I Stopped Smoking


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
..and I feel like shit :(

I quit "the weed" about 6 weeks ago, I knew I had to if I wanted to pack in ciggies. Jeez that was bad enough, this is making me feel really terrible though.
I'm dealing with the psychological side of needing a ciggy. Even after a meal or a cup of coffee, my favourite ciggy times, I'm resisting. Mind you there are no cigs in the house so that makes it a little easier.
The really horrible part is the way my body feels. I quit 24 hours ago (5pm yesterday), last might was not too bad, just felt like I needed a cig. By the time we got to bed I had started sweating a little, but still felt OK. This morning I woke up early for a Sunday, felt like I hadn't slept. Mrs Yuck was a work, she popped home at 2:00pm, she said I looked like shit. I looked in the mirror, she is right.
I'm struggling to cencentrate, I have zero energy, sweaty as hell, I keep having quite serious dizzy spells and I feel really weak.
I have work tomorrow, I have to drive, this worries me.
I've checked a few websites, seems that day 2 and 3 are the worst, deep fucking joy! I am determined to stop, my resolve is strong but fuck me this isn't easy.
If anyone else is thinking of packing in heres a couple of webbies that might help.......

Was going to put the ASH webby here, but just noticed it hijacks your browser, so you can't go back, tards.

I feel like I need to lie down in a dark room, so that's what I'm going to do.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Try the patches. My wife tried twice, unsuccessfully, to go cold turkey. The first time she did the patches, and twelve weeks later she was off them.

Far far easier to come off them via the patches.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Each time you feel like shit, just remind yourselves of the executives of the Tobacco companies, chuckling at your misfortune while wiping their arses with £50 notes.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
I want to be an executive of a Tobacco company :)

I however won't tell you Yuck what I'm just away to do. That would be mean.


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
Bodhi said:
I want to be an executive of a Tobacco company :)

I however won't tell you Yuck what I'm just away to do. That would be mean.

I'm surrounded by smokers at work, this won't be easy :)
I'm going to miss those trips outside for some "fresh" air.

I should emphasis that I'm not giving up for my health, or because of the money. I love cigs and don't give a shit what they do to me. I'm giving up because I'm not doing Mrs Yucks health any good as I smoke in the house/car etc.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
My friend quit smoking. He started eating crisps and chocolate when he felt he wanted to light up. Don't do what he did... he gets tired tying his shoelaces :(

He's still funny though :)


Can't get enough of FH
FH Subscriber
Feb 17, 2004
Go get some nicotine gum .. It will make things allot easier on you and at least you'll be getting some nicotine.

When i quit 6 weeks ago I used to have some gum after eating etc (as well as throughout the day) as a kinda of substitute for a ciggie..

I’m not quite sure why your quitting though. Instead of giving up why don’t you just smoke outside? If you really do enjoy doing it then surely it’s not that much of an inconvenience?

I quite purely for health reasons. I smoked 30 a day and coughed up shit all day every day.. and was the un-fittest person I know.

Like you though I really did enjoy it, nothing beats that first fag of the day.. or when your on the shitter :p

Only two good things about quitting so far is that beer tastes nicer ( I think) and I can now breathe.


Fledgling Freddie
May 17, 2004
I managed to keep the weed and quit ciggies - fantastic. Managed to stick to it so far, only problem is on the odd occasion you'll smoke a spliff because you want to smoke something: and not because you want to have a spliff.

I think the main problem with smoking and addiction is the act of smoking. It's not the nicoteine or any of that: it's the breathing in deeply and feeling smoke come in and out of you... it's deeply medatative and relaxing, most people are addicted to smoking something as opposed to the cigarettes they are smoking themselves.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
You are going about it in the wrong way. Nicotine withdrawal does nothing to your body physically - this is all psycho-somatic, caused by the fact that you're panicking because you can't have your crutch.

You need to adjust your mindset - For example, use of the phrase "giving up". What on earth are you giving up? Ohh, stinky clothes and a nice bout of chemotherapy followed by slow painful death in the future. How is that "giving up" anything when there ARE NO BENEFITS to it (ignore the retards in the other thread that suggest there are) ;)

Just be happy you've stopped - in a couple of weeks you'll feel more alive than you have in years - look forward to it, and enjoy it.

After five days you should stop the cravings (though if you tell them to go away now, and mean it, they will) and after three weeks your body will have cleared most of the shit out of your blood, skin and lungs. After six months even the heaviest smoker's body will look like they never did even from the inside (our bodies are marvellous things).

