I see many many things have changed on Goa Camelot Site....



Before closing the forums they said they would have improved website, giving news information and important announcement...
I still see the website updated at 18 april 2002 long before they told us they would have closed the forums (so they didn't wrote a line in the news saying the forums have been)
And where is the camelot herald for european version ?
And moreover .... at which point is the next patch ?
Sincerly I'm pretty tired of this situation, never saw a company that consider costumers like #ç°#ç] (autocensored) ...
I think you have a lot to learn from Origin!
They create worlds, Mythic too and Goa destroys them
As you can see I'm still very very angry!


Well give them some time, why not just enjoy the game as it is for now... this is GOA's first task of such a game (I think so...) and thus of course mistakes or slow activity might be expected.
I myself don't mind just playing the damn game and then wait for them to announce info about some new patch etc.
If the planned news tool or the european herald are not ready yet they will post here, what's the problem with that?
Please do not give me the usual "BUT WE PAY FOR THIS GAME" crap because imho the fee is quite small considering how much it takes to keep the servers up and all the rest of it.
I pay for a game that I don't even play anymore (UO) because I don't think it is that expensive, just that I might want to return to it some day.

PS: There is an autocensor thing on these boards? Weird.


No mate

No mate...
Sorry but I do not agree with you.
They have got plenty of time, really plenty of it!
It is not my fault is they have few people working on it compared to the total amout of work (I work and I know how these things go!)!
In addition, me too, I play and enjoy also if no new patch is released but I here the problem is different:
This is the real problem.
I think Goa was not ready at all to get three versions of this game! It seems Goa runs unofficial Dark Age Camelot Servers compared to American ones (and Italy one)!
Better it would have been if they got only french version like CTO did in Italy (in fact in Italy things go really well and I was really stupid because I haven't trusted CTO!)
Sure is that I will never buy another game where GOA is in.
I'm really displeased by the situation: I would have understood it since the beginning when I got "account already logged in" problem and they fixed it in 2 days (argh 2 days!!) ....
As I have said Origin creates worlds, Mythic too and GOA destroys them (uhm this looks like a pretty good signature)

P.S. The only thing where I agree with you is about UO account: I still pay for it because I think sooner or later I will be back and however I spent 4 years of my life on it! :)


Re: No mate

Originally posted by Ayeye
No mate...
Sorry but I do not agree with you.
They have got plenty of time, really plenty of it!
It is not my fault is they have few people working on it compared to the total amout of work (I work and I know how these things go!)!
In addition, me too, I play and enjoy also if no new patch is released but I here the problem is different:
This is the real problem.
I think Goa was not ready at all to get three versions of this game! It seems Goa runs unofficial Dark Age Camelot Servers compared to American ones (and Italy one)!
Better it would have been if they got only french version like CTO did in Italy (in fact in Italy things go really well and I was really stupid because I haven't trusted CTO!)
Sure is that I will never buy another game where GOA is in.
I'm really displeased by the situation: I would have understood it since the beginning when I got "account already logged in" problem and they fixed it in 2 days (argh 2 days!!) ....
As I have said Origin creates worlds, Mythic too and GOA destroys them (uhm this looks like a pretty good signature)

P.S. The only thing where I agree with you is about UO account: I still pay for it because I think sooner or later I will be back and however I spent 4 years of my life on it! :)
I suppose the CS RightNow service could be said to be non-existant, gotta agree on that. Although I have never used any help or CS during my time in this game since I have had no problems what-so-ever. Since release I have had 4 LDs if I remember correctly which I think is pretty much nothing at all. Downtime is RARE in this game compared to for example UOs daily maintenance. Account already logged in I have only experienced when the game crashed due to pop-ups in windows and I tried to connect within 1 minute.
Maybe I have just been lucky and don't really feel the need of news and such. I just let things go with the flow in a sense. Maybe I have just been lucky with only a very few LDs and no need to use any CS or help.


Downtime is RARE in this game compared to for example UOs daily maintenance.

Uo is pretty much complex than daoc regarding things to backup.
Daoc saves only chars and thie small inventory and small bank, UO saves chars, houses, ships and so on.

However as I have said also in my previous posts, the problem here I was complaining is not the game but the customer support or better the European Customer Support.
The fact they closed the forum is really a pity and the website right now is nothing more than a nearly empty box with few useful things..

As I stated before, I think they are too few to handle the game in three languages and the website too and sincerly this thing makes me really angry. Do Kemor is now working on translation too?

Maybe I have just been lucky and don't really feel the need of news and such

Surely you have seen tons of complaints by other players that got stuck and nobody did nothing to help them for days!
Don't you have thought that maybe sooner or later this can happen to you?
See my point of view: if I work all day long and the evening I want to play Daoc and I cannot because I'm stuck and NOBODY is working to fix my problem, obviously I get upset, but not with Mythic, but with that customer support that doesn't do a thing to solve my problem!
This is the general impression that people have!


Sure, i've seen lots of people complain. But i have also seen lots of people complain on every single mmorpg to this date. ANyone complaining on UO? Yes. Everquest? YES. Anarchy Online? YES!!! Do people complain on Daoc in the US? Yes. Do they complain in europe? Naturally.
It's not surprising that it almost always is about lack of CS and unfullfilled promises. (Forgotten Promise :p)


It's in the nature of every stupid person to whine :flame: And 90% of MMORPG players are stupid. Also The Ultimate Reason for web board's existence is to deliver a place where every idiot can speak their mind. And what we get is a place full of crap posts.


It's in the nature of every stupid person to whine And 90% of MMORPG players are stupid. Also The Ultimate Reason for web board's existence is to deliver a place where every idiot can speak their mind. And what we get is a place full of crap posts.

Some say that a stupid idiot is needed in order to understand another stupid idiot.

However (another time... ) I'm not whining at all about the game but I'm angry with customer support.
Demonstrate me (me poor stupid idiot) that I am wrong and I will shut up.


Oh well I am happy and I have had close to zero problems so far so can't comment on your complaints. I just am like that :)


Originally posted by SFXman
Oh well I am happy and I have had close to zero problems so far so can't comment on your complaints. I just am like that :)

I agree!

No probs here

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