Idea about buff abusers/users



I have been reading a few threads about people *debating* the pros/cons for buffbots.

I think that they are killing an important aspect of the game, the grouping and learning about your character, and also can be frustrating when *normal* exp groups are unable to pull due to L50 shamans pulling entire spawns in a given area leaving nothing.

A few area in mid that are bad for this include, the bear room in Vendo, both weeping willow spawns in myrkwood and the mora areas in myrkwood.

Anyway, what about conc based buffs only being allowd in groups, i.e you cannot buff anyone out side of your group, and the normal time based buffs can be cast on anyone regardless if they are in your group or not.

This would make powerleveling to the extent that it is at now almost impossible, it would make the *buffbot in the pk* situation almost impossible unless the shaman was grouped with the buffed player(s).

And no I dont have a buff bot and dont plan on making one.



Originally posted by Brunore
I have been reading a few threads about people *debating* the pros/cons for buffbots.

I think that they are killing an important aspect of the game, the grouping and learning about your character, and also can be frustrating when *normal* exp groups are unable to pull due to L50 shamans pulling entire spawns in a given area leaving nothing.

A few area in mid that are bad for this include, the bear room in Vendo, both weeping willow spawns in myrkwood and the mora areas in myrkwood.

Anyway, what about conc based buffs only being allowd in groups, i.e you cannot buff anyone out side of your group, and the normal time based buffs can be cast on anyone regardless if they are in your group or not.

This would make powerleveling to the extent that it is at now almost impossible, it would make the *buffbot in the pk* situation almost impossible unless the shaman was grouped with the buffed player(s).

And no I dont have a buff bot and dont plan on making one.




Really nice thought mate, there shouldnt be anything like a "buffbot"

I doubt GOA / Mythic or whatever will do anything to solve the buffbot problem, alchemy was maybe a solution. With these stats increase potions. ( Don't know how it work's , i dont use SC equipment neither alchemy stuff )

I fully agree with you and love your idea. And i hope other people also do.


hmm... buffbots..... I have one - she is only level 21 at the moment but she will eventually get higher - and i have no intention of deleting her and intend to use her whenever I feel like it.

People seem to whine a lot about buffbots/aug shamans etc but in my experience they are just as fast to shout "buffs pls buffs plz" whenever they see my shaman.... go figure.

The difference with mine is that I am levelling 2 chars at the same time when i use Ickal because she is already such a low level, but when she gets to level 50 - if she ever does - I still intend for her to help out my guild/friends/alts whenever they want it.


I don't know of any probs with my aug shaman,he buffs up peeps great when asked to and they seem real happy about it.Were is there a problem?


Originally posted by gorff
I don't know of any probs with my aug shaman,he buffs up peeps great when asked to and they seem real happy about it.Were is there a problem?

Read the first post


Im not sure if they implemented it but it was on some Pendragon patch notes that buffs got Range. So if you go further than the range, buffs would dissappear.


Nothing will most likely ever nerf buffbots.
Mythic would stand to loose money from all the cancel second accounts.

You can be pro or con buffbots, but they are a major part of the game, so better to just deal with it.
Buffbots make a huge difference both RvR and PvE, but so do SC/Alchymy and imo - they are responcible for just as much grief on the battlefield.

Only thing that annoys me about buffbots is the fact that buffbotted people often refere to themself soloing.

You aren't solo if you are two characters(even if you are one player).
To quote a not so good movie: "There can be only one" ..... for soloing that is :D


Originally posted by Brunore

And no I dont have a buff bot

Which is why you want something "done" about them.

Go make a buffbot, level it up high and use it often. Then come back and say the same thing.


Uncle Sick(tm)

Re: Re: Idea about buff abusers/users

Originally posted by ApathyEndymion

Which is why you want something "done" about them.

Go make a buffbot, level it up high and use it often. Then come back and say the same thing.


Perhaps some players just like the challenge of not using one?


although i think its a good idea to stop peeps power leveling. it wont stop the wimps who needs buffbots in rvr... the assasins will just group with there bot buff themselves stay buffed and go out and farm rp's :( only way to fix it imo is to put a range on buffs.. which afaik has been mentioned in a few posts before .


I wouldn't really say my shamy is a buffbot(he is higher in mend than aug)but isn't buffing just part of the game.If it weren't than why would there be any augmentation spells in the game? i certainly don't camp an area and clear all the mobs because i can give myself great buffs.And i thought buffing your team/guild mates in rvr was a good thing.

Maybe i am just thick and missing the point here?


Originally posted by kr0n
Im not sure if they implemented it but it was on some Pendragon patch notes that buffs got Range. So if you go further than the range, buffs would dissappear.

LOL... Yea nerf stealth classes even more !!! <sigh>

If buffs got range, then assasins/archers cant go and scout for their grp, now can they ? And whats the purpose of scouts/Assasins ??? yea, u got it: Scouting far behind enemy lines, so I surely dont hope that buffs get range!!!

