but getiing filth back!
i started out today with a rm that logged in at same time , saw some hibs taking a tower , didn't stop em since i wan't em to have one. the rm get's instaganked by 2 ns's and finally asks me for grp so i can uncover them so he can kill em ; answer: i hate that kind of playstyle , no fun in it for me or for the stealthers i find, so no thx.
but zaphud , smallshady , stello u are on my kos list , addlist aswell , all u do is uncover uncover uncover and RUUUUUUUUUUN.
u know guy's if i can do it u can to , and having a bard in tower healing u when i hand both your arses over is just tragic. thx for ruining a fine time.
acually this feels for the first time as not a whine but a hi honey how was your day ? answer: it was a killer baby , a killer...
<3 forma for not adding when i was uncovered , all i saw from him was forma say's something in a language u don't understand, i can only imagen about what he was saying...
i started out today with a rm that logged in at same time , saw some hibs taking a tower , didn't stop em since i wan't em to have one. the rm get's instaganked by 2 ns's and finally asks me for grp so i can uncover them so he can kill em ; answer: i hate that kind of playstyle , no fun in it for me or for the stealthers i find, so no thx.
but zaphud , smallshady , stello u are on my kos list , addlist aswell , all u do is uncover uncover uncover and RUUUUUUUUUUN.
u know guy's if i can do it u can to , and having a bard in tower healing u when i hand both your arses over is just tragic. thx for ruining a fine time.
acually this feels for the first time as not a whine but a hi honey how was your day ? answer: it was a killer baby , a killer...
<3 forma for not adding when i was uncovered , all i saw from him was forma say's something in a language u don't understand, i can only imagen about what he was saying...