I managed it - here is how!



Ok after almost 5 hours of on and off trying i managed it.. here is how.

Boot up SI.. use the Activate Account on the server log in box. if you get the 'momentarily unavailable' page go back to activate account and hit it again. Keep doing this till you get the log-in.

When you EVENTUALLY get the log in bang in your Subs a/c name and passy then hit go. You will prolly get the 'momentarily' page again. Do not fear. hit back on your browser, bang in the info again(i recommend cuttin n pastin here) and hit go again. Repeat until you get in the account page.

Bob's your uncle.

I dunno if this has been posted already but frankly I aint waiting to find out cos im going in to check out the new gfx. :)

Good Luck and dont despair, just curse GOA and their lack of foresight for a good month or two.


Problem for me is that when i click the "Back" button on my browser the only thing that happens is that the "error message page" comes up, not the loggin thing :(

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