I told you not to trust the strangers...



Very well done GOA that was really something big what just happened.....and i think that wasnt the end.....


Waannnnnt moooooore :clap: :clap: :clap:


Someone (can't remember who it was through drink related memory gaps) suggested that perhaps the strangers had fortified the dungeons to defend themselves against that attack by those wierd guys and their worms at dl and other places. I thought it seemed plausible.


I'm only level 24 and these dungeons have blues/yellows/orange/reds. Perfect for me. Unfortunately when I logged in I found I was surrounded by these nasty purple guards. Upon clicking them I saw all of them were aggro, so I legged it.

Is it safe to xp normally ignoring these guards/sentinels?


@Less: I dont think so cause the strangers still attacked us in those dungeons. Sure they could hide inside if they are afraid of the monsters that attack our villages. But why attacking us then? They know us well and they know that we could be friends.

But they attacked and now it is a war!

WANTED dead or alive(DEAD PREFERED)!

All kinds of bad strangers

Im just wondering that the merchant strangers are still around....

Originally posted by inqy
Is it safe to xp normally ignoring these guards/sentinels?

Well they wont ignore you


Originally posted by Whandall
@Less: I dont think so cause the strangers still attacked us in those dungeons. Sure they could hide inside if they are afraid of the monsters that attack our villages. But why attacking us then? They know us well and they know that we could be friends.

lol, u been in innis recently? The stranger merchant there has been ganked countless numbers of times :p


Originally posted by Lessurl

lol, u been in innis recently? The stranger merchant there has been ganked countless numbers of times :p

That wasnt me! i didnt ever harm them! :rolleyes:


Well I may be completely confused, but I think the Strangers are mining our dungeons for the silver. One of the story things on the Camelot-europe site said something the other day about 3 lurikeens, attacked for a bag of silver?..

This may be to protect their land by innis? something else I may of dreamt up but I am sure it was also somewhere on the site.

Whatever it is, and wether they are our true enemies or not, I definately think they are mining our silver for some use or another..

Maybe I am wrong.. just thought I would post my opinion :)


Well i just had to bring some silver to the smith in ardee and she made a very good weapon out of it...

Do you want those strangers to get numerous magical weapons?


Weapnos can do nothing against the power of the void. :p


Nah, they are aggressive, kill em I say, but debuff them a LOT so I can kill them with my level 30 BM cos I dont wanna lose the .6 needed on my bard to get level 47 :p


Lets gather some informations:

The strangers appeared and asked the people of our realm about our forces, keeps, magical abilities, etc

Now they know nearly everything about us but what do we know about them?

They told us they are from a small village in the bog - LIES! Have you seen their numbers? They zerged the Spraggon Den so they could not be from a small village....

They are expierienced fighters! - Guess they proved that in the Den

They asked us about our silver and nbow they are mining it....

They asked about keep defences and ligens defenders - Now where did the attack start?

Anything else?


I think at least part of the problem is lying (or maybe not yet) with the Siabra:

Campaign Information

Everybody agree on the fact that strange things are happening in the three realms. Here is an extract of a speech you could have overheard at Lord Anvar's home, in Mag Mell.

We are in a critical situation my friends, our mines are less and less productive, and war takes an increasing toll on our ore reserves. In Tir Na Nog, all High Council members answered Lady Brigit's call, and their gathering awaits the arrival of King Korrigan, with the latest news from the Otherworld.

We have to put an end to this crisis as soon as possible, especially since some foresee the coming of a new Cad Goddeau, and the resurgence of Black Druidesses. I hope these are only rumours…

A good many people amongst us feel suspicious about newcomers, and ever since Lord Cathbad rebelled against the presence of prowlers and foreign merchants, an economic war is raging. My only fear for now is to fail to distinguish truth from falsehood. I do not expect the worst , at least as long as our lifelong enemies, the siabras, are not taking advantage of the situation. But we have to investigate, before everything goes wrong.

Carmü of Fruuacht, at a magical meeting in Lord Anwar's home.

Tragic day

A nice and warm summer sun was shining over Shannon's Estuary, when three Lurikeens arrived in the surroundings of Connla's Watch tower, travel weary heavily equipped with mattocks and shovels.
Melfus, the oldest of the three, signalled to them to stop. He made a shushing gesture, his Nightshade instincts in alert, certain that they were being watched. Indeed, not far away from them, hidden under a willow, a horseman clad in purple and black was patiently watching out for them.

"- What's going on Mel ?"

"- You and Enra, when I tell you, run straight ahead to the pier."

"- But what's goin…"

"- Don't ask, run for it ! Don't forget that our mission is of the utmost importance."

"- But what are you going to do ?"

"- Once at Connla's pier, go to Howth as quickly as possible, and tell Lord Proinnsias about what you saw. Now go !"

The two Lurikeens rushed down the hill, while the watcher broke into a gallop, spurring on his horse. Melfus started to invoke the powers of Shadow, and a black energy flux shot out toward the galloping horseman, striking his side violently. The horse fell down on the grass with his master, who remained lying on the ground, flat on his face.
Mel approached cautiously, and after looking at the apparently lifeless body for a few minutes, and turned round and waved at his companions to reassure them. Already on the boat, Naurius and Enra saw the menacing silhouette slowly getting up behind their friend. Melfus head rolled down on the meadow's grass, beheaded by a short, sharp sword…

In the evening, around a fire in Howth village.

"- Your friend didn't die for nothing, thanks to you we have managed to retrieve enough silver to forge weapons for the next season."

"- Isn't it a harsh price to pay for some ore, Lord Proinnsias ?"

"- Of course, but your cousin knew, as you do, that our mines will soon be exhausted. Prince Lovernios himself can't find an explanation for this phenomenon."

"- But couldn't we wait a bit longer ?"

"- Naurius, the lives of dozens of inhabitants were at stake, and if you hadn't brought us this silver…Without it we can't assure a decent protection of the area."

"- I fear Enra will never get over it…"

"- Hum, take some time off, Enra and you, while I investigate ion this strange horseman. It is really strange that he followed you so far for only a few silver sacks."

"- But maybe that him and his folks are in dire need of this silver."

"- What do you mean ?"

"- Well…I think I've recognised a siabra on that horse…"

It might be the case that this is the event part 1, where the "strangers" are making a bid for our silver.
In one of the later stages the Siabra might take advantage of our problems though....


well I wish whatever is going to happen, does so soon. those damn guard/sentinels have camped my xp spot ;(


Well, King Korrigan arrived before all hell broke loosa last night. Has anyone asked him about the Otherworld?


He just waves at you. Cheerful, but not terribly informative.

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