Just DON'T do what I did. I got over it, and tjust thought "I'll have one, to check I've got over it." It was horrible, I hated it. So I thought, "well, another won't get me addicted - it was rank!" and so on, til I was puffing away again.

Oh and patches and gum make things worse. Don't go near them.

All the best :)


Wait... whatwhat?
Dec 22, 2003
Jonny_Darko said:
Just DON'T do what I did. I got over it, and tjust thought "I'll have one, to check I've got over it." It was horrible, I hated it. So I thought, "well, another won't get me addicted - it was rank!" and so on, til I was puffing away again.

i vote we hurt him now until he learns not to touch one, physical acts of violence would soon stop you smoking*.

would also stop you from doing much else if we break your fingers enough :eek6:

*note* we're kidding about physical acts of violence against Jonny_Darko, or any means of violence leading to or causing injury to person or persons listed or present during the act itself


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
As a student nurse i come across people everyday who are in your situation.

First i want to say well done for having the courage to give up it takes a lot of guts. :clap:

Secondly i would not recommend you go cold turkey there is a high failure rate in those who try to quit this way. Nicorette products are available on the NHS and you can use a combination off them together for example: the patches for the long term and along side this the Nicotene inhalator. The inhalator is loaded with a small tablet and you can use it as and when you wish it is shaped like a pen and has the inhalor at the end, this will help with the times when you would normally have a cigerette as you can use this instead.

Finally (i know this probably sounds sad BUT...) get yourself to your local smoking advice centre they are expert at recommending which quit regime will be best for you.. they will help you set yourself goals and you will have a higher chance of success.

Good luck :D


Fledgling Freddie
May 17, 2004
The problem I found is smokers are advised in a lot of cases to give up with help from nicoteine replacement, hinting to the user (I'll call them that instead of smoker) that the reason why they are having problems giving up is because of the physical addiction, when we all know this isn't true as it's gone in just a couple of days.

Not enough stress is put on the mental aspect of 'giving up' smoking: it's a habit, habit's are hard to break. The best thing to do is to find out which times you ALWAYS smoke, out of routine. Then, the best thing to do is make sure NO TOBACCO is near you at those times. Those are the main points, annihilate them and whenever you just fancy a fag fight that at a time. Eventually, after a few weeks of not hard fighting "do I want a fag? no, it'll be horrible; i haven't smoked in ages, it'll taste nasty and in all honesty, there's no point..." and you won't need to fight off any cravings or thoughts of having a fag, they won't be there anymore..


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
OK, nearly 48 hours, been in a shop that sells cigs, walked past fellow workers outside having a fag, quite pleased with myself.
Still feel shitty, a little dizzy, sweaty, and been told my eyes are bloodshot, I think thats due to lack of sleep.
Ok now for the next 24 hours.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Keep it up, Yuck - you'll do fine.

Gave up last November, haven't had one since. God knows, I've had enough reason to start smoking again, too.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
"Not enough stress is put on the mental aspect of 'giving up' smoking" (jimminyjimjim)

I have to say that i disagree with the above statement...personally i feel that more emphasis is now put on the psychological aspect of smoking it is not longer considered just a habit, it is a psychological addiction with a major physical aspect. As for the promotion of NRT:.. research has shown that the right psychological support along with the use of NRT (to relieve the physical withdrawl symptoms) can be up to four more times effective than just will power alone.

anyway after that little rant......

just wanted to say well done some wouldnt even be able to last 5 mins let alone 48hrs :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
No there is NO physical withdrawal aspects from stopping smoking apart from coughing up the shite in your lungs.

It is ALL mental.

You may be a nurse but the NHS is not successful in stopping smokers. All their lives they crave the occasional cigarette - which is a horrible way to live.

The only way to stop without pangs, without craving, without stress, without weight gain - is this way.


Buy the book, follow the instructions (important, that one), be a healthy non-smoker in days. Trust me, I have tried to quit constantly for over 7 years. Patches, gum, cold turkey, hypnotherapy, everything. Check out the customer reviews...


Yuck if you fancy giving it a try, order that book, start smoking again (you need to smoke until you finish the book) and do it that way. The way you're doing it is only punishing yourself and you will either fail or be miserable if you succeed.

I know I sound like a loon but this guy Allen Carr has been a fucking revelation. He seems a bit of an arse sometimes but basically he's the only one that knows how to get you to stop (and it's not fear). He simply removes society's brainwashing (like as I said earlier, the widespread use of the term "giving up" - what the fuck is there to give up? Think of it as "escaping" instead.)

Tobacco companies prevented several publishers from picking this book up before Penguin had the balls. Why, because they're fucking scared - give this out on the NHS and smoking will be a thing of the past in no time.

