I need your help, Q3 peeps!



Help I have just downloaded the Q3 test and GLSetup to go w/ it(I have a Matrox G200 which did'nt have GL) but every time I try Q3 the screen goes blank and the computer locks up. I have tried the GL patch from the Matrox site but it does'nt work either. Please help as it really p****s me off.


I've got a G200 - I havn't tried the latest Q3 test, but i did manage to get the first q3 test working by using an older matrox replacement opengl32.dll patch for Q2 - and using it for Q3 - but it ONLY works in GL mode ! (they've updated the patch since - but the new one doesn't work with Q3 - the one you want is the older slightly buggy one which when in Q2 - when you go to player setup - you cant see any of the writing !) I think its still available on the matrox site - released sometime late last year or early this !
Hope this helps


I have got myself a g200 as well and i tried using that gl direct but it just messed my system up and i had to reinstall to get rid of some of the things it hid in my registry.

If you just use the Powerdesk 5.30 drivers its seems to run fine, the only problem i have had is it sometimes sets the gamma a bit darker than normal so i have to type in r_gamma 1.1 and then its fine

Hope that helps


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