i have been giving alot of respect to others.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
but getiing filth back!

i started out today with a rm that logged in at same time , saw some hibs taking a tower , didn't stop em since i wan't em to have one. the rm get's instaganked by 2 ns's and finally asks me for grp so i can uncover them so he can kill em ; answer: i hate that kind of playstyle , no fun in it for me or for the stealthers i find, so no thx.

but zaphud , smallshady , stello u are on my kos list , addlist aswell , all u do is uncover uncover uncover and RUUUUUUUUUUN.

u know guy's if i can do it u can to , and having a bard in tower healing u when i hand both your arses over is just tragic. thx for ruining a fine time.

acually this feels for the first time as not a whine but a hi honey how was your day ? answer: it was a killer baby , a killer...


<3 forma for not adding when i was uncovered , all i saw from him was forma say's something in a language u don't understand, i can only imagen about what he was saying...


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
This makes me wonder: why don't you just always add? Apparently you do like adding, because if you didn't you wouldn't add on anyone. Not even the people who have done it to you. This might just be my twisted view on the game, but if you enjoy adding: just do so. If you do, you shouldn't complain about others doing it as well though.

Another thing, if you add you spoil the fight for both sides involved. Is it ok for you to spoil a duel for two people because you want 'revenge'? I also think your revenge won't be very succesful: most people who add only expect to be added upon and don't get as frustrated when it happens. (extreme hypocrits excluded)

Add or don't, I don't care. Just don't expect not to be added upon when you add yourself.

edit: not everyone runs a buffed and spellcrafted character in there either, so they might just need to do all these things in order to put up a fight. Then again, I guess you don't really want a fight, but just like to win.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
noblok said:
This makes me wonder: why don't you just always add? Apparently you do like adding, because if you didn't you wouldn't add on anyone. Not even the people who have done it to you. This might just be my twisted view on the game, but if you enjoy adding: just do so. If you do, you shouldn't complain about others doing it as well though.

Another thing, if you add you spoil the fight for both sides involved. Is it ok for you to spoil a duel for two people because you want 'revenge'? I also think your revenge won't be very succesful: most people who add only expect to be added upon and don't get as frustrated when it happens. (extreme hypocrits excluded)

Add or don't, I don't care. Just don't expect not to be added upon when you add yourself.

edit: not everyone runs a buffed and spellcrafted character in there either, so they might just need to do all these things in order to put up a fight. Then again, I guess you don't really want a fight, but just like to win.

hmm that was the best hypocrithic bullshit i ever heard. if u are a stealther u fight , and not uncover and run to the grp , but yes you are right i hate adding , and what i wrote before i wrote in anger , i will not add but i will kill on sight after that persons fight is over , but yes i will add if i so to say see 3 ns attack 1 infil even if i don't know who that infi is i wil latatck the ns and kill them, if that's adding , shoot me.


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
Hypocritic? How? As far as I know, you don't know me at all, so no reason to call me a hypocrit.

On the last sentence: no, I wouldn't call that adding. I would call it evening out the odds :). Well, depending on the level/equipment/buffs from both sides off course, but if both sides are equal on those terms then I wouldn't call it adding. You were the one who started about adding though :).

I don't think you have the right to tell them how stealthers should play though. If they enjoy uncovering and running to a group, then it's their call. I'd even go as far as saying that their way of playing is closer to the original intent of the game than your's.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
noblok said:
Hypocritic? How? As far as I know, you don't know me at all, so no reason to call me a hypocrit.

On the last sentence: no, I wouldn't call that adding. I would call it evening out the odds :). Well, depending on the level/equipment/buffs from both sides off course, but if both sides are equal on those terms then I wouldn't call it adding. You were the one who started about adding though :).

I don't think you have the right to tell them how stealthers should play though. If they enjoy uncovering and running to a group, then it's their call. I'd even go as far as saying that their way of playing is closer to the original intent of the game than your's.

ok that last part i don't get at all, fell like elaborating it ?


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
Maybe you understand your own words better:
Teslacoil said:
if u are a stealther u fight , and not uncover and run to the grp , .
Need more elaboration? I think you should not tell others what 'a stealther should do'. Why shouldn't a stealther uncover another stealther to prevent his realmmates getting assassinated? It's their choice to play like that and I see no reason why they shouldn't if they enjoy playing like that.