They did it to the resist ones, and i was almost selling my buff account. If they range it, i sure as hell sell both acc !


Originally posted by Meduza

LOL... Yea nerf stealth classes even more !!! <sigh>

If buffs got range, then assasins/archers cant go and scout for their grp, now can they ? And whats the purpose of scouts/Assasins ??? yea, u got it: Scouting far behind enemy lines, so I surely dont hope that buffs get range!!!

They did it to the resist ones, and i was almost selling my buff account. If they range it, i sure as hell sell both acc !

If you're scouting, you don't need buffs.

Hell, minstrel speed, pally chants, etc, have range, so buffs having range is a great idea. I also agree with the first post..

To be honest, I see buffbot use as cheating. Plain and simple.. same as powerleveling. It abuses the game to get one player ahead of all the others.

I don't have a buffbot. I've been in groups where one member has had a buffbot out of the group, and I've left those groups. It just isn't worth it. Go play single player games on easy if you want to just roll over every challenge you face, though, you'd probably just end up cheating at them too...


Re: Re: Re: Idea about buff abusers/users

Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)

Perhaps some players just like the challenge of not using one?


I have the means to buy a second account and make a bot if I wanted to, I have the money to pay for it, I have the time to level it up, I have another PC to run it on.

But I dont want to.


My main is a lvl 50 shaman cace/aug specc'd.. and I use him to PL my alt's on my second account.. and if you dont like it...Hehe why the hell should I care if you like it or not :moon:
From now on I'll look a little xtra on the names and guild s of the peopel who come and ask for buff's when I craft..I sure as hell would not chance to ruin your game experience by helping you , or any other " peopel who have 2 accounts and a bot is da ewul" peopel ...Did I tell I have a lvl 42 healer on the other account and that I split my chars up so I have casters on the same account as the shaman , and vikings on the healer account , so I can maximise the usefullness of my seer's and there buff's :p


Originally posted by Meduza

LOL... Yea nerf stealth classes even more !!! <sigh>

If buffs got range, then assasins/archers cant go and scout for their grp, now can they ? And whats the purpose of scouts/Assasins ??? yea, u got it: Scouting far behind enemy lines, so I surely dont hope that buffs get range!!!

They did it to the resist ones, and i was almost selling my buff account. If they range it, i sure as hell sell both acc !

I scout very well withouth buffs actually, I scout just as well with buffs.

Madonion Slicer

My Berserker and Aug Shaman are lvling very nicely they are always grouped with each other, meaning i am never standing around waiting for groups and we are able to chain reds with very little down time.

/play is 6 days and both characters are 41.5, once my Aug Shaman is 50 she will be specced

37 Aug
15 Med
36 Cave

So not only would she be an excellent buffer for my Berserker but she be a not to shabby shaman herself.

It will be nice to ding two lvl50's at once.


Originally posted by kr0n
Im not sure if they implemented it but it was on some Pendragon patch notes that buffs got Range. So if you go further than the range, buffs would dissappear.

it was on a VN whine thread - nothing's ever hit pendragon like that.


Originally posted by Xandax
Nothing will most likely ever nerf buffbots.
Mythic would stand to loose money from all the cancel second accounts.

If they do anything for buffbots it'll be to make them killable - the leaving them inside the PK is the cheesy bit....

people runnign around with an enhance cleric in their group will lose their buffs when the cleric buys the farm (about 2 seconds into combat).

The buffbots don't tend to die very often.

Tesla Monkor

Buffbots don't make any difference if you're grouped.

People who claim buffbots are unfair are the same ones who tell you to 'get a group since this is a groupgame'. They get their asses kicked when they run around.. guess what? Solo.

I've never seen any stealther (That's what this is all about, after all), take up a group of unbuffed enemies and live to tell the tale.

As for Xping and exploring.. DAoC at high levels assumes that you are buffed. The mobs are made that difficult.

I have a buffbot. Do I always use it? Hell no. I use it when -I- want to play and can't be bothered to look for someone else (or there simply aren't any other people around of qualified level or cranal capacity)

When I don't bring a bot, I'll get buffs from someone else. When I do bring a bot, I'll buff the entire group.

Don't blame anyone but Mythic for the way the game was constructed. Many classes can't function properly without buffs and running around unbuffed is not healthy. ;)


Re: Re: Re: Re: Idea about buff abusers/users

Originally posted by Brunore


I have the means to buy a second account and make a bot if I wanted to, I have the money to pay for it, I have the time to level it up, I have another PC to run it on.

But I dont want to.

May I have your autograph? :rolleyes:

Funny how people come moan about buff-bots in here while they are always first to pm you for buffs...(not directed to you personally)


Originally posted by Flimgoblin

it was on a VN whine thread - nothing's ever hit pendragon like that.

Must be, should've gone through really.

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