I must be blind since i cant see the friday news in Daoc.Europe site



Fortunately your not blind, GOA just couldnt be arsed to post anything. Not the first time or the last.......:rolleyes:


we'll get the friday news on saturday or sunday I imagine

GOA will blame lag or something :rolleyes:


Don't forget to put the "u" into "mastUrbation" otherwise "u" will get no pleasure.


The Kingpin

Am trying not to sound rude,

ok, how is this..



actually on the last friday news they said, see you next friday

.........by god mr Frodo I made a promise


The only guy who knows how to update their fancy flash webpage was out sick on friday is my guess.


Well, having a look at the Froggies and the Krauts page on the GOA site:

(this is translated using an online translator, so makes the grammar etc is all over the shop)

The French Got this:
Not information deferred
[ 2003-6-06 ]

Exceptionally, there will be no point of Friday this week. The point is thus deferred to the next week.

Pass all an excellent weekend of Pentecost.

Any the Germans got a bloody Friday News!!: http://camelot-europe.goa.com/news/newsarticle.php3?id_article=1060

Questions and answers
[ 2003-6-06 ]

Today the messagemessage messages have heat-free. They are back-expected at the beginning of the week. But there is a further part with questions from the German player community and the appropriate answers.

There would actually be/office author move (inactive players from the gilde throw), which fails in Europe because of the fact that it sends only the inquiry to the customer service to throw the player from the gilde.
On US servers this inquiry from the play is sent to the customer service. That fails in Europe because of the fact that our customer service RightNow ! as interface for the players uses, since we cannot offer like letztens responding 24h ingame support. You have however at any time the possibility, a list with "Gildenleichen" at RightNow ! to send, we remove them then (as in the states) by hand.

Will it give Europe exclusive Quests also new articles to that in the course and if, how with Mythics politics are not compatible the GOA anything in the play durably change may ?
It will give rewards, however no "uber articles", which affect the play somehow. The special attention with the Quests is rather on different decisions, which affect the process. And all Midgarder can look forward to one... nice reward. More is not betrayed.

How does the official policy actually read to secondary accounts ? How does it look with two accounts on two different realms of a server out ? If it is not abused, against it can't an objection really exist ?
Since degrees is as group play laid out, also for elbow contactors and Meuchler. Surely this Chars can be played also marvelously alone, if one goes into the RvR. If now people go and rather with itself play, and/or a group it forms, is for their thing. Thus nobody is disadvantaged. Thus secondary accounts (and financial reasons play only a Nebenrolle here) are absolute correct. Personally also I would express myself for a range border of all permanent Buffs.

Completely different it is with two accounts on different realms of a server. Here the abuse is hardly to be avoided. Who can state from itself that he, if its Magier in the first realm enjoys straight at the possession of all magic Relikte and he experiences in the second realm that a Raid is planned on evenly this Relikte, warns nobody and itself not in the Reliktfestung stationed ?
Who is gotten with such actions, can say good-bye to both accounts. Since the last Patch an inquiry put IP addresses forward here at least for the simultaneous use a latch plate.

Why are helmets, caps, sign and weapons not also in the drop pouch with in it ? It is really heavy to find e.g. a whip again which lies somewhere in the grass, in the size of a cigar.
One can with the information for equipment beside the Boni (e.g. strength + 10) with the used things also still indicated, which Boni effectively to work, e.g. strength + 10 (effectively 0).
These two points concern the play Design, thus Mythic.
For selecting lying articles there is not in the standard mapping F7, since drops actually come always at least with a bag gold, should it be so difficult to find it.
For the calculation of the Caps of articles there are exact formulas. For talent Boni it would be for example : effective total bonus = (Level/5)+1.
For computation we can employ naturally only assumptions, but are more probable it that simply the sum of all articles is compared with the permitted total bonus and thus for individual articles is not certain at all, how much they contribute effectively.

The chronicles :
Tja... which I am to it to still say. 14 days ago we, we said still another last run would make, in order to update it at least still another last mark before the Patch on the version 1.62. This run brought usable results on no server. We long ourselves at least exactly the same as it for the chronicles, but we are probably gotten in June none.

All a beautiful weekend, the play enjoys you and occasionally perhaps also times the weather. :D

Draw your own conclusions... a simple ''we cant be arsed you'll get some news next week'' like the french got would be nice :D


I would ask them to get off there arse and do something. But that would be pointless. As sitting down is part of being at a computer in a office. ofc, Kemor might actually read this thread and reply with some kind of responce.


Originally posted by Stonebits

Draw your own conclusions... a simple ''we cant be arsed you'll get some news next week'' like the french got would be nice :D



The only english speaking/reading member of Goa staff taking a sickie?

More than likely.


Why are we waiting,
Could be assasinating,
Oh, why are we wa-ai-ting,
So f***-ing long.
Why are we wait-ing,
Could be emain raiding,
Oh, why-y are we wait-ing?
Oh, why-y are we wait-ing?
Oh, why-y are we wait-ing,
So f***ing long!


nice the germans get's " grab bag " and we get poo..


and what did they say about having a version of chronicles working even if a bit buggy ... yeah right ... /b/o/l/l/o/x

top service as usual.

Molten Lava

Originally posted by Stonebits

Why are helmets, caps, sign and weapons not also in the drop pouch with in it ? It is really heavy to find e.g. a whip again which lies somewhere in the grass, in the size of a cigar.

Damn must be really hard indeed to find a whip, the size of a cigar in the tall grass......


As you have correctly pointed out, there were no friday news last friday. We will make up for this with some "special edition extra news" this week.


ooh.. comes in a minted gold package also? :D (couldn't help it, flashback from my CCG days when special editions came out ;))

anyways, this deservers a clap!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Originally posted by Zargar
As you have correctly pointed out, there were no friday news last friday. We will make up for this with some "special edition extra news" this week.

Only took till friggin tuesday. Do you lot lose total netaccess at the weekends or somet ;) ..... I live in a 24hr 7 day a week world.


Originally posted by mestoph
Only took till friggin tuesday. Do you lot lose total netaccess at the weekends or somet ;) ..... I live in a 24hr 7 day a week world.

You should know better, as all service-related companies they live in their own part of time-space-continuum that only consists of mondays (and occasionally tuesdays), but sometimes they pop up in the normal time-space to fuel the fires that they are vaguely more than myth..

ever wondered why the plumber/cable-installators pop up any day except the one you ordered them on? just read the above reason....



Originally posted by Zargar
As you have correctly pointed out, there were no friday news last friday. We will make up for this with some "special edition extra news" this week.



Originally posted by Cala-more

Basically they bolt last weeks news and this weeks news together.... a bit like a buy one get one free special offer :clap:


Originally posted by Stonebits
Basically they bolt last weeks news and this weeks news together.... a bit like a buy one get one free special offer :clap:

Ahh right, In my book special means somthing good eg patch next week or armsmen getting dragon mode with 100000hp to help them be good

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