I'd like to see this...(PS Wishes)



Remember Kickstart? (all who say yes thanks for showing your age :D)

Well, i was playing this the other day


and it's just like it, have a go, its great fun.

My best score is 25 ;)

Anyway, i was thinking, bikes in PS, i know we have bassilisk/ wraith but it would be excellent if we had a trail bike(or something like) you could get for say 1cert point with no weapons. The terrain is made for it so as singular transport (unless you can get someone on the back:D) i think it would be fun and maybe even practical

Feel free to muller me for such a suggestion but hey, the board seemed quiet and i was bored at work :D


Trail bike requirements then :

- high maneuvrability
- high speed x-country, medium on road <tyre effect>
- no damage absorption <ie driver takes damage from bullets/explosives directly
- Bike has Advanced Radar system, since it will be primarily used for scouting <possibly only scouting cloaked enemy AMS, since air recon is way better and faster>
- No armour allowed on a bike
- Medium Assault weapon + sidearm = bar misc invetory, the only weapons allowed.
- No mounted/installed weapons
- Reduced sound
- higher slope climbing rate

Now that would be something i would love to see and try out myself. :) Givf Advanced Sea battles, camouflage <spelling> and Vehicles supply lines. <ie vehicles need to be brought from sanctuary to resupply the base/outpost when its out of "stock", not just energy runs. want some extensive logistics>


I agree with most of the points.

No armour?? That would be its main advantage, it should be allowed any armour (bar max obviously) as it is open. Maybe give a speed reduction for heavier armour.


I agree with the armour, should be all except MAX. Would probably end up being used as transport as much as scouting. I like the idea of the bike having no armour and lasting purley on the lifespan of the rider, not too sure how it would work if you dismounted and left it tho, couldn't be invincible then, unless its not lockable and doesn't need to be hacked to be stolen (hmmm, probably way off there but never mind). Would also be immune to missile locks if it was based an the riders armour so that would add something to it.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Nice avatar, Ivan... bring on teh vodka, Boris!

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