i2 was an absolute blast! 250 switched network connections, 12 GHz of server power, power points for everyone, oodles of prizes, tournaments, a sponsorship list as long as your arm and great atmosphere made this event by far and away the best event we've ever done! All of the participants we spoke to said that i2 was the best LAN ever, and many of them had been to many other LANs, not just ones done by us. It rocked! For piccies of the fun check out the website:
A full report will be going up in the next few days, along with the photos currently being developed (digital cameras ran out of space
). In the meantime, check out the action!
No rest for the wicked and all that, it's straight onto the next events. Our latest "LAN party in a pub" offering is in Salisbury starting Thursday evening and running right through until Sunday evening. Yup that's this Thursday
. There are 40 places up for grabs which are going fast, with scope to extend to 80 if needbe. Check out the site and come join in the fun:
There'll be another Salisbury event in January, as a taster for i3 in March, which is set to be even bigger and better than i2.
Craig "Wizzo" Fletcher
Multiplay UK
Email: wizzo@multiplay.co.uk
URL: http://www.multiplay.co.uk
ICQ: 3170276
A full report will be going up in the next few days, along with the photos currently being developed (digital cameras ran out of space

No rest for the wicked and all that, it's straight onto the next events. Our latest "LAN party in a pub" offering is in Salisbury starting Thursday evening and running right through until Sunday evening. Yup that's this Thursday

There'll be another Salisbury event in January, as a taster for i3 in March, which is set to be even bigger and better than i2.
Craig "Wizzo" Fletcher
Multiplay UK
Email: wizzo@multiplay.co.uk
URL: http://www.multiplay.co.uk
ICQ: 3170276