I miss Thugs :(


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Post something MKJ ...

We miss joo...

Well me and Honed anyway :)

Oh and Roll something in bg1 again..


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Miss him like you miss some nasty sickness.

Good riddance!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Well he did spice things up wit his mentally derainged shit, but tbh nocare he was crap anyway


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
you forgot to finish the sentence with "like a hole in the head" ;)

he's not banned - just told him to tone down his blatant trolling as it was getting on a few people's nerves.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
was some alternative reading to the constant you zerged me, and the i dont like you posts.

shame really all he prolly wanted was someone on the forums to say he was a good SB, but... the computer said noooo


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
shame really all he prolly wanted was someone on the forums to say he was a good SB, but... the computer said noooo

Best sb that has ever played Thid bar none. Can't be arsed to prove it anymore. My health is more important to me now. Sitting at this computer for hours on end ain't been good for my health.

The only guys that don't think I was the kiddie ain't never fought me. Everyone that did changed their minds very quickly. I still ain't seen any proof wotsoever from anyone that any other sb can take out other players anything like I can. Don't forget I bragged and bragged whilst throwing down a guantlet saying that if anyone should kill me and receive 4 rps for it all they had to do was take a pic and prove it. No-one did whilst I logged up nearly 3 trips to Thid. Over 2x with my buffed Valkyn SB - PKJ (retired because no-one could get anywhere near killing him) and the rest with my unbuffed sb - Weaklin. This was when tons and tons were on Freddys and all wanted to take me down. They were practically frothing at the mouth. Oh and by the way I was never picky who I attacked. I attacked everything that was solo. Should anyone want to try this again they can take out vamps from the equation though PKJ (buffed) would have had no problem with them either.

I would like to see some sb drop some of the twinked players I have dropped whilst playing unbuffed as in my films but I bet that nearly all stealthers go for the soft casters all the time.

If you want to stir up things and prove you are good you HAVE TO MAKE SHORT FILMS! Otherwise who gives a shit? So easy to do.


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
MKJ said:
Best sb that has ever played Thid bar none. Can't be arsed to prove it anymore. My health is more important to me now. Sitting at this computer for hours on end ain't been good for my health.

Maybe you should see a doctor, but one about your mental health.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Personal attacks are like water offa duck's back. Don't urt me one jot. Buttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt can yu make films like these:

Films Films Films Films Films Films Films

Not sure you can access the films yet cos I just reinstalled Windows and the home server.

All the proof of how good I am is there for all to see. No-one can say otherwise now - solid proof. Why should I or anyone else take any notice of whoever posts on Freddys when they ain't got any pics? Proof in abundance. Just like to see another unbuffed sb do a quarter of the success of my films. Just won't happen. You have seen the best in action and can still see him by watching my films. Learn from them cos they are awesome. Meleeing all without any perf or bs - awesome is too weak a word for my fighting.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
MKJ said:
Personal attacks are like water offa duck's back. Don't urt me one jot. Buttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt can yu make films like these:

Films Films Films Films Films Films Films

Not sure you can access the films yet cos I just reinstalled Windows and the home server.

All the proof of how good I am is there for all to see. No-one can say otherwise now - solid proof. Why should I or anyone else take any notice of whoever posts on Freddys when they ain't got any pics? Proof in abundance. Just like to see another unbuffed sb do a quarter of the success of my films. Just won't happen. You have seen the best in action and can still see him by watching my films. Learn from them cos they are awesome. Meleeing all without any perf or bs - awesome is too weak a word for my fighting.

heh welcome back


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Are back playing the game now thugs?

Nope I am trying to play this sodding guitar. Driving me more nuts than I already am. Playing acoustic guitar - fingerpicking style - with metal picks on 4 of my fingers is incredibly hard (for me anyways). Having to pick various strings very quickly as well as altering the chords is incredibly difficult. Ontop of that trying to get any volume out of the strings at the same time makes it even more awkward. Going to take me a few years yet to really improve and I am practising a few hours a day now. Been playing just over a year and starting to tackle difficult and long pieces. This is my new challenge now and not playing an sb anymore :) .

Here is one I am working on - I luvs the sound of old blues music.

Soho blues

Transfer might be slow as you are pulling off my computer. My website is having probs with ftp transfering at the mo.


Part of the furniture
Oct 26, 2004
This message is hidden because MKJ is on your ignore list.



