Idea for new feature



Any ideas where you can post ideas for new features for DAOC, I had this idea last night.

When someone in a group goes LinkDead there name turns Blue for a short time in the group window (and mini group window)

Ok, now how many times have you pulled some mobs in a group with someone still AFK, even if they have said "AFK for a mo" we always seam to forget.

Wouldn't it be great if when a player typed /AFK then their name in the group window/mini window turned RED (EDIT: opps you're name is RED when you die.. urm how about yellow) or some similar colour until they returned and did /AFK again.

This really cant be that hard to implement and would be a really benefitial addition to 1.60 :)

Where can i send this brainwave ? RightNow is still down.


vnboards, at the developers round table.
I would give you a link but I can't be arsed to look for it


I believe this has been implemented in USA, as I have seen it when playing on their servers

U see u have a position in games development already mate ;)


Not trying to bump an old thread, but havent seen this happen yet, so it looks unlikely it was in a USA patch.

I supose I could email this in for the grab bag - anyone know how to do that ? Yes... ok... maybe I should email GOA, but It would be mythic that make the change.


We yelled for something like that before.. same goes for if a person is diseased or poisoned..if a person has a few buff's and maybe a dmg add or pbt running I cant see if he is poisoned or diseased...sure I get the msg when he gets the effect...but picking that up in the msg overflow..ever when turning alot of it bloody hard


Best thing you can do for diseased is turn your "spell resist" messages to bright blue, youll then see when healing someone if they are diseased as there will be a nice bright blue message about it being resisted.


Yeah bu t I still both wasted the power and the a rvr situation that get's peopel kill'd..and for poison..well sure you can see the person taking dmg each time it tick's..but its still a pain..cant be very tough to make the lifebar go green if diseased and red if poisoned can it ??


use the camelot herald rather than the VN boards :) more likely to get seen I think.

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