Idea for making RvR more Fun


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Reading in another post about a runey that has 42 million RP and who's group zerg everyone and anything 24/7, this gave me an idea.

The divide at the moment is simply 1v1, 8v8, zerg v zerg.

It would be good to have maybe an area where a guild or group go and take on "all-comers" and everyone can just pile in. Last man standing FFA iRvR? style.

Maybe this idea could be taken further with Mythic implementing areas where if you have your toon there, you should gain RP. (The area where your toon is, is looked at every hour and the place you have been the most is regarded as where you have been)

You are in your homeland, you get 100RP per hour for being logged in anywhere (good for buffbots/campers/xpers/crafters). BUT the server sends you random messages occasionally to make sure you are logged in and moving about a bit otherwise the points stop and you /autolog as normal.
You are at your coastal area / docks area, 250RP/hour
You are at enemy coastal area / docks area, 500RP/hour
Enemy tower 1000RP/hour
Enemy keep 2000RP/hour

This would promote big fights at keeps/towers maybe, but might also increase archers camping etc.

And maybe also there should be certain points on the map that could be "tagged" or by you being in that "zone" that you get an increase in RP. That would be pretty cool. Or maybe have different zones or different classes having different RP factors applied to them every day to mix and match up RvR.

Monday Odins Gate x2 RP
Tuesday Emain x2 RP
Wednesday Hadrians Wall x2 RP
Thursday Agramon x2 RP
Friday Solo Kills x3 RP
Saturday Bainshee Kills x5 RP
Sunday Warlock Kills x10 RP

That kind of thing might make things interesting. I might send this into Mythic :>


Oli - Illu


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
Bridge camping SB`s dont get an opinion anyway:p why do u care where rvr is seeing as all yours is spent 400 yrds away from ya resistbot?:sex:


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Castus said:
Bridge camping SB`s dont get an opinion anyway:p why do u care where rvr is seeing as all yours is spent 400 yrds away from ya resistbot?:sex:

Hehehe. If only I could tag my shammy around in invisible mode :(

And Bridge camping pfffff :> You have to roam in this game or you fall asleep :) And it's nice to take a boat somewhere - you can use more timered effects o_O

Oli - Illu


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
think that'd be very nice, its annoying when action spreads out to many zones... very few enemies out in each of em.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
make housing part of the frontiers i.e inside keep walls etc, therefore u would have to thrash a keeps outter walls and then u could go thrash another realms house and get rps plus guild colors for it (ofc u cant steal any cm items but leave houses in ruins)... like civ4... up to ppl/guilds to choose what defences they can have... after all thats what keeps were


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 13, 2005
illu said:
You are in your homeland, you get 100RP per hour for being logged in anywhere (good for buffbots/campers/xpers/crafters). BUT the server sends you random messages occasionally to make sure you are logged in and moving about a bit otherwise the points stop and you /autolog as normal.
You are at your coastal area / docks area, 250RP/hour
You are at enemy coastal area / docks area, 500RP/hour
Enemy tower 1000RP/hour
Enemy keep 2000RP/hour

Well... I'd take my stealther into a keep and start reading a book, watching my rps come in without doing shit...


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
How about reversing it:

Staying within 5K units of your buffbot : -50% rps
Running with 6 resist-buffs: -80% rps
Being a Warlock, Bonedancer, Spiritmaster or Shadowblade at Brynja: -100% rps

>.< Pooned

Fledgling Freddie
Nov 12, 2005
How about find something interesting in your life and stop posting crap?
If you want more rps start rvring more quit from your job devorse your gf/wife and gennerally be a no-life pip .



Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Puppet said:
How about reversing it:

Staying within 5K units of your buffbot : -50% rps
Running with 6 resist-buffs: -80% rps
Being a Warlock, Bonedancer, Spiritmaster or Shadowblade at Brynja: -100% rps

Your suggestions were crap :> But certainly there could be some potential in negative effects too.
Maybe killing someone that is rezz sick could make you rezz sick for a few minutes, like a disease that spreads to you. This might encourage people to not camp or instakill people that come out of keeps, not sure what effect it would have on 8on8 fights though.
Killing a grey con could give you a rezz sick type effect, or snare effect called "Shame" :>

I still think there should be a once every 20 hours ability, called something like "Revenge of the Soul" whereby if you get killed by someone, you can instanuke a PBAoE around your dead body that kills all in a nice big radius, or you can send javelins of doooom at whatever archers or casters zapped you in that particular death, instakilling them :> Only usable in Frontiers and not in keeps/towers. Now that would be fun :>

Oli - Illu


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
>.< Pooned said:
How about find something interesting in your life and stop posting crap?
If you want more rps start rvring more quit from your job devorse your gf/wife and gennerally be a no-life pip .


How about you post some interesting topics that people can chat and discuss stuff about? :>

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
Puppet said:
How about reversing it:

Staying within 5K units of your buffbot : -50% rps
Running with 6 resist-buffs: -80% rps
Being a Warlock, Bonedancer, Spiritmaster or Shadowblade at Brynja: -100% rps
Would they stack? So an SM at bryjna with his bot inside the keep will actually lose RPs every time he gets a kill? Sounds good to me :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
illu said:
Your suggestions were crap :> But certainly there could be some potential in negative effects too.
Maybe killing someone that is rezz sick could make you rezz sick for a few minutes, like a disease that spreads to you. This might encourage people to not camp or instakill people that come out of keeps, not sure what effect it would have on 8on8 fights though.