Loyal Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Whats that talking right at the begining? Sounds like a farmer talkin bout nuts or summit :m00:

Guitar playing sounds good tho, well better than i can do anyway, keep it up :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Whats that talking right at the begining? Sounds like a farmer talkin bout nuts or summit

Guitar playing sounds good tho, well better than i can do anyway, keep it up

Just realized I can make up songs now instead of poems. Well make poems accompanied by tunes kinda thing. Suppose that is a song come to think of it :) . Probably get told off by Flim again though for upsetting some guy or other - oh such a shame to upset such delicate minds :touch: . Think Flim needs to get laid or something as he is a bit touchy at the mo for sure.

Hehe - will make a song today - a 'Thug's Song' - cos I know you will love it - not about Flim though I think he will get a mention.

My guitar playing ain't very good yet but each day I improve. Thought old style blues would be easy to play but shit you should see the finger movements and stretches I have to perform on even that simple song above. Also I think fingerpicking blues is the hardest type of guitar playing to master as you have to use both hands - just like a pianist. Still the sound that is starting to come out of the guitar is amazing. I choose this style because you get a full sound as you play a constant base beat whilst also playing the rest of the song. Awesome. I mastered being an sb and I gonna master the bloody guitar too.

Freddys gone a tad boring I notice lately?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
and i got 10g that says thay aint you playing -_-

Blimey wot you trying to say is the guitar playing is so damn good there is no-way I am playing it? Nice one. I gotta camera though ain't I. Can record me playing it infact. I can play loads of difficult songs now that will blow your mind if you saw how hard they are to play. Will try and record me playing a few songs today maybe.

Thanks for the complement but I still consider my playing crap at the mo. I have a long long ways to go yet. But I seem to be getting there though :) .


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
and i got 10g that says thay aint you playing -_-

Another film made by Thugs to prove once more he never tells lies. Thugs playing the geeetarrrrrr!

Got a light shinning on me but it is still very dark. Think yu need daylight for video recording with webcams - this one anyways.

File size 2mbs - windows player.
Thugs awesome fingerwork.

Gonna make sum more geetar films soon cos I can play loads of songs now :) .


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Ok one more song (honest Film) showing my finger work in all it's incredible beauty - such skill after only 1 yr of playing? Is there no end to my talents?

I dedicate this to all the deaded players in Thid cos it is called 'Bad Blood Blues', and also to all the people wot hate me and to Filmgoblin for his lack of support and noticeable absenteeism from these boards in the past and to all my family and friends (oops not got any - oh well), hope I not left anyone out. This song more or less shows you where I am with my guitar skills now - starting to rock and roll - yeah man :) . No-one was better than me in the game and I gonna be a lot better than most guitarists soon too :touch: .

File size 3.5 MB. Full song - Windows player.
Bad Blood Blues


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Shame Thugs left Thid as if he's that good that he says he is ( :rolleyes: ) he should offer more of a fight than the NS/Rangers/SBs/Hunters that are in Thid now.
Haven't found any decent stealther yet in Thid :(


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
MKJ said:
This song more or less shows you where I am with my guitar skills now - starting to rock and roll - yeah man :) . No-one was better than me in the game and I gonna be a lot better than most guitarists soon too :touch: .

i'm gonna buy a guitar and without any strum through techniques, i'm gonna kick your ass ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Come on - youse lots wouldn't admit I was a good sb but wot about the geeeetarrr playing - I is fooking awesome eh - after only 1 year? Imagine hows I gonna play in a few years time? I be on the tv for sure.

i'm gonna buy a guitar and without any strum through techniques, i'm gonna kick your ass

No-one can strum-through like me - I invented it (well yu invented it really but I gonna take it to another level).

Am I fooking good or wot? And I got about another 20 more songs along those lines - awesome. You can watch me play in some venue or other one day. Cheer for me and all that. You knows I likes it - adoration is luvly. I gets it now but yu all hide it so well. Macho thing but I understand fully don't worry.

Bad Blood Blues


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Me flipping geetarrr playing has silenced the whole lot of you ain't it. You can see now who you been dealing with - someone different and remarkable. You ain't seen anything like I can play yet. I can show you me playing a piece of music so fast the camera can't keep up with my fingers. Always been this way. Exceptional. Am on a knife edge mentally which means if I want to do something or be something I will do or be. I will achieve either at an accelerated level. Interesting or wot? Yu is communicating with someone that should have been institutionalized for at least 30 yrs. Nice whisky this. Oh dear everyone should know by nows I goes apeshit on the stuff. Tis nearly xmas after all :drink: .


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 20, 2004
institutionalized, thats fucking right on the closed mental hospital, and yeah ur fucking special just not in the way you hoped for, now stick that whiskey bottle up ur ass, kthxbye.

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