Sounds cheesy but it works. Someone recommended the book to me and I'm trying to return the favour to society in general :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
OK I should point out something else here.

I read that, and stopped for a month, and it was the easiest thing ever. However, I didn't follow all the instructions, I was an idiot. I had a cigarette after a month because I didn't want one. I thought I wouldn't get hooked again. The book does explain that getting free is easy but so is getting hooked again, so don't, but I did.

Anyway, for recurring idiots like me that succeed and then fall into the trap again there's a second book designed to stop you ever failing again - I am finishing that tonight, along with my last cigarette, and I shall report back here on a daily basis with an honest assessment of how I feel.

So, yes, I am currently smoking. But yes I did also give up for a month with absolutely no cravings or downsides at all. Three weeks ago (when I got hooked again) I felt younger, stronger, more awake than I could ever remember feeling in my life. The last book worked. I already know this one will as well.

I realise I'm sounding like a preachy twat but seriously, I'm just trying to help out anyone like me who wants to stop but finds it hard.


Can't get enough of FH
FH Subscriber
Feb 17, 2004
Is there gonna be a 3rd book that makes you quit for good, good, good? hehe

Sounds like an interesting book though, think ill read it.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
"NHS is not successful in stopping smokers".....this may be true but they have been successful in helping.

I am not trying to say that the NHS are the be all and end all and i am well aware that smokers will continue to crave cigarettes for the rest of their lives.

I will admit that having never smoked i will never understand what it is like to give up smoking and live with the cravings.

NRT and psycotherapy are just my suggestions.....Of course there are other methods apart from the ones i have suggested which are extremely successful... I guess its a matter of finding what suits the individual best.

For you it was Allen Carr's methods, for others it may well be hypnotherapy or the cold turkey method.

I am aware of Allan Carr's work and have heard it is very successfull and if it worked for you then thats excellent. I dont think there is any right or wrong methods some work better for different people.

It has to be an individual choice

I also hold my hands up and say that i am only going on research, the most valuable suggestions and help anyone who wants to quit smoking will come from those who have been there and done it.

its ok im shutting up now.... :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I cant read this thread and not wish you good luck Yuck


I stopped a twenty year habit two years ago and have never looked back. ITs bloody hard for the first few months but WILL get easier. :fluffle:


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
I haven't smoked in 12 days now.

Not doing it for the money, not doing it for my health, but for a pair of blue eyes, much like YouckFou. I'm still holding on.


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
old.Osy said:
I haven't smoked in 12 days now.

Not doing it for the money, not doing it for my health, but for a pair of blue eyes, much like YouckFou. I'm still holding on.

Good luck :)

72 hours, today was a nightmare :( stressful day, kinda day you get home, make a coffee, skin up....... *breathes fresh air deeply* :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
I am a serial quitter, I come home from work and quit for a month, I use the little nicorette microtabs for a couple of days while I am still adjusting to civil society. My downfall a month later comes as soon as I hit the airport to go back to work. I don't know why but airports mean two things to me beer and fags, I am starting the journey at 6 am and will have a pint of guiness, something I would not normally do on a Tuesday morning, then I want a fag. I find it mostly easy at home, the wife and kids help by alternately nagging and praising me and as most of our friends are non smokers there is not much in the way of temptation in that regard.
Work is a fucking nightmare, I can buy a carton of fags for a tenner and the social life revolves around smoking. Christ the 3 and 9 o'clock breaks are called Smoko, you grab your food and go to one of the 2 places you are allowed to smoke at work and sit for 15 or 20 mins. Once the food is eaten and the latest rumours distributed, its time for a fag, if you don't have one it almost requires you to go back to work, but if your smoking, well you get the extra 5 minutes and then it's your crash so another 5 minutes, can really stretch those breaks. Then there are the inbetween 'unofficial' breaks, or 5 minutes for a fag, you don't get them if you don't smoke, I might have to go and do something constructive in those 5 minutes :( .

Anyway good luck yuck and the other escapees, one day I will join you, for a month at least ;)



Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I quit ages ago after ages of doing two packs a day. I guess I had it easy because I was ill for three weeks (smoking related) and didn't smoke during that period. Up to and over a year past that point I'd still crave a ciggy at any point where I'd light up in the past, specially when I'd have to wait for something. Commuting is based around waiting so I craved lots heh.
It's now far in the past, but at times I still have a twinge of the craving. A while ago I lit a ciggy for my gf, and the horrible taste nearly made me vomit, and I wasn't rid of it till I'd brushed my teeth twice. I seriously doubt I'll ever smoke a cigarette again.

good luck to all quitters!

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