about UK :)

Don't give a trial on a server where nobody plays. Let them get a taste of the real community & let them make a character they can get hooked on & want to carry on levelling after the trial.



with the current community I think it's best to keep them away from it as far as possible, and as long as possible :p


Originally posted by kemor
Also, just so you know, we have "marketting" operations going on from time to time, usually in partnership with magazines. There is one going on for French just now, allowing you to play on a special server for couple weeks. I think there is one planned in Germany soon too. Will see about UK :)

So Excalibur gets upgraded and the old server is used as a marketing exercise for the French and German servers - with the English(UK) servers being left to do their own thing as usual.

Remember the old excuses that we wouldnt see a 3rd English server until the player population warranted it? Seems GOA are still doing everything within their power to ensure that never happens.

Wonder if it somehow costs GOA more to support English speaking players than our French/German counterparts. Its the only sensible explanation for a company to ignore such a potentially huge section of its player base - apart from good old fashioned incompetence of course!


Originally posted by Draylor

Remember the old excuses that we wouldnt see a 3rd English server until the player population warranted it? Seems GOA are still doing everything within their power to ensure that never happens.

LOL. More servers = more money for GOA.

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