It would encourage players to camp their own bridge even more: If there's one thing you dont see much on your own bridge, its rezsick people. Or greys, for that matter :O

I still think there should be a once every 20 hours ability, called something like "Revenge of the Soul" whereby if you get killed by someone, you can instanuke a PBAoE around your dead body that kills all in a nice big radius, or you can send javelins of doooom at whatever archers or casters zapped you in that particular death, instakilling them :> Only usable in Frontiers and not in keeps/towers. Now that would be fun :>

Oli - Illu

I dont quite see the reason to do this, except to piss off people and being a bad looser. Not to mention the fact that if its useable once every 20 hours, its per day available to around 2K characters on the cluster. Bad idea, really, would make you quite frustrated to get insta-killed 3-5times/hour just because u where near someone's dead.

Best way to make RvR more enjoyable for the majority of people is (this is for solo-action/smale-scale, not FG)

a) Longer fights, no instakilling and reducing damage across the boards
b) Having a chance to kill someone, more class-balance, less I-win stuff.

About my suggestions, well they where sprouted out of random frustration from going Brynja a dozen times this week. The only two times Ive met your SB was either @ Crim, where Mids had iRvR (about 3 months ago or so) and @ Brynja this week, where I swiftly send you back to Svasud just before the bonedancer vultures zerged me down.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Puppet said:
It would encourage players to camp their own bridge even more: If there's one thing you dont see much on your own bridge, its rezsick people. Or greys, for that matter :O

I dont quite see the reason to do this, except to piss off people and being a bad looser. Not to mention the fact that if its useable once every 20 hours, its per day available to around 2K characters on the cluster. Bad idea, really, would make you quite frustrated to get insta-killed 3-5times/hour just because u where near someone's dead.

Best way to make RvR more enjoyable for the majority of people is (this is for solo-action/smale-scale, not FG)

a) Longer fights, no instakilling and reducing damage across the boards
b) Having a chance to kill someone, more class-balance, less I-win stuff.

About my suggestions, well they where sprouted out of random frustration from going Brynja a dozen times this week. The only two times Ive met your SB was either @ Crim, where Mids had iRvR (about 3 months ago or so) and @ Brynja this week, where I swiftly send you back to Svasud just before the bonedancer vultures zerged me down.

Yeah you got me good you slag :> If I remember I was on 70% to start and fannying about (chatting to someone I think) and you got me from the side instastunning me and I was dead pronto :) Didn't see you again to have a few more fights :(

Oli - Illu


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Puppet said:
Best way to make RvR more enjoyable for the majority of people is (this is for solo-action/smale-scale, not FG)

a) Longer fights, no instakilling and reducing damage across the boards
b) Having a chance to kill someone, more class-balance, less I-win stuff.

very good point. noticed it when I took out my SB for the first time after 1.82 that fights, atleast stealther ones, didn't last longer than 10-20 secs. fights became uninteresting and not so entertaining as they once were :(


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
dajnamajt said:
yes, just give up your hard work at forums and play more if you want more rps.

I wonder if I read this, combined with your signature.... did you eBay your character like the RR11L8 and such? Coz from where Im coming from, you seem like 'quite newb' and not someone who actually played for dozens of millions of rps.

Not that I would believe you if you actually said you played/levelled them all yourselves, but Im wondering rlly about ur response xD


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
kinda sums it up tho, if you didnt spend the time coming up with the schemes to improve rvr on FH, you could spend that time IG getting rps


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
with the amount of adds, do you really want fights to last longer?


One of Freddy's beloved
Aug 17, 2004
It's really unbelieveble when a person tries something good, or has the intention to do something good for all/most daoc players, so much crap comming out of everybody's mounth. Stop replying if you don't have anything usefull to say really, your just ZzZzZz.. .

As for your idea Illusb, I think it's not a badone at all. But I think there are other ways to make rvr abit more friendly. But I like the direction your going :)

Keep up the good work.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
raid said:
with the amount of adds, do you really want fights to last longer?

Pfft, tell me about it :touch:

Chat to you later ingame though maybe to find out what going on as someone said something that confused me. Could explain what happened just before i logged.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
I know a nice way to make rvr better. Tell realm hunters to fuck off back to the italian servers.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 13, 2005
Puppet said:
I wonder if I read this, combined with your signature.... did you eBay your character like the RR11L8 and such? Coz from where Im coming from, you seem like 'quite newb' and not someone who actually played for dozens of millions of rps.

Not that I would believe you if you actually said you played/levelled them all yourselves, but Im wondering rlly about ur response xD

- not ebay'd, not bought. nib.
- and you see me as a quite nuub like for? my comments? how i type? what my answer is? what has it to do with how i play and achieve?

are you stupid or dumb or just leet?


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
this is quite a good idea and to some extent Mythic have already implemented similar systems to encourage the player base to spread out amongst realms - for example the underpopulated realm bonus. So there is a precedent already, in which case half of your argument has been made for you.

I really think you have something there - go ahead and send it to them. :)

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