I would also like to know why you called me a hypocrit.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
noblok said:
I'd even go as far as saying that their way of playing is closer to the original intent of the game than your's.

think u missunderstood me when i asked about u elaborating the last part , was this part i meant.

hypocrit , as in u said " why don't you just always add? Apparently you do like adding, because if you didn't you wouldn't add on anyone " , where in my original did i say i like to add and allways do ? u try to fill in words in blanks that don't exist, hypocrit.


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
Ah, with that part I meant that they seemed to be more focues on working as a realm, rather than the lone assassin, which is what Mythic's original intention was. Whether they (Mythic) have succeeded or not is another discussion off course :).

I fail to see how I am a hypocrite in the text you quoted, but I'll gladly explain my reasoning.

I reasoned that if you're going to add on them, you enjoy it. After all, why would you do something you do not enjoy? Nowhere did I state that you always add. On the contrary: I even asked you why you don't, since I was wondering why you don't do what you seem to enjoy.

Note: I do not say and never said you enjoy adding. I used the words "apparently", "if" and in the above paragraph "seem to" to make clear that was just what I gathered from your post. I don't know you well enough to be certain on this matter.


Aug 25, 2005
Teslacoil said:
all i saw from him was forma say's something in a language u don't understand

I could say the same about you.

'Telsacoil says something in a language you don't understand.'

On a serious note - You type utter crap, you don't call people 'hypocrits' like that.

Grow a pube.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
Zdeath said:
I could say the same about you.

'Telsacoil says something in a language you don't understand.'

On a serious note - You type utter crap, you don't call people 'hypocrits' like that.

Grow a pube.

hehe , don't u just love it how people grabs a quote and leaving the real meening behind it and then comments basen on that ? haha - hypocrit


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
noblok said:
Ah, with that part I meant that they seemed to be more focues on working as a realm, rather than the lone assassin, which is what Mythic's original intention was. Whether they (Mythic) have succeeded or not is another discussion off course :).

I fail to see how I am a hypocrite in the text you quoted, but I'll gladly explain my reasoning.

I reasoned that if you're going to add on them, you enjoy it. After all, why would you do something you do not enjoy? Nowhere did I state that you always add. On the contrary: I even asked you why you don't, since I was wondering why you don't do what you seem to enjoy.

Note: I do not say and never said you enjoy adding. I used the words "apparently", "if" and in the above paragraph "seem to" to make clear that was just what I gathered from your post. I don't know you well enough to be certain on this matter.

thx for the explanation:)

allthoug your reason was a bit flawed , as said , i was a bit anhgered and i spoke in the heat of the moment at my original post, i DON'T add and i really don't enjoy it, if i get killed repeatedly by 2-3 people i get pissed off and get fuelled that i next time i WILL take one down with me and over and over and over again ! ;)

those times where it might be seen as i'm adding for instance i walk up to a person and line him up for pa , and exact same moment another person attcks him as my pa lands , well truth to say tough luck.

anyway's was fun chatting to you noblok , now come join me in leirvik!


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
I find Leirvik boring: too little land, bots have too much influence, sc isn't as easy as in Thidranki and leveling takes ages. I think I'll just stick to Thidranki :).


Aug 25, 2005
Teslacoil said:
hehe , don't u just love it how people grabs a quote and leaving the real meening behind it and then comments basen on that ? haha - hypocrit

'teslacoil says something in a language you don't understand'


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Mebbe I'll drag my vamp out for some fun Berge ;o altho he's not melee spec atm(Dem spec, not SM).

More solo respect in Leirv! (aka give us Leirv with thid map :()



Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
Zdeath said:
'teslacoil says something in a language you don't understand'

i love you ! wanna marry me !?

errr...wait forma or mooks or celionne(allthough he quit now) or sageinfil or dracus has first choice of my heart before u , sorry :(


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 19, 2004
How can you put other names before mine, and even misspell mine :(

I MIght pop by and own ya Berge :p


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
wodzie said:
How can you put other names before mine, and even misspell mine :(

I MIght pop by and own ya Berge :p

it was intentional so that u might actually jump in and not just blowing hot air! ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 22, 2005
Teslacoil said:
but getiing filth back!

i started out today with a rm that logged in at same time , saw some hibs taking a tower , didn't stop em since i wan't em to have one. the rm get's instaganked by 2 ns's and finally asks me for grp so i can uncover them so he can kill em ; answer: i hate that kind of playstyle , no fun in it for me or for the stealthers i find, so no thx.

but zaphud , smallshady , stello u are on my kos list , addlist aswell , all u do is uncover uncover uncover and RUUUUUUUUUUN.

u know guy's if i can do it u can to , and having a bard in tower healing u when i hand both your arses over is just tragic. thx for ruining a fine time.

acually this feels for the first time as not a whine but a hi honey how was your day ? answer: it was a killer baby , a killer...


