Idea on how GOA to improve patch translation Process.


old.What Wobbler

Idea for GOA that may improve patch translation process


As I believe GOA read many of these messages, I thought I would post an idea on how you could possibly improve the translation times of patching and reduce translation created bugs.

This is not an idea that can be implemented immediatly and would take time to organise, but here goes.

Surely it would be easier if the French, German and I believe other languages that are comming soon (korea for instance) were translated at source. Possibly by Mythic themselves who are already familiar with the code, if not by GOA employees working the Mythic offices.

Would it not be a faster process if the game was translatted into second languages as it was written, and then shipped to Mythics franchises. You then provide the hosting, events and customer service.

Secondly, is it not possible to provide some expectation management to the French and German communities about delays in translation and move forward with the English version as shipped as it only needs light testing and no translation. It is a little annoying to have the game delayed whilst its being translated into languages English speaking customers get no benefit from.

If I discovered this game now and did my normal investigation before playing, I would discover an existing American and European Community. When I did a little digging to see what this was all about, I would discover that for English speaking people, there is little reason to buy the European version as the US version is 3 months ahead in patching whilst the European lags for no other reason than its translatted in languages other than English. You have to admit, under these circumstances, the appeal of the European version does diminish somewhat.

I do believe that over time, this situation will damage your income from English speaking customers as you may lose many of them to the US version. I believe some, more vocal, existing customers are considering it now.

Perhaps it would be an idea to stop translating larger batch updates which take a lot longer and concentrate on translating the presumably smaller individual updates. I know this is what you are aiming for, but I suspect you may never catch up enough. I believe the communities would be more appeased if they recieved smaller but more regular patches, even if 3 months behind.

Just putting some ideas out there so they can be discussed. In general GOA aren't going a bad job, I have played far worse products with far worse companies hosting them.

BTW if anyone knows email addresses I can post this to at Camelot where its likely to get noticed, post 'em up.


Well if i remember right the JAP version of DAOC will be in english anyway. i think GOA should have left it in English too


Translating into French and German = the biggest 'rod for your own back' imaginable (think about the future). I seriously think that GOA will rue the day that decision was made.....

Imagine if the content in DAOC triples over the next year, a not unreasonable prediction. Imagine new zones, new races, classes, items, quests, spells. Mythic is already setting a startlingly fast pace for its content updates, and I can really only imagine it getting better (the expansion pack, expect more..). It will all need to go through this long process of translation (at absolutely no benefit to those customers who choose to play on the English speaking servers, I might add)

My opinion is that the ongoing cost of this translation is massive when compared to the revenue gained from players who would only play in their native language. Also a very large proportion of the moneys GOA raises from revenue must go to the translation task, removing moneys from providing a better service elsewhere. Like, for example CSR/events/Active GMs/official forums etc..etc..

It's a real shame :(


Aye if peopel want to play games like this , and do not understand english , then go visit a freaking language class , or go play dart's :eek: If I was to buy the game today I would buy the US version, im danish and have no problem playing on an english server , should i demand a server for my language :confused: I just have no patience for translations, bloody give us a second exe.client and pathc the englsih servers allright, and if the german and frecnh dont want to wait on there pathces...well then make em some in english too..its not like the bloody server forces em to talk english... and its not that hard to understand those few npc hints you get for the quests.. or is it :confused: Well hope I have not offended to many peopel, and if I have..well tough luck and good nite :sleeping:


GOA keeps blaiming it on the fact that if they where to patch the English versions directly the eng servers would be full. I believe this wont happen for two reasons

1. If ppl so badly want the new patches why dont they go play on US servers. And ppl are apparantly playing the EU ones so they can have their language (which leads to my second point) (of course theres "less" lag to the EU servers then the US ones)
2. If they will move to the english servers and overcrowd them they can apparantly stand playing with english features to get the latest patch. Hence U can change all the servers to english..

Problem solved


Originally posted by Feldegast
GOA keeps blaiming it on the fact that if they where to patch the English versions directly the eng servers would be full. I believe this wont happen for two reasons

1. If ppl so badly want the new patches why dont they go play on US servers.

Because the ones complaining have already bought the euro version, which is incompatible with the us servers. They most propably also have irl friends playing on the euro servers, making the transition even harder.


Originally posted by Feldegast

1. If ppl so badly want the new patches why dont they go play on US servers. And ppl are apparantly playing the EU ones so they can have their language (which leads to my second point) (of course theres "less" lag to the EU servers then the US ones)
2. If they will move to the english servers and overcrowd them they can apparantly stand playing with english features to get the latest patch. Hence U can change all the servers to english..

Problem solved [/B]

Hey even if we do get more ppl on the english servers then we will get a third server (or possibly more) & be able to have characters on all 3 realms
& I dont mind at all if ppl want to play on english servers & perhaps have french/german only guilds

I just cant see any sensible reason why the english servers have to wait for the patches.

Basically if your French/German/Korean (whatever) you get a choice of either
A) Play on an uptodate english/american server
B) play on 3 month+ behind Patch but in your own language.

Do GOA ever read these forums?
Can we get an Email or something & let them know how we feel?

old.Gombur Glodson

GOA know very well how we feel they just dont care

old.What Wobbler

If GOA were to patch the English Servers ahead of the french and German servers, the English servers would indeed become full.

Does this not say to GOA that people would rather forgo using French and German translated servers for the benefit of getting patches faster.

If this is the case, surely GOA should look at its communities wishes and provide for them.

How much harm would it be to provide, more English servers. Run down existing French and German servers using a process of user account migration and "shift over time". They can then assess how much the Euro-community really want French and German translated server compared to the benefit of up to date patching. If the sizeable section of the customer base are happy to stay on the French/ German servers at the cost of slower patching, maintain those servers going forward on the understanding that they will be patch after the english speaking servres.

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