[IDEA] Groups to 10



Before flaming, read on. I seriously doubt that Mythic would never be this, so it's all Utopia so..

THIS IS ALL UTOPIA :p Just brainstorming for discussion. Most will probably flame this to hell

Raise group size to 10 BUT!

Limit of only ie 3-4 Classes/Classtypes per Group. This would balance it abit and disable true FOTM groups like 2 Healers, Skald, Shaman and 6 Savages. Or then by classtypes.. only 3-4 Tanks, 3-4 Light Tanks, 3-4 Support Classes, 3-4 Casters and so forth

Let's take ALB. To gain PBT, All Resists, Speed, POX and CC, Edn regen you will need 6 classes:

- Theurgist
- Friar
- Cleric
- Mincer
- Sorceress
- Paladin

This leaves what? 3 tanks. Or if you want PBAOE group, 2 Ice Wizzies and 1 Tank...

Overall this MIGHT make RvR a) last longer b) Be more enjoyable.



I luv chickens eddy


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD

I luv chickens eddy

So how does raising the size of groups raise the amount of zerging? :D Jesus you're stupid.

Albs usually HAVE to play with 2 groups exactly because getting all the necessary tools require 5 classes minimum. So usually it's 2 Alb groups with 2nd having Sorc but 1st without one.

Or then it's FOTM Tank group with 3 mercs, pally, 2 clerics, sorc and mincer :|


So when I go out with my guild into Hadrians/Odins we wouldn't be able to form a group out of the people online? There might be seven of us online but if five of us are pallys then two would have to stay behind. Why restrict people like that?


I posted this idea ages ago and it went down well.

PvE it's marvellous whichever way you look at it

RvR it's a pain but only for them that insist on creating uber groups. Pickup groups due to the enhanced variety would be more difficult to over come because the enemy would never know what to expect next. Could be interesting.


Prolly wont happen, and i personally dont see why it should. Game boundaries make people adapt to the game, not vice versa. 10 people group isnt a bad idea, dont get me wrong, but that will effectively result in XP distribution, BaF remapping etc for PvE.
Besides as RvR is right now, you can hardly manage to get a balanced group, or rarely so. What you eventually get is a ragtag army of entire mix of classes <bar clerics>, that doesnt function as one aka teh zerg.



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:clap: :clap: the moniter and bathtub was good, DONT forget, it needs to be plugged in


Originally posted by Hulbur

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Sorry my friend, after flaming people for couple thousand posts on couple other forums, im kinda immune ^^ ( code still broken :[ )

And like i said, this is utopia. (If you happen to know what it means)


Originally posted by old.ivan
Prolly wont happen, and i personally dont see why it should. Game boundaries make people adapt to the game, not vice versa. 10 people group isnt a bad idea, dont get me wrong, but that will effectively result in XP distribution, BaF remapping etc for PvE.

tho I'm not exactly sure what 10 player groups would add over 8 player groups, this is not entirely true. BaF already works for groups bigger then 8, try helping another group kill a mob, and then giggle in glee when they recieve enough baf for 16 people the next pull :)

Hulbur: your reply is pathetic for a serious idea, even if it's one you might not like...


Originally posted by Vim
Limit of only ie 3-4 Classes/Classtypes per Group. This would balance it abit and disable true FOTM groups like 2 Healers, Skald, Shaman and 6 Savages. Or then by classtypes.. only 3-4 Tanks, 3-4 Light Tanks, 3-4 Support Classes, 3-4 Casters and so forth

Good thing that a "Fotm" group is 3 healer 1 shaman 3 savages 1 warrior then ;)


Originally posted by Belsameth
tho I'm not exactly sure what 10 player groups would add over 8 player groups, this is not entirely true.

More Chanters in Hib RvR group ? ;)


Re: Re: [IDEA] Groups to 10

Originally posted by Cush
Good thing that a "Fotm" group is 3 healer 1 shaman 3 savages 1 warrior then ;)

Skald instead of warrior ?


Re: Re: Re: [IDEA] Groups to 10

Originally posted by scarffs
Skald instead of warrior ?

Aug healer spd+sprint=90% of skald spd i think it is


Originally posted by Vim
So how does raising the size of groups raise the amount of zerging? :D Jesus you're stupid.

Albs usually HAVE to play with 2 groups exactly because getting all the necessary tools require 5 classes minimum. So usually it's 2 Alb groups with 2nd having Sorc but 1st without one.

Or then it's FOTM Tank group with 3 mercs, pally, 2 clerics, sorc and mincer :|
Oh Im sorry, did i touch a nerve again? Can anyone hear the worlds smallest violin playing?

Even when u lot do get 2fg together, its bloody rare you do get all the right "tools" in there anyway, cause being a realm of selfish children you dont all spec with a mind for RvR and grouping, but as "1m s000 l33t s0l0" players.

Having 10 slots will just make your infil and necro zergs that little bit more annoying. As fo fixing the groups into slots for class types, at 3am when u sad lot are still roaming emain, half your groups will be unfilled, and thefore according to you unplayable.

Looking at the top RvR guilds in all 3 realms, they manage really well with 1fg each, why, because they work as a team, and its got frik all to do with how many more of them they can have in a group.

Also think how your grouping would screw the leveling system, Hib being mainly casters would be screwed without its respective players being there, you albs would be well and truely up the creek because according to your theory you need 2fg to wipe your own arses, and Mid.....well we just hack slash n hope anyway so what the hell :)


Yes lets have groups of 10 so mid groups can run 4 healers 2 shammy 1 skald 3 savages so they become even harder to kill :rolleyes:


Still my grand idea of group grouping (i.o.w. groups can group with other groups) sounds good.


Originally posted by Hulbur

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In Closing, I'd Like to Say:

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