<3 forma for not adding when i was uncovered , all i saw from him was forma say's something in a language u don't understand, i can only imagen about what he was saying...

Firsty thanks to you for letting us have a tower in the first place very generous, of course we wouldnt have attacked the rm in the first place if we'd have known he didnt want us to, sorry for that one, am unsure of the rules in the BG, im sure he/she wouldnt have took us out if he/she had of seen us first.

I will make sure that I play insteathed from now on for everyones benefit so they can have a good pop at me before I attack

How exactly are we to be aware of you or anyones motives in playing the BG, I saw you first near to our tower and uncovered you because I thought you were going to attack me or my groupmates, if you want to observe what everyones doing without attacking or being attacked then I suggest doing it from a position of stealth away from one of the towers?

So we added on you, unfortunately since with your uber template and artis (correct me if im wrong) you could take out 2 of us thats the only way we could try and defeat you!
I mean you were doing 150 per hit on main and 80 /hit on offhand to me while i was doing half that, and im buffed!

The rest of the mids seemed to be quite happy to add on us while you were taking us on....such is life in the BG's especially leirvik.

What the hell do you expect us to do, stand there and wait for you to kick our arses or unstealth you b4 u kill us/other grp members then get healed or run and try to let the other members of the group take you out....it is a game of teamwork, If you have an enemy who is more powerful than you then you must work together to take him out.

The only thing I can guess from your post is that you cant stand getting beat, thats fair enough but dont go fucking moaning when things arent going your way because someone gets the better of you even when you have more powerful character, if people group together then you can kill the most powerful of foes, you have no divine right to win just because you have arti's etc

Oh yeah of course you can hand me and my grpm8s arses on a plate, you know it I know it doesnt mean I'm gonna stand there and let it happen....lets both run unbuffed and you with no artis and see what happens??


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
ijm770 said:
Firsty thanks to you for letting us have a tower in the first place very generous, of course we wouldnt have attacked the rm in the first place if we'd have known he didnt want us to, sorry for that one, am unsure of the rules in the BG, im sure he/she wouldnt have took us out if he/she had of seen us first.

I will make sure that I play insteathed from now on for everyones benefit so they can have a good pop at me before I attack

How exactly are we to be aware of you or anyones motives in playing the BG, I saw you first near to our tower and uncovered you because I thought you were going to attack me or my groupmates, if you want to observe what everyones doing without attacking or being attacked then I suggest doing it from a position of stealth away from one of the towers?

So we added on you, unfortunately since with your uber template and artis (correct me if im wrong) you could take out 2 of us thats the only way we could try and defeat you!
I mean you were doing 150 per hit on main and 80 /hit on offhand to me while i was doing half that, and im buffed!

The rest of the mids seemed to be quite happy to add on us while you were taking us on....such is life in the BG's especially leirvik.

What the hell do you expect us to do, stand there and wait for you to kick our arses or unstealth you b4 u kill us/other grp members then get healed or run and try to let the other members of the group take you out....it is a game of teamwork, If you have an enemy who is more powerful than you then you must work together to take him out.

The only thing I can guess from your post is that you cant stand getting beat, thats fair enough but dont go fucking moaning when things arent going your way because someone gets the better of you even when you have more powerful character, if people group together then you can kill the most powerful of foes, you have no divine right to win just because you have arti's etc

Oh yeah of course you can hand me and my grpm8s arses on a plate, you know it I know it doesnt mean I'm gonna stand there and let it happen....lets both run unbuffed and you with no artis and see what happens??

as said in posts after my first topic post , i'm sorry for what i wrote nothing else i could do , i just had to let of some steam , in my old apartment i had a sandbag in the garage to let of steam in but now all i have my preciuosssssss forumsssssss , soooo sssssssooooorrrryyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! :)

but ye u'r right i like to get the most of my char , and yes i have 3 arties and a full sc template with 4.3spdMH/3.4OH so i can get most of my dmg, but hey i like doing templates since i have my chars for real rvr and i´n no more need of more stuff so i waste time/cash on my bg chars , heck my zerk temp costed 25p for leirvik ;p

ahwell sory again for my whinepost , see ya out there and let's enjoy the fights!

ps. i have met infi's and ns's that have outskilled me while they were unbuffed and no temp, perhaps that's a reason why i whined at adding and lowlife tactics :( Ds.

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