I want my cake AND eat it!!!!!!



Hi there, wanna start by saying this aint a nerf thread, just an observasion and a way to pass the time at work :D

I'm an NS at lvl 43 so dont have too much RvR experiance and am only RR2 but it seems Mythic made a big mistake with the assasin classes as far as balance goes.

Now its mostly down to how good a player you are and a degree of luck, but if you take the 3 assasin classes and look at them on paper you'll probably agree that Infs come out on top, followed by SB's then NS's.

So player skill aside, how are the NS's and SB's meant to compete with the 2.5 spec points a Inf gets (a total of 453 EXTRA points combared to their counterparts in the other realms!!) when they can get a template like this.........?

35 Stealth
35 Envenom
35 Dual Wield
40 Slash
44 Critical Strike

Or something along these lines. And then with the upcoming Spellcrafting and a highish realm rank bring ALL these effectively upto skill 50+

Hmmm? Just a thought really but do we NS's compete with our insta DD with minimal dmg on a 20 sec timer? Or SB's with their stightly higher HP's or 2-hand weapon? I dont think so but am open to other opinions ;)

So like I said this aint a complaint as I think Mythic have screwed up on this one. And instead of bringing NS's up abit to an equal lvl that the other 2 assasin classes are on i recon it would be better to bring SB's and especially Infs down abit so that they are more even in RvR and also the other classes cant complain about Infs being too uber etc ;)

Stay well mates ;)


Na Fianna that not the newb guild from hib excal, in which they have somone inviting lvl 1 guys as soon as the spawn in mag mel and connia? :p


Nope, its an adult guild in Hib/Pryd thats been around for awhile now. But ya look on camelot-europe.com if your that interested? ;)

Not a big guild, but not small compared to some in Hib :D


ah, right soz there bro! :)

Thought you were from excal hib for a sec there hehe.

Names of guild seem alike :>


It's not that you below par compared to other assasins.

It's that hardly any of you know how to play your class.

Trad and Maedhros are currently destroying everything in Hib Prydwen and are opening peoples eyes to just how good an NS can be.

It's not the character, it's the player behind it.


Yeah I know both of them and they real good players, as is Basil, Nighthawk, Lairloid and afew others. But player skill aside (like I said before) there is a basic disadvantage over an Inf.

With enough practice most of us have the abilitiy to become good at the class we play, but my point was why does 1 good player have an added advantage over another good player?

Well sod it anyway, stupid post by me and am just VERY VERY bored at work!!!! ;)

Stay well :D


that's a gimped infil spec btw ;) they'd be wanting 50 thrust for dragonfang no matter what..


Originally posted by Dook_Pug

It's not the character, it's the player behind it.

So very very true :) just look at the new niar for the best example ;)


Hmmm? The stun of Drag Fang over Creeping Death is IMO not worth the extra spec points since theres no proven gain from pierce over 50 spec (or minimal if there is). So the added dmg over time that more consistent left hand attacks will bring AND the higher chance to get both poisons out AND 1 or 2 usefull skills in the extra spec range (DW) out weights it.

But hay, I know you know your stuff and each to thier own opinion matey, its what makes this game more interesting ;)


Well Dook Pug you opinion is just 1 such opinion, it's not shared by many respected Infil/SBs who agree the NS is a littel under.

This subject has been posted countless times, in many ways i think it coz

1. The relative ease of comparing the stealthers - no spells or other 'roles' to consider, like most other classes. For stealthers, you look to compare how they compete 1:1

2. Frustration sometimes, the Rogue class in general have more difficulty getting into XP groups, when ppl simply don't understand that it's how you work as a group that matters, not uber healers, uber tankers, uber nukers.

3. The disparity of what mythic says and does, they originally described NS as a 'powerful' spell caster - hence to spell caster race. Maybe they took their eye off the ball.

4. Infils can aim for a L50 stat, SB/NS need to think more carefully about how they want to play their role.

I'm not going to go into the details of who is better at what, blaa blaa.

I'm just thinking that with spellcrafting, it's the NS/SBs who stand the most to gain in real terms. I hope so :)

Raising a stat to 50 has a much greater effect than raising a stat over 50. This more than anything I think will tip the balance.

And on the subject of balance

5. Mythic have (IMO) set expectations of a 'balanced' stealther class. This would be a boring game if you could compare like-for-like. IF any changes should happen, if should be to give greater vairety of the stealthers.

6. Zergs, prolly the worst thing for a stealther. You want time to play about with your enemy, not have to dodge INC 50!!! or handle laggy-u-miss-your-PA. Lagg maybe plays worse the NS, stuff-up a PA coz of it, and you've alrdy got (on average) -20 CON stat to get away from the nasty.

btw, Infil > SB >NS :)


Originally posted by gilthanis
Hmmm? The stun of Drag Fang over Creeping Death is IMO not worth the extra spec points since theres no proven gain from pierce over 50 spec (or minimal if there is). So the added dmg over time that more consistent left hand attacks will bring AND the higher chance to get both poisons out AND 1 or 2 usefull skills in the extra spec range (DW) out weights it.

But hay, I know you know your stuff and each to thier own opinion matey, its what makes this game more interesting ;)

well just seaking from personal experiences, the infils with 50 base spec in thrust do far more dmg and own me senseless mostly, while those without I atleast have a small chance. But also, is partly to do with playing ability


Gotta agree with you on that one Mal mate, you got FAR more experience than me in RvR. But I will just say that thats against a Champ class, if an Inf is say for example taking a caster class out and time is of the essence, does he really want to be there for 9 whole seconds? Maybe that extra dmg would drop him quicker?

Dont know myself cause I dont have the RvR experience to back it up <Gil looks sheepish!!> ;)

Stay well :D


lol dook ty and all but trad and eolirat (whos account has been/is innactive for passed week) are probably the best two shades (lotsa other good ones too but not as active it seems :D .. Blackout, Basil, Zanzara, Lairiodd, Nimrodel) im the face down one that gives rps to all (specially today... ugggggghh nightmarish :) ) only thing i have going for me is how active i am (no i dont have a life :) ) and yea is about the player more than class but imo (could be horribly wrong) infils have a slight advantage but noway are NS a gimped class i think if its true infils are slightly better they should be reduced to NS lvl no idea tho tbh for me it depends on luck, buffs and who hits the pa button first (note to self : stop using garrote instead of PA DOH) hehe as for SBs no idea lol seem to see more of them than infils atm and been taking one hell of a pounding today lol and those 2h sword PA's hurt lots :(
edit: where i said good ns they only top of my head and lots of other good ones who just need a few lvls (50 may sound lvlst but for me made a HUGE difference) to be extraly uber :clap:


If fought against quite a few Nightshades ... even a fully buffed that attacked me from behind (Nimrodel), one that PAed me (Eloriat ?) and one in a straight bash-out without PAs (Trad)
Outcome : Nightshade dead first, Shadowblade soon after (due to poison/other Hibs)
All fights were at very similiar levels.

Nightshades are more something like enhanced Scouts than assassins, compared to the other Assassin classes.

Just my experience with Nightshades


ummmm we dont get bow or shield spec... scouts? umm <shrugs>

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