I think my epic quest is broken



I am on my Epic quests for Viking and on the very last bit, An End to the Daggers, I have just killed Hagen in Raumarik.

Last night I went back to Lynnleigh and handed her the map, and got a belt in return, at this point I thought it was safe to go to Jordheim and speak to Audun. Not so he won't speak to me yet, and in my journal it says, "Talk with Lynnleigh about the map", unfortunately, everytime she pops, she just looks at me and doesn't speak to me, and Audun will not speak to me either at this stage.

Is there anything that can be done about this?
Thanks for any help


Try looking up the quest at daoc.warcry.com to find out the next step... Alternatively, try posting this in a Midgard forum, you may get some more response there :).


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